Chapter 25

Coincidental or Intentional?

“Back to work, Jiyun?” A colleague called out upon seeing Jiyun walk into the office with a radiant smile. “Looks like the holiday did you good. You look reenergized!”


Jiyun’s facial expression softened, although the smile never left her face. She plopped herself onto the chair that she had left vacant since two weeks ago. “Alex, it’s a work trip. A working trip, not a holiday.”


“I don’t mind having a working trip like the ones you undertook. It was practically a sightseeing trip...” He complained, shifting his chair towards her desk. “Where’s my souvenir?” He asked, stretching out his hands in a receiving gesture.

The rest of her colleagues broke into laughter seeing that the greedy colleague that had been complaining the whole time finally revealing his intention - receiving gifts.

She shook her head in defeat before pulling out a big box filled with local delicacies. “Here, share it with the rest.”


“Assa! Good job, Jiyun!” He exclaimed happily before scurrying off to the rest to share the food with.


“By the way, how’s preparation for the drama coming along?” She asked, looking at her co-scriptwriter whose seat was located right across hers. “I heard from boss that everything is coming in place smoothly?”


Her colleague nodded. “We have just finalized the whole list of cast and will be meeting up with them for the script reading...” She spoke, looking at the watch on her wrist, “...In about an hour or so. I reckon boss has informed you about this?”


“Yeah, which is why i’m in for work today.” She pouted, feeling lazy from the long holiday that she has had. “Can i have the list of cast please? I’ve been pretty behind the drama due to the site viewing, it’s been hard on you.” She apologised, pulling out a nicely wrapped present for her. “It’s specially for you to thank you for the hard work. Don’t tell the rest.” She whispered before beaming into a full grin.


“Ok, give me a moment. I’ll dig the file out right now!” She replied happily, taking over the present from Jiyun delightfully.


“Jiyun! One moment please!” Her boss called out from his office doors.


“Coming right away!” She replied, turning back to her colleague. “Guess i’ll have to find out when we meet them later...”


“Yeah, i guess as well...” Her co-writer shrugged, sinking herself back into her seat.

With that, Jiyun started strolling towards the direction where her boss's office is located at.


“Boss, here’s the alcohol you wanted.” Jiyun walked in chirpily, closing the door after her.


“Oh, thanks!” He smiled, taking the bag from her before walking towards his chair. “So, it’s finally time for a new production starting from today?”


Jiyun nodded. “Although i’m not sure how will the audience take it in. It’s not something easy to digest. It’s either a hit or miss...”


“Don’t worry! We have a great storyline and strong casting to back us up, what can go wrong?” He encouraged, patting her on her back. “As usual, you’ll be monitoring the filming by the director’s side right?”


“No exceptions.” She laughed, sitting back comfortably. “Boss, I don’t think that’s the reason for calling me in, right?”


“Sharp, as usual.” He shook his head, smiling. “You see, I need you to pick someone up from H hotel and sending him to the TV station right now...”


“Who?” She asked, sitting straight up so that she can concentrate better. “I haven’t heard of this...”


“One of the sponsors from overseas. I heard he came over to Korea to check on his business here. He’s dropping by to take a look at our production process as well.”


"Oh alright." She replied calmly, not thinking much as she stood up to get ready to leave. She was used to this - showing their overseas sponsors around throughout their stay. "How do i identify him?"


"You don't need to. He says he can recognise you."


Jiyun raised her eyebrows in uncertainty. "Really?"


"Yes, really. He mentioned that he has seen the MV you did with Yoochun, Miss Celebrity."


"Oh great." She rolled her eyes. "Now everybody recognises me."


"Makes things easier for us." Her boss grinned. "We can use you as our meeting post the next time we have a VIP over."


"Thanks boss." She replied sarcastically before turning around to leave.


"Remember to hurry up! There is less than an hour left before the script reading at the TV station!"


"Yes, yes. I'll be taking the company car so there's plenty of time." She replied, walking out of the office.




