Chapter 57

Memories of A Diary

 “Woah…” Your eyes rounded at the sight of the wonderful yet scary looking theme park in front of you.


You gulped, “D-Do we have to? I want to start slow…”

Nichkhun stared at you, amused. He remembered what happened the last time the two of you went on a roller coaster and chuckled, “Soo Mi-ah, I’ll go on the roller coaster with you if you want.”

Soo Mi stared at him, “But what about Min Ji?”

You immediately shot your hands up, “I’ll go buy cotton candy while yous are on the ride!”

“Cotton candy?” Soo Mi and Nichkhun stared at you.

“Mhmm!” You beamed. “Off you go! I’ll meet you guys in front of the ride.”

“Alrights… See you soon!” Soo Mi and Nichkhun waved before running off.

You chuckled as Soo Mi tripped and Nichkhun caught her, you gaze fell to two familiar looking people who were sitting on a bench nearby with the newspapers covering their faces. “That’s strange…”

 Hyunseung lowered the newspaper once you were out of sight, “Phew that was close.”

Kikwang used it to fan himself, “I knew we should’ve disguised ourselves… This is too obvious.”

“It’s too hot to wear anything!” Hyunseung pouted.

Kikwang sighed, “Where did Min Ji go?”

“I don’t know,” Hyunseung shrugged, “WAIT! Where did Soo Mi and Nichkhun go?”

“There,” Kikwang pointed to the line at the roller coaster gate.

Hyunseung looked at Soo Mi and Nichkhun laughing and clenched his fist, “Oh hell no.”  He was about to stomp up to them when Kikwang grabbed him back. “Let go of me! I can’t let her get on that stupid ride with him!” he squirmed violently.

 “Stop exaggerating, it’s just a ride!” Kikwang yelled. “We can’t blow our cover!”

Hyunseung blew a raspberry and sulked, “I don’t like this.”

“It can’t be that bad,” Kikwang shrugged.

Hyunseung watched as Nichkhun ruffled Soo Mi’s head and opened his mouth, “HOW IS THAT NOT BAD?!”


After going on numerous rides, Soo Mi gave up and shook her head, “Andwae, you guys continue, I need to rest.”

You and Nichkhun looked at each other, “Spinning teacups?” You grinned.

“Spinning teacups it is,” Nickhun chuckled.

“Oh my, oh my, my legs!” Hyunseung wailed as he threw himself down on a bench.

“Stop whining,” Kikwang rolled his eyes.

“They’ve been running all round this place, how can I not whine?!”

“It’s already been 2 hours, they’ll go home soon.”

Hyunseung watched as Soo Mi sipped on her can of Fanta while watching you and Nichkhun step onto the tea cups. “Soo Mi’s just there, maybe I should text her and ask her to buy me something too!”

He pulled out his phone, ready to start texting when Kikwang yanked it away from him, “Are you stupid? Texting her now would mean that we’ve been following them this whole time!”

“Oh fine, at least she’s not close to Nichkhun anyways,” Hyunseung sighed.

That statement caught Kikwang’s attention, “Please don’t tell me he’s with Min Ji…”

Hyunseung snickered, “Then I won’t tell you that he’s with Min Ji.”

Kikwang groaned, “Arghh!” He stood up and stormed to the merry go ride.

Hyunseung gasped and grabbed his hoodie, “It’s just a ride, we can’t blow our cover!” He mockingly mimicked Kikwang.

Kikwang blew away his bangs and growled, “Damn him.”

Hyunseung laughed, “Come on now, we’re in open space, they can see us.”

Soo Mi sipped her drink while staring at her phone, *How come he’s not texting me?* She looked up and rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t daydreaming. “Is that…”

Hyunseung turned to Soo Mi and his jaw dropped to the ground when he saw her looking right back at him, “Oh my… Err K-K-Ki-Kikwang…” He grabbed Kikwang’s sleeve.

“What?!” Kikwang shouted, not taking his eyes off you and Nichkhun on the spinning teacups.

“We’ve got a little problem…” Hyunseung whispered.

Kikwang rolled his eyes and turned to where his friend was looking, “What are you on- Oh !”

Soo Mi sat there looking at them, “Am I seeing things?”

Kikwang and Hyunseung slowly turn away, “What the hell do we do now?” Hyunseung hissed.

“Don’t. Move.”

Soo Mi stared at the two backs and pulled out her phone,

To: Hyunseung Oppa
From: Soo Mi bb
Message: Oppa, are you at Neverland?

She clicked send and waited for him to reply.

Hyunseung was about to sneeze when suddenly his phone beeped, instinctively he reached for his pocket.

“Don’t!” Kikwang grabbed his hand, “If you reach for your phone now she’ll know it’s you!”

“Then what do we do?!”

“Slowly walk away…”

Hyunseung sighed, “In case you haven’t realised, the only way out is to turn back.”

“I know!"

“Then what do we do?! I don’t want Soo Mi to think of me as an obsessed stalker!”

Kikwang stared around the area, trying to think of an idea. His eyes travelled to a couple making out and smirked, “I’ve got an idea…”


“Excuse me!” Hyunseung squeaked, “I feel violated!”

Kikwang rolled his eyes, “Just keep walking.”

“I can’t believe you came up with this idea,” Hyunseung wailed.

“Well you couldn’t come up with any other one!”

“You’re too close to me!”

Soo Mi sighed in relief when she saw those two guys holding hands and ‘kissing’, “Definitely not them…” She smiled at the gay couple and looked away.

“She’s not looking anymore! Let’s go!” Kikwang hissed and ran off.

“Wait up!” Hyunseung hollered and ran after him.


About half an hour later, you, Soo Mi and Nichkhun decided that was it. Nichkhun had offered to give you a lift home but you both rejected, since you felt like taking the train home.

“Ooh, hallelujah! They’re going home now!” Hyunseung exclaimed.

Kikwang sighed in relief, *He didn’t do anything to her.*

“Ooh they’re going home, should we follow them?” Hyunseung asked.

“Nahs, I think they need some girl time.”

“Oh…” Hyunseung nodded, “Lucky I called my chauffeur, let’s go.”

Smiling, the two of them walked out of the gate, right after you and Soo Mi.

After all four of you were out of the theme park, a figure pulled down the newspaper from his face and pulled out his phone.

“They left now, do I want me to follow the girl?”


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iluvEXOforever #1
Chapter 74: you know, you should make a sequel somehow... i have this feeling that it would turn out quite nicely...
iluvEXOforever #2
iluvEXOforever #3
Chapter 74: interesting... Junhyung and Doojoon own a ramen shop...
iluvEXOforever #4
Chapter 37: IT SO GOOD
exoexogossipgirl123 #5
Chapter 74: Awww this story made me cry so much! hehe and I love the ending! And it makes me laugh knowing about junhyung and doojoon lol XD but I loved the story!!
Chapter 74: lol the ending XD i love this ! ~
LeeEmii #8
Chapter 74: Daebakkk! This was awesome author-nim!!! :)