Chapter 66

Memories of A Diary

Raindrops fell down as you ran across the road, they mixed in with your tears and rolled down your cheeks. You felt vulnerable and broken, you didn’t care what were thinking you of, you didn’t care where you were going, actually, you didn’t know where you were going. You just wanted to get away from him.

*Honk Honk!*

“Aye!” An angry driver shouted as you ran across the road. “You nearly hit my car!”

You ignored him and continued running, nothing else mattered at the moment, all you wanted to do was just run. Your legs wobbled as you reached the park, pictures of you and Kikwang laughing on the grass made your heart ache.

“Oppa!” You smiled, “What do you think we’ll be doing in the future?”

Kikwang tilted his head as he popped a piece of banana into his mouth, “Hmm… I don’t know…”

“Do you think we’ll still be together?”

He smiled and placed his arm around your shoulder, “Of course, you’re my Min Ji.”

More tears rolled down your face as you shook away the memories and continued running. You saw a couple holding hands and cringed.

“Lee Min Ji,” Kikwang hummed as the two of you were strolling by the bridge.

You swayed your intertwined hands and looked up at him, “Yes?”

“Do you love me?”

“Oh god oppa,” you rolled your eyes, “I chose you for a reason.”

He grinned and pulled your hand up to his lips, “Good, cause I love you too.”

*Where did we go wrong?* You asked yourself as you walked. Your legs were too weak to run anymore, and each footstep felt like there was a brick tied around your ankle.

After a while, you ended up at your front door. Wiping away your wet tears, you entered. Your parents were sitting in the living.

“Min Ji…” Your mother gasped, “Omo you’re all wet!”

“Yeah,” you rolled your eyes, “Thanks for caring.”

“Don’t talk to your mother like that,” your father snapped.

“Kikwang and I broke up,” you snapped back, “Are you happy now?”

You couldn’t decide on whether the look on your mother’s face was a happy or a sad face, “You went to see him?!” She squeaked, “At this time in the morning?!”

“Is that all you care about?” You asked, outraged. “Your daughter just broke up with her boyfriend and all you care is the fact that she saw him in the morning?”

She softened and shook her head, “No honey of course no-”

“Okay then,” you cut her off. “You didn’t want us to be together, so we broke up. Everything is going the way you want, happy? I’m going to my room now.”

Your parents watched as you quietly as you stomped into your room and slammed the door closed. They sighed dejectedly, “Do you think she’s going to come out?” Your mother asked.

“I have a feeling we weren’t the reason why they broke up…” Your father exhaled.

“I knew that boy was trouble for our baby,” your mother shook her head.



Days passed, you lost count of the date. All you’ve been doing was hiding in your room, doing nothing in particular. One day you were forced to go outside to get some fresh air by your mum. Fixing your floral singlet and denim shorts, you walked out to the bus stop.

Moments passed and when the bus got to the last stop, you had no choice but to get off. Staring at your surroundings, your eyes drifted to the ground, *There’s nowhere to go…*

Lifelessly, you started walking to wherever your legs carried you.


“You just can’t help yourself can’t you, Min Ji…” You sighed as you stared up at the N Seoul Tower. You remembered the promises you and Kikwang made here and sighed, *This is the reason why I don’t want to go outside, everything reminds me of him one way or another…*

Yet, you still couldn’t walk away; slowly you stepped into the tower. Reaching the locks, your eyes wondered around and landed on two particular locks. Yep, that’s right, your locks. Walking up to the locks, you lifted up Kikwang’s one, *I guess there’s nothing wrong with reading it now, we’re not together anymore.*

You flipped it around and saw Kikwang’s neat hand writing,

“If I could steal time, I’d steal every moment to be with her.  We’ll replay our scenes over and over, never changing a thing. Cause she’s my girl, and I promise to be there, Lee Kikwang’s sincere promise. I love Choi Min Ji.”

Unknowingly, tears had started to fall down once again, this time they stung because of all the crying you did in the past few days.

A guy standing nearby saw you and softened, “Here, pretty miss.”

You looked up at the tissue he was giving you, “T-Thanks…” You accepted it.

He smiled, “I guess you’re here for the same reason too…”

You blinked at him, “W-What?”

He turned his attention to yours and Kikwang’s lock, “Miss him, huh?”

“How did you…” You stared at him.

