Chapter 49

Memories of A Diary

The next morning your dad offered to give you a lift to school, you got to class a little early so decided to sit and read. Halfway through reading someone suddenly slammed two bottles of medicine along with some bandages on your table, making you yelp in surprise. You looked up to see Kikwang’s face, “G-Good morning?”

“I need you to do it,” Kikwang commanded.

“Do what?”

“Change my bandage.”

You blinked at him, “Can’t you change it by yourself?”

“I don’t want to,” he shrugged.

You rolled your eyes, “You have hands, make them useful.”

“Correction, I only have one hand,” Kikwang lifted up his elbow, “Help me change this.”

You sighed and picked up the roll of gauze bandage, “Idiot,” you muttered as he sat down next to you and you took off his old layer, a bright red scar could be seen and you knew it was going to be there forever. As you were carefully wrapping the new one around his arm, Kikwang took the opportunity to stare at you, he noticed the tip of your tongue sticking out as you tried to tie the bandages together and smiled in amusement, *Cute.*

When you were done, you gave the bandage a light pat and backed away, “There.”

Kikwang frowned and touched his arm, “That hurt.”

Your eyes rounded, “What are you? Paper? That wasn’t even hard to start off with!”

“Oh yes it was.”





You folded your arms and stared at him, “You know… I liked it better when you were the silent kid.”

A smile came onto his lips, “So you liked me?”

Your eyes widened and you stepped back in horror, “No…” He leaned closer to you and you gulped, “Y-Yah!”

Kikwang was about to say something when someone called your name.

“Min Ji?”

You looked pass his shoulder and saw Nichkhun standing at the classroom door, holding a carton of strawberry milk, “NICHKHUN OPPA!” You beamed and pushed pass Kikwang.

Nichkhun chuckled as you ran over, “Good morning.”

“Good morning!”

“What were you doing before?” He wiggled his eyebrows and eyes Kikwang, who was blowing his bangs in frustration.

“Oh nothing,” you grinned, “What are you doing here?”

“Hmm, strawberry milk?” He held up the small carton and your eyes immediately brightened.

“YAYAYAY!” You beamed and took it from him, “Thanks oppa.”

Nichkhun ruffled your head while chuckling, “No worries kiddo, I’ll catch you later, bye!”

You waved as he walked away, “Bye Nichkhun oppa!”

Kikwang looked at you waving and rolled his eyes, “Oppa this oppa that, psh.” He muttered, annoyed at the closeness between you and Nichkhun.

You stabbed the straw into the carton and turned around, “What did you say?”

“Nothing,” he shrugged.

You sipped the milk and nodded, “Alrights then.”

He looked at you patting the milk and raised an eyebrow, “What’s so good about strawberry milk.”

“It’s not just strawberry milk,” you frowned, “It’s Nichkhun oppa’s strawberry milk. Unlike you, he takes the time to find out my likes and dislikes.”

Kikwang rolled his eyes, “Psh.” He snorted.

You blinked at him for a few seconds before grinning, “Wait…” You slowly walked up to him, “Are you jealous?”

“Why would I be?” He coughed and you laughed. “I would never be jealous, especially not when it’s someone like you.”

You stopped laughing, “Hey that’s not nice.”

Kikwang gave a careless shrug, “Mhmm.”

“Jerkface,” you muttered and continued drinking your milk. You stomped up to him and pushed him out of the way, “Move it!” You snapped and sat down on your chair.

Kikwang put his fist to his lips to hide the smile and walked backed to his table, you cursed under your breath and picked up your book, trying to continue reading. Kikwang was staring at your back, blowing raspberries and muttering gibberish.

As the two of you continued muttering bad things about each other, Yuri and her friends walked in, chatting loudly. Yuri glanced at you and Kikwang and frowned, *They were alone this whole time?! AISH.* She looked at Kikwang, who seemed occupied with the window and smiled, “GOOD MORNING KIKWANG OPPA.”

Kikwang was about to ignore her but when he saw you turning back slowly a smirk came upon his lips as he turned to Yuri, “Good morning, Yuri.”

