Chapter 37

Coincidental or Intentional?

'Oh my god'. Was the first sentence that Jiyun spoke when she woke up the next day.

"Oh my god." Jiyun repeated once again, this time pushing a hand off her shoulder and sitting up. She stared at the person in question.

'Why is Yoochun sleeping in my house?' She thought as she tried nudging him to wake him up, which proved to be effective.


"Oh, you're awake?" Yoochun mumbled as he rubbed his eyes, barely awake.


"Why are you sleeping in my house once again?" She asked, her eyes narrowing to stare straight into his eyes.


"You fell asleep on my lap?" Yoochun explained smoothly.


"You could have woken me up or something." Jiyun pouted, flinging the stray hairs away from her face.


Yoochun merely shrugged before answering. "You were sleeping like a pig. I couldn't wake you up no matter how loud i shouted."

'Yes Yoochun, just continue denying. She won't realise anything weird.'


"Couldn't you just carry me in... wait no, i mean... couldn't you just leave me on the couch and go home instead?" She insisted, now furiously combing through her long hair.


"Told you to go on a diet." He replied with a cheeky grin on his face.

Jiyun rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Just then, she noticed something.


"Mr Park, how come there's a blanket here then?" She queried, holding up the blanket that was still covering part of her body. "I don't remember putting my blanket anywhere near me yesterday night?"

'Urk! Just deny everything!'


"Urm... maybe Santa dropped by yesterday night?" Yoochun stuttered, looking away.


"Mr Park..." Jiyun sighed.


Yoochun combed his slightly messy hair with his fingers before reaching forward to get his handphone. "What time are you expected at the filming site anyway?"


"Oh damn!" Jiyun replied in shock, her eyes wide open as she looked at the time as shown on his phone. Suddenly, all suspicions of Yoochun sleeping in her apartment were thrown away.


"Mr Park! Why am i always running late whenever you sleep over?!" She complained before running into her bedroom to get ready in the shortest possible time.


"Don't worry," Yoochun chuckled. "As usual, just tell me where the location is and i will drive you over in the fastest possible time."




"Jiyun, you're here!" The MV director called out, waving her to his direction just as he saw her running towards the filming location.


"Oh gosh, am i late?" She panicked, turning to observe her surroundings. "I kind of overslept..."


"Don't worry, we are still setting up!" The director chuckled. "Calm down!"


Jiyun heaved a sigh of relief. "That's good..."


She looked around, "Where is Myungsoo and his trainee junior? I need to go through the storyboard with them for one last time. There is a slight change." She asked, handing out a new piece of paper from her file to the director. "The changes are highlighted in yellow."


He nodded, looking through the edits. "I’ll let the rest of the staff know. Myungsoo and his junior is in the waiting room right now."


"Ok then, i'll see you in a while?" She replied before walking into the cafe and climbing up to the second level where the temporary waiting room was.

It didn't take long before the briefing ended. Shortly after that, the female junior left to do a last minute touch up at another room, leaving Myungsoo and Jiyun sitting on the couch in the room all alone.


"You were late today?" Myungsoo asked, unsure of whether he was right since they have different reporting times.


Jiyun started poking her file with her pen. "Yeah. Somehow, i forgot to set my alarm clock."

'And it doesn't help when i am sleeping on a very comfortable heat pack...'


"You're blushing." He continued. "I wonder what happened..."


Jiyun took a peek at Myungsoo before speaking, "Myungsoo, are you on a caffeine overdose today? You spoke more than two sentences within a minute."


"Is it that much of a shock?" He asked, his trademark smile appearing slightly.


"If you asked me two weeks ago, maybe..." Jiyun shrugged. She merely asked that question just because she didn't want him to probe any further. She didn't want to risk spilling everything out in front a junior she hardly knew. Although she was itching to do so.

'I am back on speaking terms with THE Mr Park! Wooohooo!'

That was what she wanted to shout out to the world.

He was that addictive.


Myungsoo was about to continue speaking but was interrupted by a knock on the door. He looked up. "Sunbae?"


'Sunbae?' Jiyun thought, turning her head around to look at the newcomer in the room. "Mr Park?! Why are you here?"

There he was, standing at the door with the MV director behind him. Myungsoo stood up to greet him. He nodded with a little hand wave. Turning to his side, he thanked the director for bringing him to the correct place.


"Let's work together on another MV again someday." The director smiled before turning to walk downstairs to continue with his work.