"He's here, boss." Jiyun muttered incomprehensibly as she dragged herself into the conference room where the script reading session would be held.


"Oh! I see you have managed to find him!" Her boss replied happily, clapping his hands once as he walked towards the both of them in pure excitement. "Welcome, Mr Lee! I should have picked you up myself but i was caught up with work...."


"....More like admiring his new addition to his alcohol cardboard." She interrupted in a small and muffled voice, hoping that he wouldn't hear it, which backfired on her.


"I'm sorry, Mr Lee. My staff is a little rebellious today..." He apologised, his eyes darting over to Jiyun with looks that were threatening to kill, making her pout instantly.


"It's ok, i've already gotten used to her weirdness..." He replied with a tinge of amusement shown on his face, "I've heard a lot about you from Yun. It's nice to finally meet you in person."

With that said, he glanced over to Jiyun, not before sending a wink in her way. She rolled her eyes in response before a smile made it's way to her face.


"Do you guys... know each other or something?" Her boss asked, at the same time throwing glances to and fro between Jiyun and him.


"Yup. May i introduce you to my friend, Shaun." She grinned, turning to face Shaun.




"Damn. I should have at least asked for his name or how he looks like." Jiyun grumbled, looking all around the hotel lobby, hoping that the guy that she was waiting for will appear soon.

Another few minutes passed by and she started to panic. 'What if my before and after makeup appearance is really different? Does he not recognise me without my makeup?' She thought, patting her face as she looked at her reflection from the front camera of her phone.


Heaving another sigh, she mumbled to herself. "Maybe i should give boss another call to get his name and contact details..."

She was about to dial her boss's phone number when someone interrupted her.


"Miss Kim Jiyun?" A gruffy low voice sounded from behind her, sending an uneasy feeling down her spine.

'Don't tell me the new sponsor is a mafia member...? Such nice work allocated to me...'

Taking in a deep breath, she finally mustered all her courage to turn her head around. "Yes?"

And her eyes widened.




"Yes, that's me." He replied in his normal voice, the corners of his lips raising further and further up until his white pearlies were shown.


"Why are you here? I mean, why didn't you tell me you are flying over here? If i knew, i would've come to pick you up at the airport!"


"Well, i wanted to give you a surprise! Besides, haven't i told you back at the airport that we will be seeing each other soon?" He shrugged, pushing her towards the direction of the basement carpark. "Come on, we're going to be late for the script reading!"




"We have been the best of friends for a very long time." Jiyun introduced as her boss kept nodding his head, "In that case, you'll show him around for some sightseeing, won't you?" Her boss asked, "He's our important guest after all." He requested before walking away to interact with the rest.


"Should we?" Jiyun asked, looking towards Shaun.


"Of course! You can't be thinking of abandoning me after this?" He replied with a mortified look on his face before easing up with a smile. He reached over to pinch her face with a small pout.


"Ouch..." She whined as she tried to pull his hand away from pinching her face. Shaun continued to laugh without any hesitation, upping his teasing to another notch by pinching her cheeks with both his hands instead.


"Is Miss Kim here already?" A cheerful voice interrupted as it echoed into the conference room, much to the delight of Jiyun since it meant that her friend will have to remove his hands from her soon.

The owner of the voice saw them even before Shaun could remove his hands off from her. Anyone could have noticed that the new addition to the room was clenching his fist tightly as he made his way towards Jiyun and Shaun. His stare never inching away from the skin contact between the two of them.


"Mr Park! What brings you here?" Jiyun asked, delighted that she could once again see him, even when the last time they have met was two nights before. Once she felt Shaun's hands loosening up, she shrugged them off her instantly and skipped towards Yoochun radiantly. Her smile immediately eased up the frown that was slowly building up in between his brows.


"Aigoo, our dear Miss Kim, haven't you checked the casting list yet? I remember telling you to check it first thing in the morning when we messaged last night..." He sighed, slinging his arm across her shoulders, bringing her nearer to him. He threw a smug look towards Shuan, one that says 'Get away from her, she's mine.'