The guy sighed and shifted his attention to the pair of locks next to yours, “Cause we’re on the same boat.”

You finally understood what he was saying, “You mean…”

He nodded and picked up a purple lock, “She meant the world to me…”

You bit your lip, “I know…” *He did too.*

“But, what can we do?” The guy shrugged, “What’s done is done.”

You let out a wistful sigh, “Yeah…”

He smiled sympathetically, “But if you think positively, at least they’re happy…”

Thoughts of Kikwang and Yuri kissing made you feel sick, “Umm… Yeah I guess…”

“We just got to keep smiling, maybe one day they’d regret it.”

“Do you really think so?” you croaked. *I hope so.*

He nodded, “Of course! We just need to prove that we can live without them!”

You swallowed your tears, “You’re right.”

“So don’t cry anymore okay?” He grinned, “Crying won’t help.”

You nodded, “Mhm!” You hated to admit but his words were right, crying will only make you seem even weaker. If Kikwang saw you in this state he’d probably laugh, along with his new girlfriend. There was no choice left, all you could do now was forget and move on, it’d take time but nothing would change if you don’t put in any effort. The first thing you got to do was stop reminding yourself of him, stop yourself from going to any place that you’ve been with him. You wanted to stop doing all the things you did with him. Stop everything that reminded you of him.

You looked up at the guy, “I’m going to go now, and it was nice talking to you.”

The guy smiled back at her, “Good luck.”

You smiled and walked away. Just as you pressed the elevator button, you heard him call you, “Oh and I’m Lay by the way, it was nice talking to you too.”

You nodded, “I’m Min Ji.” The elevator dinged and the door opened, you let out a deep sigh and walked in.

What you didn’t know, was that the moment you stepped in, the elevator next to you also opened, and the person that stepped out was no other than Kikwang.

Just like you, Kikwang’s passed days had been hell. He hardly talked, barely ate, he ignored all of Yuri’s desperate calls. He even refused getting out of his room whenever Beast came over. If possible, he was even more hurt than you. The only one thing that he did differently was that he wanted to keep going to the places you and he went to.

*Why do I always end up here?* Kikwang asked himself as he stared at the thousands of locks. He remembered the first time he came back here and shook his head, reading the small message on your lock had made him feel guilty and useless.

Slowly, he walked up to those too familiar locks and picked your one up,

“I’ll love him to the stars and back, fighting every obstacle we have to face, as long as he’s by my side, our love will be endless. Kikwang and Min Ji #01042012.

Kikwang held onto your lock tightly and shut his eyes. He didn’t know why he acted like such a jerk, after you ran away that day he had wanted to call you and explained everything. But he remembered Yuri’s piercing words and stopped himself. Yoseob had tried to ask him about it, but he kept himself shut. Kikwang didn’t know what to do, he knew he couldn’t avoid them forever, and he knew Yuri would get to him one way or another. He wanted to take you and run away, to another town, another country, or if possible, another planet. As long as the two of you were together without any harm, he’d do it anything.

“Oppa do you love me?” A girl’s voice snapped him out of his daze. He watched as the guy wrapped an arm around his girlfriend’s waist.

“Of course babe, I’ll love you until I stop breathing.”

Kikwang’s heart ached and he felt jealous. He used to be able to do those things with you too. Cheesy talks, kisses, hugs, laughs, quarrels, all those things made him want to go to you more.

*What are you saying Lee Kikwang… You can’t be selfish and put her safety on the line.* He let out a sigh and walked back to the elevator.

Lay watched as the elevator door closed and let out a soft smile, he stared at yours and Kikwang’s locks, *Feelings are the only thing that counts… At least you guys have a chance of being together again...*

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iluvEXOforever #1
Chapter 74: you know, you should make a sequel somehow... i have this feeling that it would turn out quite nicely...
iluvEXOforever #2
iluvEXOforever #3
Chapter 74: interesting... Junhyung and Doojoon own a ramen shop...
iluvEXOforever #4
Chapter 37: IT SO GOOD
exoexogossipgirl123 #5
Chapter 74: Awww this story made me cry so much! hehe and I love the ending! And it makes me laugh knowing about junhyung and doojoon lol XD but I loved the story!!
Chapter 74: lol the ending XD i love this ! ~
LeeEmii #8
Chapter 74: Daebakkk! This was awesome author-nim!!! :)