A lot, in fact, most of the staff knew each other prior to that day of filming. They had worked together with Jiyun and Yoochun before for his MV. Which is why Yoochun was even allowed on the set.

Yoochun had a wide grin on his face, confusing both Myungsoo and Jiyun.


"I happened to be nearby after dropping a friend off to work. Happened to see a good eatery around and a little butterfly told me that it happened to know that a little girl by the name of Jiyun hasn't eaten her breakfast yet.", he explained, the grin never leaving his face even once.


"Oh... Is that so?" Myungsoo replied, fully convinced that what Yoochun said was real.


Jiyun rolled her eyes. "Myungsoo, don't believe what he just said." She laughed, pinching Yoochun's arm, which he responded with more laughing. "He's trying to be cheeky!"


"I wasn't!" He retorted, sticking a tongue out at Jiyun. "I was trying to be nice so that Santa can drop by again soon!"


"Cut that out!" Jiyun giggled, lightly slapping on his arm once again. "You're going to mislead Myungsoo!" She said before pointing to the mentioned person.

Myungsoo was currently folding a crane using one of the nearby napkins, ignoring everything Jiyun and Yoochun conversed.


"He doesn't seem like he was listening though." Yoochun replied, matter of factly. "He is spacing out." He continued speaking, observing him from where he was sitting at.


Jiyun groaned. "I'm still trying to get used to his Lcosplay..."


"What?" Yoochun asked with a confused expression, walking towards her and sitting right beside her on the couch.


"The fans coined that term for him. Apparently this guy has split personality." Jiyun said, pointing at Myungsoo.


"Interesting... But that will have to come later." Yoochun commented. "More importantly, i've brought you breakfast."


"I thought someone said i need to lose weight?" She asked, pushing the bags of food back towards Yoochun.


"Come on, breakfast is the most important meal of the whole day." He reprimanded, opening up the sandwich package. "Either you eat it yourself or i will feed it to you personally."

Jiyun looked intently at Yoochun, trying to figure out if he was serious. The latter continued smiling as he opened the paper wrapping. When he was satisfied with the tidy foldings of the sandwich wrapping such that one can easily eat it without spilling or messing up, he lifted it higher and towards Jiyun’s mouth.


"What?!" Jiyun exclaimed in shock, stepping a step backwards. She turned around to check if anyone was looking. Myungsoo was playing with the napkin crane that he had folded, totally ignoring his surroundings. He was, however, seemingly in deep thoughts.


"What are you doing?" She fell into a whisper, shaking his free arm in panic. "Someone may see this!"


"Feeding you?" He replied as if it was the most normal thing in the world. "There's nobody except us in the room. And Myungsoo. But he’s still in the his fourth dimensional world. Besides, most of the staff here are used to seeing us like this. It's nothing as compared with our last filming together."

'I mean, we have even kissed. This is practically nothing.' He thought at the utmost corner of his inner mind, locked away from everything else.


"I'd like to return you with the words you told Jaejoong the night we went over for dinner." Jiyun rolled her eyes, snatching the sandwich over from him.


"Which?" He asked amusedly, tilting his head to his side.


"Don't look so cute like this." She pouted, covering his face with her free hand. Turning away, she continued speaking. "I was referring to the part where you reminded Jaejoong that he is a celebrity. Scandals, Mr Park."


"I don't really care." Yoochun shrugged. He was about to continue his sentence when he was reminded of Jiyun's drunken confession. He hesitated a little. "I mean, we are publicly known as friends, nobody will get the wrong idea."


"I wonder." Jiyun rolled her eyes. She then eyed Yoochun. "Have you eaten?"


Yoochun shook his head. “I’m starving.”


“Then why didn’t you buy a share for yourself?” Jiyun frowned, stopping her action to munch on her sandwich. “Didn’t the little butterfly tell you that Mr Park hasn’t eaten yet as well?”


“I forgot.” Yoochun shrugged as if it was the most normal reaction to do in that situation. Sitting himself just beside Jiyun on the sofa, he continued speaking, “It’s ok, i’m fine without breakfast.”


“But.. you won’t have the energy to drive back. I think i’ll get someone to... hey!”

Jiyun stared with her eyes wide open at Yoochun who was currently munching happily, and back to her sandwich that was missing a big mouthful worth of sandwich.


“Oh, i was right about that eatery! Their sandwich is indeed nice!” Yoochun grinned, wiping the residue off from the corner of his mouth.


“Mr Park...” Jiyun muttered in disbelief, her jaws dropping wide open. “You just ate my sandwich...”