"I was about to, but my boss made me pick up our drama sponsor representative to the TV station! That's him!" She pouted, pointing towards Shaun. "He caused me to not have the chance to check the list out!" She continued complaining, not caring about the status of the situation.


"Hey hey, how can you be so rude to a sponsor?" Shaun retorted, continuing part 2 of the cheek pinching torture.


Yoochun stared at Jiyun in horror. "You're saying such rude things to a sponsor?!" He whispered in a low voice just beside her ear, making her shiver in delight.

'Although, being a sponsor doesn't entitle him a golden ticket to touching Miss Kim either...' He walked closer towards them and swiftly flicked Shaun's hands off from her.


Jiyun returned Yoochun's look with a bright smile. "Thanks for saving me from the evil Shaun!"


"Shaun...?" Yoochun repeated softly, trying to piece up the puzzle in his mind. ‘This name sounds so familiar...’


"Yup! I mentioned about him before, haven't i? My friend."


“Ah... THAT guy...” Yoochun nodded before turning towards Shaun with a serious expression. "Nice to meet you." He said, a fake smile appearing on his face. 'Although i would prefer it if i wouldn't see you again. You're the idiot who rejected our cute Miss Kim... which i'm quite thankful for.'


"Yoochun, it's nice to see you too. Yun has been telling me so much about you..."


"You did? What about?" Yoochun interrupted, his concentration on Jiyun once again.


"That's a secret!" She replied, walking briskly away from Shaun towards her allocation seat.


"Come on... telling me wouldn't kill..." He tried persuading, resorting to tickling her waist. However, she wouldn't even budge or show any signs of defeat.


"Hey, stop it!" She giggled, finally gaining control of both his hands by wrapping her palms around his. "We aren't alone here if you haven't realised." She said, looking to her left and right. A few staff were sneaking peeks at the both of them, wondering about the relationship between the two. Her boss was, as expected, grinning at the sight of the both of them having fun with each other.


He looked around and faked a deep cough. "So, i should get myself seated already..." He said a little loudly so that everyone was able to hear him loud and clear instead of creeping up near them to 'coincidently' overhear them.


"Wait. You haven't told me why you're here." She mentioned, stopping him from taking the seat nearest to her. "Outsiders aren't allowed to sit in."

'Even if you may be a special case...'


Yoochun shook his head, his smiles never leaving him once. "This is why i told you, you should have checked the casting list out..." He complained, pulling out a neatly filed clear file from his bag. Turning a few pages behind, he pushed the file in her direction. "Take a look at it yourself."

Jiyun looked at him with a doubtful expression before looking down at the file.

'Starring as Jung Woo, Park Yoo Chun.'


"You're Jung Woo?!" She asked in disbelief. "Oh wow, why didn't you tell me this? That you're in this drama?"


"I tried to hint it to you several times!" He shrugged, now finally sitting down on the chair beside Jiyun's. "I didn't realise that you are the scriptwriter until recently too.” He grinned, pulling her down to her seat. “So, we're working together again?"


"Yeah, i guess.” She pouted. “Remind me not to appear at the shooting site on the first day. I don't want history to repeat itself." She replied truthfully, shuddering at the thought of how she got forced into acting just a few months before.

He threw his head back in laughter, clutching his stomach due to the intense laughing that he was currently undergoing.


"Yeah yeah, laugh all you want." She mumbled, making herself comfortable on her seat to continue scanning through the rest of the list. "Lee Hye Jin as the female lead? Who is that?" She asked, looking at Yoochun once again.


"An up and coming actress. Also not a local, just like you. She's got a considerable amount of fans in her fanclub already. Haven't you heard of her? A beautiful lady, if you were to ask me."

'I didn't ask you...'


"Is she here yet?" Jiyun asked, looking around the room in search of the highly raved 'beauty'.

Before she could get a reply from Yoochun, another voice came into contact with her ears. The voice that she will never ever forget.


"Jasmine, is that you?"


A/N: I'm hungry :(

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)