Who are they?

What if I tell you my boyfriend was Lay...

"hey man" Sunggyu said while entering Myungsoo's room "come on, you have to get out of your room at least once a week!" he said while shaking his body but Myungsoo wouldn't budge.

"aww man, that seriously , you know that?" Sunggyu continued to talk alone "it's not like you were never gonna see her anymore? ... we'll be back in Korea in less than one week now, come on, prepare something for her so when she sees you she'll be happy. huh? how's that?" he asked and suddenly Myungsoo lifted his head

"wow. that's not bad... how couldn't i think about that earlier..." he whispered to himself and looked at his leader

"Hyung! thak you! bye!" Myungsoo said and jumped out of his bed. he has been lying in there for 2 days now, without eating, just sleeping... and thinkings about ways to get IU happy. because he knew she was mad at him for always leaving overseas and coming home tired. so now he had to make her happy.

~~~~~ downtown ~~~~~

Myungsoo POV

even though i was super sick because of the practice (my voice cracked and i'm having a hard time to speak) i still went downtown to find her a gift.

Okay~ what would she like now?

I walked by a music store and stepped in

Guitar? ... i already offered her that ...

then a girl's store

bags? she has tons of them ... make up? nah~ she doesn't need it ... shoes? she also has tons of shoes at home~! aaaiish! i don't know what to buy her!!!

"Mister? may i help you?" a young sales woman asked, smiling

"ah yeah, i'm looking for a gift..." i started

"sure! we have lots of perfect gifts for everyone in this store! who is this for?" she asked again, coming closer to me and i backed off

"my girlfriend" i replied and her smile suddenly fades away

What's wrong with women when i tell them i have a girlfriend...? Ah~ women... i sighed

after 36 minutes spent in that store, i still didn't find anything so i was ready to get out because the woman also started to feel annoyed i guess, because i didn't buy anything but also because i didn't pay much attention to her... so i was ready to get out when something caught my eyes

Oh? that ... is just perfect

i smirked and bought it...

~~~~~ In Korea ~~~~~

Your POV

"Look, IU, you knew that it wouldn't always be happy, right? a relationship has ups and downs, and right now you're in the 'down' phase." i said while she nodded with no energy, ready to get back to sleep "IU!" i yelled and she whined and covered her ears

"you have to show him that even though he's not here, you still love him, okay?" she nodded

"and how do you do that~?" i asked and she shrugs. i sighed

"yah, IU, i told you how to do that already!!" i sighed for the nth time today when Lay called me

"hey!" i said as if he was my life saviour

"wow, are you that happy to hear me?" he chuckled

"i need your help~" i pretend to cry

"oh? why? tell me"

"IU and Myungsoo are going through the exact same thing as us when we-"

"Sorry!" he suddenly said and i sighed

"you have to go?" i asked and this time he was the one sighing

"okay~go~ call me when you're free for at least 5 minutes the next time~" i said and he laughed a bit

"okay, love you" he said and i immediately stopped being angry at him

"love you too" i cooed and hung up

OH! I'm a genius!!!

I finally found out how to make them both happy together again

"yah, IU, when does he come back?"

"hmmm? don't know, tomorrow? or the day after tomorrow? don't remember, don't really care anymore~"

"What!? and you're still in bed!? come on girl!" i said and grabbed her by her arm, leading her to my car and driving to a hairdresser i knew, then a stylist, and finally make up artist. We came out from the building and it was already dark outside.

"hurry to the car~!!" i said because it was really cold and we weren't wearing warm clothes. we came in and sighed. it was a really funny day. it's been a long time since we laughed like today. we laughed at every dresses she tried, at every hairstyles she demanded and the make up artsist was really funny, telling us stories about her past clients.

we reached her home and as we got out, we noticed something : the lights were on. i clearly remember turning everything off when we get out.

"IU..." i started and stared at her, then her window, where the lights came from

"I-I k-know..." she replied and we understood each other: someone was in her house and right now he was staring at us

"Chanjae ... i'm scared..." she whispered as none of us dared to move. we were just frozen, outside of my car. when the shadow disapeared, i quickly told her to go back inside the car and she did. i went inside too

"yah, yah, yah! what do we do now!?" she panicked

"i don't know! ... look! he's doing something ..." i said and pointed at the shadow who was once again at her window

"oh my god is that a knife!!!?" she yelled

"and plastic bags? what the heck is there-"

"he's going to kill us~!!! and put our bodies into plastic bags~!!! aaaaargh!!!" she shouted and i cupped .

"let me call some back up" i said and called Lay but he didn't replied so i left a voice message. "IU, i'm going in, and if i'm not coming back in 5 minutes, you call the police, get it?" i quickly said and took my bag, then went inside her house by her back door which was opened...


Okay, it's been 30 seconds... let's wait, just wait ... try to calm down IU, you can do it, just breathe in and out ...

i tried to calm but it was impossible since my best friend just went inside my house with a murderer inside !

Chanjae, Chanjae, Chanjae, please come out~

i was going to call the police since it's almost been 5 minutes but my phone wasn't in sight.

Oh darn it! my phone's in her bag! stupid! why did you left your phone inside her bag!? and why did she took her bag!!!

i kept scolding myself when i saw one of the shadows jumped on Chanjae while the other one tied something on her head

"OH MY GOD! CHANJAE!" i screamed and ran outside her car, grabbing the first thing that could serve as a weapon - which was a flower pot - and slowly walked toward the back door, cautious not to make any sound

Chanjae, please, be strong, i'm coming to save you...! i said in my head and opened the door. it was all quiet so i walked to the living room where the light was on. i heard a phone rang and he answered.

"hey, i'm in the house now... yeah... yeah... i put her in the kitchen... yeah, it's all going great so far... okay... yeah, sure, bye" and hung up

Chanjae's in the kitchen... argh!

to go to the kitchen i had to go through the living room but he was there so i couldn't...

Think IU, THINK! Your best friend is suffering in your kitchen and you're here with ... a flower pot?! Come on, do something!

Aaaaah~i'm so scared!!! Who the heck are these people!!!?

"She's here" a tall guy put his hand on my  shoulder and ...




Cliffhangers are back!!! Yay~ ^_^

So yeah, i kinda made a serie of title :

-who is she

-who are you

-who is he

and now:

-who are they

xD not my fault if it's the only title i found....


Oh right, thanks for the comments, and please subscribe too? i'm not forcing you to subscribe but it really makes the author happy when you subscribe ^^ so yeah ... :) it really make me happy to always have something to read about my story~ :p

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LollypopgalXD #1
Chapter 37: I'm listening to heart attack while reading this
Chapter 58: Beakhyun is so cute
Thank you so much for reading it! and sorry for the -very- late reply x.x
Chapter 54: Oh! It's Lauren! Haha! Lol this is an awesome story so far and I wanna keep reading but I needa sleep -_-# aiiyooo..
Chapter 62: No problem , Unnie :) Don't know why my name is in there XD
ilovekauai8 #6
Chapter 62: Awwww!!! Thanks I can't believe I just saw this!!! Ur story is the best!!! DAEBAK!!
Chapter 38: Re-Reading this.
It makes me so happy while reading this. :D
Mintyu #8
Chapter 56: I love Baekhyun Character here hahaha. It make me laugh ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
asdfghjkllll ><