“Yeah i did.”


“That was my sandwich.”


“But i bought it?”


Jiyun sulked and leaned back onto the sofa. “Fine, whatever floats your boat.” She looked at her remaining sandwich for a split second before continuing to munch on it.


“Are you angry?” Yoochun asked as he inched nearer towards Jiyun.


“Not really.” Jiyun replied, turning her body in the opposite direction such that her back was now facing Yoochun instead.


“Can i have another bite of the sandwich?” He requested, his chin now leaning onto her shoulder.


“No way.” She exclaimed, protecting her remaining sandwich by covering it with her other free hand. “I’m hungry as well.”


“Please?” Yoochun pleaded, his hands holding onto both of Jiyun’s shoulders as he shook her from side to side. “I promise i’ll buy you another one the next time i drop by one of your filming sites.”


“You’re coming again?” Jiyun turned back immediately to face him.


“Can i?”




“Then let me have another bite. I won’t drop by again.” Yoochun replied with an innocent expression, although Jiyun could literally feel that she was speaking with the devil in person. ‘Probably’, he thought.



Yoochun nodded.

Just as Jiyun was about to move her sandwich nearer to Yoochun’s mouth, they were interrupted by Myungsoo’s sudden voice.


“Aha!” Myungsoo shouted all of a sudden, stamping his fist onto his other palm in realization.


“Huh?!” Both Yoochun and Jiyun jumped as they moved slightly apart from each other immediately.


“Myungsoo, what happened?” Jiyun asked, turning her attention towards him.


“Jiyun. That conversation we had the other day...” He trailed off, his eyes directing towards Yoochun. “Is it...?”

Although Jiyun and Myungsoo barely knew each other, Jiyun was able to understand what he meant in an instant. He was asking if Jiyun was referring to Yoochun as ‘the love that will not go anywhere’.


“No! It’s not!” She denied forcefully, shaking her head strongly. “It’s a fictional story!”


“Hmmm....” He mumbled in reply, although he did not seem entirely convinced.


“Miss Kim, what is it?” Yoochun asked, wanting to have a share in their conversation as well.


“It’s just a normal conversation Myungsoo and i had the other day... it’s nothing.” She answered.

Just as he was about to probe further, they were interrupted by a knock on the door. One of the ground staff came in and informed them that filming was about to start, and that they should head down as soon as possible.


“Mr Park, you’d better go.” Jiyun said, linking her hand to his elbow while leading him out of the door and down the stairs. Myungsoo followed closely behind them. “Filming is starting. You should be going home to rest as well. You have filming tomorrow.”


“But, i have nothing to do for the whole day! Can’t i just sit in for the filming?” Yoochun whined, hugging Jiyun’s arms as if his life depended on it. “I’ll be all alone for the day!”


“Well, join your mother to do some grocery shopping or something.” She shrugged, looking at the giggling group of junior female staff at the corner of the set. She had noticed that they had their sights on Yoochun.

‘Are those girls new?’ Jiyun thought, her eyes practically burning laser beam stares at them.


Rolling her eyes, she added, “Just don’t stay here. You’ll be a hindrance to the filming process.”


“Why?” Yoochun stopped in his tracks, making both Jiyun and Myungsoo stop walking as well.


“Can’t you see those female staff at the corner? They won’t be able to work properly if you are here.” She pointed straight at them. The staff immediately dispersed away, seeing that Jiyun was currently less than happy.


“Ah. Miss Kim is jealous, i see.”


“I’m not. It’s going to be irritating if our films get wasted just because squealing sounds are being captured on it.”


“Myungsoo, this is Miss Kim’s jealous face.” Yoochun joked, poking his finger at Jiyun’s puffed up cheeks. “Take note of her facial expressions all the time if you want this shooting to be smooth sailing. You have to observe the weather forecast...”


“Mr Park!” Jiyun exclaimed, pulling her hand away from his and started pulling his ear nearer to her. “Weather forecast for the current minute - Thunderstorm with frequent lightning.”


Yoochun gulped. “Urm... I’m going right away.”

With that, Yoochun scurried off at top speed, looking back at them a few times along the way.


“Jiyun,” Myungsoo finally spoke up as they walked into the set. “Both of you have such a close relationship with each other.”


“I know.” Jiyun smiled. “It’s hard to believe that we were still strangers up until a few months ago.”

Just then, a message showed up on her phone.


“Miss Kim, let’s hang out after work! Tell Myungsoo to not do any NG!”

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)