This someone is ... Tao

What if I tell you my boyfriend was Lay...

You kept reminding every moment you spent with Lay and once again cried.

"Chanjae, i'm sorry" your brother apologized "i shouldn't have let you fall in love with him"

He's the one who's sorry?! It should be Lay, this jerk!

you cursed him mentally and calmed down.

"go to your room, i'll bring you food" he said and you stood up, going to your room

you entered your room and sat on your bed and looked at your desk, then balcony, sighing.

This desk, where i would study at night before sleeping, and where he would leave his laptop with a video of him, calling me his princess... you touched your sheets And he would always carry me to my bed when he sees ma sleeping on my desk... you looked at your balcony This balcony where we had such sweet moments...

you were torturing yourself, reminding him. This room had too many memories of him so you left it and walked downstairs, sitting on the sofa, but it was the same as your room:

This couch were we were cuddling, these cushions we used for a pillow fight, this sofa we were sitting on while watching movies...

you walked out, going to the garden, and saw 3 big dogs

"MY BABIES!!!" you yelled in joy. "you grew so well!!! did you miss me? huuh? do you even remember me? huh?" you talked to them but they just shook their tails and your hands

"Jaesun-ah~ did you took a good care of your siblings, hmm?" you patted his head and looked at the female

"Hana-ya~ how have you been, hmmm? growing up with your 2 stubborn brothers..." you sighed and looked at the cutest one

"Lay..." you practically whispered and kneeled in front of him then hugged him "i really missed you, you know that?" you released him and sat on the grass, staring at your 3 big babies you left 5 years ago and who didn't seem to remember you. you kept your eyes on Lay, who was his paw ... cutely ...

"Chanjae?" you turned and saw Tao standing at the glass door, leaning on it with 2 mugs

"can i sit with you?"

"can i have a hot chocolate?" you smiled and he made his way toward you, then sit too, giving you the mug you used to like before going to NY.

"we named him Jay" he said. he noticed you kept calling him Lay so he decided it was better for you to call him Jay. they changed his name when the real Lay told them he was going to marry a chinese girl.

"ahh. i see..." you said and lie on the grass, next to Hana. then you turned your head and saw a bench...

This bench, where se sang to me, and where we became a couple... aish! stop thinking about him, Chanjae! he left you! remember that! he left you, so stop thinking about him!

you ruffle your hair and groan

"what" Tao asked you but you just looked at the sky and he sighed seeing you cry a little. he lied next to you and your head touched

Lay, i helped you to ask her out, knowing she loved you. I really thought i did great that time, seeing her smile... but i guess i was wrong. Why did you have to hurt her like that? not only her but us too... you left us in a trice, you didn't even really told us goodbye, you just ... took a plane saying you were visiting your mom. Why did you lie to us? Aren't we supposed to be brothers? Tao thought and started to get angry at him, just like he felt when he heard about his decision of leaving the band

he sighed and also looked at the sky before looking at you

"what" you asked, still looking at the sky

"what" he replied

"why are you staring at me?" you asked. it made you think about Lay who was staring at you before

"no reason... but how are you? we didn't talk in ages!" he tried to smile and you were thankful for being so positive with you

Oppa really tries hard to make me happy...

you smiled too and he asked you tons of questions about your life in NY and you were slowly forgetting about Lay. you were laughing heartily and he was too.

he noticed the necklace and the bracelet you were wearing and asked you who bought that. you told him it was Taecyeon and he nodded. you then continued on telling little stories about your studies and it was getting late, so you sat, and stood up. he did too and when you were about to leave he grabbed your arm and pulled you into a hug. you were really surprised at first but hugged him back, and neither of you talked

Lay, when you asked her out, when you went out with her, when you hugged her, when you saw her smile ... did you feel like you had the world in your hands? Cause i do ...

when i helped you with her, i told you how to confess, i gave you a poem i wrote for her, and told you everything i wanted to do when i confess to her... although i was still loving her, and it was really painful to see you with her, i tried to be happy for you two. i really did, but since you broke her heart, i can't help but want to be with her and make her happy, happier than when she was with you, and never leave her... yeah, i still love her... Tao thought and hugged you tighter

Lay... you left me, and i can't understand why... but why do i still have this feeling for you? why do i cry whenever i think of you, whenever i smell your perfume when i walk by your room, whenever i see something in the mansion that makes me think of you, whenever ... whenever i try to forget all you did wrong, whenever i breathe? See what you did to me? you changed me... you made me depend of you... and even though i still try to forget all about you, i still want to know one thing ... are you happy now?

you felt your eyes burn and your throat hurt because you were trying hard to not cry but couldn't do it anymore. you cried silently on Tao's shoulder, making his T-shirt wet.

While someone breaks your heart, another someone is waiting to fix it... and this someone is ... Tao.

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LollypopgalXD #1
Chapter 37: I'm listening to heart attack while reading this
Chapter 58: Beakhyun is so cute
Thank you so much for reading it! and sorry for the -very- late reply x.x
Chapter 54: Oh! It's Lauren! Haha! Lol this is an awesome story so far and I wanna keep reading but I needa sleep -_-# aiiyooo..
Chapter 62: No problem , Unnie :) Don't know why my name is in there XD
ilovekauai8 #6
Chapter 62: Awwww!!! Thanks I can't believe I just saw this!!! Ur story is the best!!! DAEBAK!!
Chapter 38: Re-Reading this.
It makes me so happy while reading this. :D
Mintyu #8
Chapter 56: I love Baekhyun Character here hahaha. It make me laugh ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
asdfghjkllll ><