Chapter 73

Memories of A Diary

A/N: Yoodalaa hee hoo~ Anneyong my cute angels, how are yous ? :) I was initially planning to update tomorrow, but... i figured tomorrow i'm probably going out with my friends since it's the beginning of holidays so... HERE YOU GO :))

Welcome new readers and thanks for subscribing! <3


Kikwang ran, he didn’t care the fact that it had started to rain, he just wanted to get to you. Passing streets, parks and roads, he couldn’t help but think of all the memories the two of you had shared. He knew that if he didn’t get you back now, he’d life in regret for the rest of his life. By the time he reached the bowling centre, it was already dark, and the centre was closed.

He stood there, staring into the building. His heart was beating fast and he felt like someone has started to cut away his oxygen.

Was this really the end?

The end of his journey with you?

Still not accepting reality, he decided to go to your house. He turned back and started running, *I lost you once, I’m not giving up again.*

Halfway there, his feet turned against him. It started aching, and each step he took sent a billion signs of pain up his body. He cursed himself for being such a weak bastard and sat down on a small rock along the pathway of the park.

He stared at his surroundings. There were people busy running around looking for a place to avoid the rain, others were busy trying to catch a taxi to go home to their families, shop workers and owners were desperately trying to sell their products. But no matter how busy everyone was, they still had a smile on their faces. Kikwang sat there figuring out why he was the only one looking broken. Why he was the only one who had to face the pain.

If only he was smarter, he would’ve tried to defeat Yuri and her evil plans.

If only he was stronger, he wouldn’t have let you suffered this whole time.

If only he was faster, he wouldn’t have let you go home with Nichkhun like this.

If only he had held you back at the café, he wouldn’t have had to lose you to Nichkhun like this.

If only he got rid of his stupid pride and came to you, he wouldn’t be crying like he is now.

If only it wasn’t raining, he would have been able to run faster.

If only Soo Mi had ‘slapped’ him earlier, he would have realised his wrongs sooner.

If only… If only… Kikwang covered his face in his hands and groaned, all these ‘if onlys’ were just dumb excuses of why he had lost you.

If only he admitted he loved you still… You would’ve still been-

“Kikwang oppa?”

Kikwang froze, that voice… That oh so familiar voice. He laughed at himself for hallucinating and didn’t bother to look up.

“O-Oppa?” The voice cried out again.

This time, he was sure his ears weren’t playing on him, because the rain had suddenly stopped pouring on him, as if someone was blocking it. Slowly, he let go of his face and looked up. You were standing in front of him holding an umbrella, your eyes had a mixture of confusion and anxiety.

“Oppa? What are you-”

He cut her off and shot up, “Min Ji listen, I know the things I did was very wrong, and I am not mad at you for going to Nichkhun, but please listen to me…”

“Oppa I-”

“All the things I said, I didn’t mean it, I only said it to make you hate me, nothing was real…”

“Oppa listen…”

“I still love you Min Ji! And I’m so sorry for hurting you, I’m sorry for lying to you, I’m sorry for making you cry…”

“Kikwang I…”

“Please give me a chance, my biggest fear is losing you to Nickhun, I love you Min Ji… I don’t care what happens in the future, I will still love you.”

“Kikwang oppa, listen to me...”

“I know you’re pregnant, I promise I’ll be a good father! I’ll do anything to make it up to you! I’m so sorry for making you cry during this time, it’s my entire fault! Please forgive me! I-”

“WILL YOU SHUT UP AND LET ME TALK!?” You shouted at him with red eyes.

He blinked at you in surprise, “Y-Yes…”

“I’m not marrying Nichkhun,” you said softly.

Kikwang’s heart started beating faster, he gripped onto your umbrella, “What?”

“What do you mean what?”

“But Soo Mi said-”

“Soo Mi was right, Nichkhun oppa did propose... and I did say yes…”

Kikwang’s heart tightened.

“But I’m not marrying him…” You gave him a weak smile and started talking…



As Nickhun was leaning in, he saw the teardrop roll down your cheek and couldn’t help but feel selfish. He wanted to help you, but hadn’t realised that what he was doing was putting you in a hard situation.

You closed your eyes and waited for him to touch, but to your surprise, he pulled you into a tight embrace. Startled, you grabbed onto his shirt, “Oppa…”

Nichkhun shushed you and hugged you tighter, “I’m sorry Min Ji, but this was a stupid decision. Your heart will always belong to Kikwang, and I don’t want to get in between of you two anymore. I want you, but I also want you to be happy. Kikwang still loves you Min Ji, go get him back.”

As he released you, you sniffled and shook your head, “He doesn’t…”

“He does,” Nichkhun insisted, “I know the way he looks at you is still special.”


“Min Ji listen to me, I don’t want both of us to be stuck in regret. If you don’t go to him now, you might lose him forever. Your baby wants its real father, Kikwang would want his child…”

You started crying all over again, and he wiped away your tears with his thumb, “Don’t cry. Go and get him back Min Ji.”

You nodded and squeezed hi s hand, “Thank you so much, Nichkhun oppa!”

Nichkhun watched as you ran out of the bowling centre with a big smile, *Choi Min Ji, at least you got your love…*

*End of flashback*


“… I’m so glad that Nichkhun told me all that, he made me realise how much I loved you, he made me-” Your words were cut off as Kikwang slammed his lips onto yours.

The moment the two of you touched, the rain started falling harder, and your umbrella was blown out of your hands. You were about to back away to run after it, but Kikwang grabbed you tighter and continued the kiss.

You could feel the raindrops roll down his cheeks and responded to the kiss. Now you realised how much you had miss this ‘cold and arrogant’ jerkface, you missed his voice, you missed his smile, you missed his kiss, you missed everything about him!

After a while, Kikwang broke the kiss to give you some air and pulled you into a tight hug, he wrapped his hands around your waist and placed chin on your head to block you from the rain.

You broke into a wide smile and hugged his waist as hard as you can.

Kikwang closed his eyes and thanked god for giving him another chance.

“Choi Min Ji, I will never let you slip again…”


A/N: Not the end yet ^^

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iluvEXOforever #1
Chapter 74: you know, you should make a sequel somehow... i have this feeling that it would turn out quite nicely...
iluvEXOforever #2
iluvEXOforever #3
Chapter 74: interesting... Junhyung and Doojoon own a ramen shop...
iluvEXOforever #4
Chapter 37: IT SO GOOD
exoexogossipgirl123 #5
Chapter 74: Awww this story made me cry so much! hehe and I love the ending! And it makes me laugh knowing about junhyung and doojoon lol XD but I loved the story!!
Chapter 74: lol the ending XD i love this ! ~
LeeEmii #8
Chapter 74: Daebakkk! This was awesome author-nim!!! :)