Chapter 64

Memories of A Diary

As Kikwang was walking back to the park, he saw you sitting on the bench swinging your legs. Your innocent aura made his heart break, and he didn’t know how to talk to you. Making a decision now was the last thing he wanted to do. *I don’t know what to do… I’m sorry Min Ji…*

He slowly walked up towards you, each heavy step made his tears want to fall down. He wanted to grab and hug you, but Yuri’s words made him scared. “Min Ji…” He whispered.

You looked up and smiled when you saw him, “Oppa!” He forced a smile. You stood up with a fake frown, “What took you so long?”

“I had something private to do,” he responded, he knew what he wanted to do now.

“What was it?” You asked curiously.

He rolled his eyes, “I just told you, it’s p-r-i-v-a-t-e, god you’re so stupid.”

You stepped back at his sudden hostility, confused. “Umm… Sorry?”

“Yeah yeah whatever,” he waved his hand and walked off.

You bit your lip and ran up to him, “It’s a nice day huh?”

“Yeah I guess,” he responded without looking at you.

“So what did you want to do today?” You smiled and grabbed his hand.

What Kikwang did next made you really surprised. He pulled his hand away with a blank expression, “Go home.”

“W-What?” You choked. The eyes he had worried you, it was the same eyes Kikwang had used to stare at you with the first time you met. You felt lost and scared, it was like as if you didn’t mean anything to him anymore. About an hour ago he was still so bubbly, now it seemed like someone had the soul out of him. You felt like you were walking with a stranger.

“I don’t want to be here, stupid flowers are making sick,” he groaned.

“D-Do you want to go somewhere else then? Maybe a restaurant? I’m kind of hungry and-”

“No,” Kikwang cut you off. “If you’re hungry, then go eat by yourself.”

You bit your lip, you didn’t like the new Kikwang. “O-oppa? Gwenchana?”

“Why wouldn’t I be okay?” He sneered. “God you’re so annoying.”

You swallowed your tears and forced a smile at him, “You’re so… strange today… Did something happen before I got here?”

Kikwang bit his tongue, he had no choice but to snap, “Are you turning into an overly attached girlfriend or something? I said nothing’s wrong.”

“A-Are you sure?” Kikwang ignored you and continued walking, you sighed and caught up with him, “Should we go home now then? You don’t seem well.”

“Yeah whatever bye,” Kikwang ‘waved’ and walked away.

You stood there glued to the spot, this was the first time Kikwang had left like that. No goodbye, no hug, no kiss, not even a smile. A tear slipped down your cheek as he watched him turn into the trees. *Oppa… Why do I feel like we’re strangers all of a sudden?*

With extra heavy footsteps and a sudden gloomy mood, you trudged back to the bus stop, wondering why you came here in the first place.

After you left, a familiar pair of sneakers stepped out from behind the trees, he watched you step onto the small green bus with a heavy heart, *I’m so sorry Min Ji. I can’t break up with you myself, so I’m going to make you do it.*


When you got to the bus, you pressed the buzzer and hopped off. With a long sigh you stepped into the house.

“Sweetie,” your mum smiled from the couch. “Your father’s home.”

You stopped walking and stared at them, finally noticing your father who was on the other side of your mum, “H-Hey, welcome back appa!”

Your dad smiled, “Hello princess.”

You forced a smile back, “I’m going to my room now, see you at dinner!”

As you walked into your room, you heard him call you, “Actually Min Ji, can you please sit down? There’s something I want to talk about.”

You remembered your mum telling you about it and bit your lip, “Not today, please.”

“Min Ji-”

“I’m not in the mood! Talk to me about it tomorrow!” You shouted and ran into your room, locking your door in the progress.

With tears streaming down your face, you jumped onto your bed, punching your pillow and ing about. You were lost, confused, mad, upset and sad all at once. Within just a few hours your happy life had turned to down. With Kikwang’s distant behaviour and your dad’s talk, you didn’t want to wake up the next day at all.

-Beep Beep-

You sighed and sat up, grabbing your phone you opened up the text message to see a picture. With round and teary eyes you covered your mouth, “W-What is this…”

An unknown number had anonymously sent you a picture of Yuri and Kikwang locking lips, what hurt you the most was that Kikwang didn’t look like he was against it. Adding the feeling of getting betrayed, you threw the phone and curled yourself into a ball. Crying your eyes out, you let yourself fall asleep, *So he left to go to Yuri… Can this day get any worse?*

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iluvEXOforever #1
Chapter 74: you know, you should make a sequel somehow... i have this feeling that it would turn out quite nicely...
iluvEXOforever #2
iluvEXOforever #3
Chapter 74: interesting... Junhyung and Doojoon own a ramen shop...
iluvEXOforever #4
Chapter 37: IT SO GOOD
exoexogossipgirl123 #5
Chapter 74: Awww this story made me cry so much! hehe and I love the ending! And it makes me laugh knowing about junhyung and doojoon lol XD but I loved the story!!
Chapter 74: lol the ending XD i love this ! ~
LeeEmii #8
Chapter 74: Daebakkk! This was awesome author-nim!!! :)