The protective brother

What if I tell you my boyfriend was Lay...




"You two are going to explain everything, right?" your brother asked, and you could feel he was sightly angry

"C-C-C-Chanyeol, morning!'' Lay suddenly released you and scratched the back of his hair "w-w-what are y-you doing h-here?" he kept stuttering

"you guys couldn't find a better place to confess than right under MY balcony?" he raised his voice

"oh right! that was your balcony!" you exclaimed, then mentally facepalm yourself after realizing your stupid comment "I'll explain everything oppa! see,-" you started but he cut you

"later. we have a radio show. better hurry and dress up Lay" he said, quite annoyed

Lay just nodded and you watch your brother returning in his room, then you sighed. Lay went to his room and you started to revise your lessons since it was almost the end of your holiday and you still had 5 years to spend in university before becoming a doctor. you started to open your books when you recieved a text from IU:

"How was your trip in Japan? did you brought a boyfriend, hmmm? i can't wait to meet him~ kyaaa ~~~ come to my house tonight? it's been a while since we last had a girls night!!! "


"It was awesome, i'll tell you everything tonight! ;) every details will be revealed! haha, see you~ can't wait! btw, when can we go to the university to see our schedules?"


"I think we can already go. wanna go tomorrow?"


"sure, bye!" you replied and continued on heard the  guys slowly leaving their rooms and go to the van, and your brother show up in front of your door. it was opened so you saw him and he leaned on the door, his arms crossed

"You'll explain me everything to me, and i want the details, okay?" he said with a serious expression

"de..." you lowered your head

"... there's food for you to eat for lunch. don't skip meals. bye" he quickly say and ran to the van. you smiled to yourself

even though he acts rude, he still cares about me ...

the morning passed by very quickly. 3 hours of revisions, you ate, but then you felt bored. you wanted to go out so badly but you knew you had to study. so you kept on revising and revising again and again. then you thought of something. Since they wouldn't be back before 4 pm, they eventually wouldn't know you went out for a while, right? you smirked and put on some clothes before leaving the mansion happily. you texted IU and decided to meet up in front of a café. it was 1:30 when you arrived. she was already there, waving from afar. you took a coffee and chilled in the streets, when you saw a cute scarf. you entered the store and spent some time in it, laughing with your best friend, it was really a good time. you bought the scarf and headed out. then your phone rang. it was an alarm saying it was 3:30 so you had to go back home. you said bye to IU and headed back home, but then you realized that the door was locked and you needed a code to enter. but you really didn't know the code so you started to panic. you tried every combinations possible but still didn't get it right. you thought that if you called your brother he would get even more mad at you, calling Kris or Baekhyun wasn't an option since they would automatically tell your brother, so you called Lay

"yes?" he asked, panting.

"ah... are you busy? am i bothering?" you didn't want to disturb him while he was working, but he chuckled a little (so cute!)

"ani. you never bother me" he answered and you thought it was really cheesy since you never heard someone talk to you like that "what is it?" he made you return to the reality

"ah, yeah. i just wanted to know... what's the password... to get in the house...?" you asked

"hmmm? why? someone wants to come in?" he asked

"n-no... i... i went out and... well... i'm locked out..." you said, embarrassed.

"23F7U8GB544" he quicly said and was ready to hang up

"wait what!?!! repeat please!!!" you only had the first 5 words/numbers


"what? it's not my fault if-" you didn't notice he was standing behind you and you were more than scared when he put his arm next to your head, blocking you. you jumped and yelled while turning your body around, only to see him, smirking at you and sweating. he tiped the password and a green light appeared but you didn't mind. he was standing in front of you, you could feel his hot breath and see his chest moving faster because he was panting. well, it was hard to avoid that because you were short so your head only reached his chest.

"what are you waiting for?" he snapped you out of your thoughts 

Your POV

"hmm?" I really thought he wanted to kiss me... ha was asking me what was i waiting for, i could only think of that when he asked me that and i didn't know what to do. but he just chuckle, this adorable chuckle of him i would never get tired of...

"what are you waiting for to go in? the members are coming..." he continued and i was kind of disapointed... i really thought he wanted a kiss... but, whatever.

i ran to my room, changed my clothes and returned to my books. then Chanyeol and Lay came in and my brother closed the door.

"now we can talk" he evilly said and sat on my bed while Lay made himself comfortable on my other chair, next to me. i told him how i fell in love with Lay, Lay told him how he fell in love with me, and how the both of us confessed. while telling him everything, i didn't realized we were holding hands. i don't know since when we were holding hands but i won't complain... when we finished telling our story, my brother stood up and went to Lay while staring at him. he was scary. Lay stood up too and they went on my balcony, closing the door.


when he closed the glass door, he went toward me and raised his fist.

I knew this was going to happen...

i closed my eyes, ready to feel his hard punch on my face, since i was dating his sister... but i didn't feel any pain at all. in fact, i only felt a hand on my shoulder. i slowly opened my eyes and he sighed

"Zhan Yi Xing... you ... really. hmm... i don't find the words to describe what you'll endure if you ever made her cry, even once."

i was stunned by his words.

"so... you... you are okay with me and your sister?"

"oh no, don't take me wrong. i'll never agree except if you marry her." he simply said and i was again, stunned.

"but seriously, take a good care of her. i don't wanna see her hurt because of you, got it?" he sounds like he was threatening me. i could only nod, too shocked by this new side of him i never saw before. not the violent one, but the protective brother side of him.


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LollypopgalXD #1
Chapter 37: I'm listening to heart attack while reading this
Chapter 58: Beakhyun is so cute
Thank you so much for reading it! and sorry for the -very- late reply x.x
Chapter 54: Oh! It's Lauren! Haha! Lol this is an awesome story so far and I wanna keep reading but I needa sleep -_-# aiiyooo..
Chapter 62: No problem , Unnie :) Don't know why my name is in there XD
ilovekauai8 #6
Chapter 62: Awwww!!! Thanks I can't believe I just saw this!!! Ur story is the best!!! DAEBAK!!
Chapter 38: Re-Reading this.
It makes me so happy while reading this. :D
Mintyu #8
Chapter 56: I love Baekhyun Character here hahaha. It make me laugh ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
asdfghjkllll ><