Yuri gasped in surprise, this was the first time he had greeted her back, “How was your sleep?”

“Could’ve been better,” he shrugged.

Yuri’s eyes travelled down to the bandage on his arm, “Oh my god! Your arm!” She dashed over and grabbed his arm, “What happened?”

Kikwang shrugged again, “Stuff happened.”

“Who wrapped his bandage for you? It’s so ugly! I’ll do it again!” She helpfully offered.

You scowled and rolled your eyes, *I did.*

Kikwang saw you squirming and smirked, *That’s right, be jelly too.* “Nah it’s okay, this weird nurse did it.”

Yuri frowned, “Weird?”

He nodded, “Yeah, she’s gullible and extremely annoying; people who don’t know may think she’s really caring but when you get to know her… She’s a really weird one.”

Yuri rolled her eyes while you furrowed your eyebrows, *Annoying? Gullible? Weird? Why don’t he just say that it’s me? Embarrassed because a kingka like him came to someone like me for help? Psh.*

You stomped your foot as the first bell rang, students started piling into the hallways as Yuri went back to her group. Kikwang’s eyes never left you as you looked around, muttering to yourself. Just before the second bell rang, everyone piled in, Soo Mi walked in hand in hand with Hyunseung, earning daggers and glares from other girls. She let of his hand and sat down next to you, “Good morning!”

“Morning,” you responded with no emotion.

She looked at your stiff expression and chuckled, “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.”

 2 hours later, the recess bell came and everyone flew out the door as if there was no tomorrow, still grumbling you packed your books and stormed outside before Soo Mi could even open . After putting your books back into your locker you stormed out to the school field and laid flat out on the grass, *Stupid jerkface.*


As you stormed out the door Soo Mi tilted her head in confusion before walking down to Hyunseung, who was still mucking around with Beast, “Oppa, do you know what’s wrong with Soo Mi today?”

Hyunseung shrugged, “I don’t know… Do you know what’s wrong with him?” He jabbed his thumb towards Kikwang, who was sulking and sighing every 10 seconds.

Soo Mi’s lips hitched upwards, “Wait… Did he and Min Ji have a fight again?”

“Maybe…” Dongwoon and Junhyung snickered, “Love birds.”

“Hmm, well they shouldn’t, because Min Ji met up with Nichkhun outside of school yesterday…”

Kikwang stared ahead as Soo Mi continued, *So that’s why she was lost yesterday, she went out with him and that bastard didn’t even offer to take her home.*

“… When they left Nichkhun called and told me that she had rejected him,” Soo Mi wistfully sighed.

 “Wait… Why did she reject him?” Doojoon asked.

“She said she liked someone else…” Soo Mi trailed off.

“Who?” Junhyung snickered, and Yoseob glanced at Kikwang for any sigh of anxiousness.

“Hmm…” Soo Mi tapped her chin and then eyed Kikwang, “That one.” She pointed straight at his face.

All of Beast started howling as Kikwang sat there, numb as if his whole body has been rubbed with numbing cream, Yoseob wrapped an arm around Kikwang’s neck, “DAYUMM YOU HIT THE JACKPOT!”

“Min Ji and Kikwang, sitting on a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g~” Dongwoon started cheering.

Doojoon and Hyunseung joined him, “First comes love, next comes marriage, and third comes a baby~”

Soo Mi rolled her eyes at her immature boyfriend and walked up to Kikwang, “I said it, Min Ji likes you. So if you want her then go get her now, be fast cause my biffle changes her mind really fast~”

“Yeah Hyunseung’s girl is right, gogogo!” Yoseob nodded a little too excitedly.

“I have a name,” Soo Mi sighed.

“Yeah, Hyunseung’s girl,” he grinned back.

Kikwang sighed, he gathered up all his courage and stood up, Beast cheered as he walked out the class.

“Go get her you beast!”

“Remember to keep it safe!”

“Tell her Beast said hi!”

“Good luck~”

“Keep it in your pants!”

Kikwang rolled his eyes with a small smile, slowly he made his way down the hallway, *Choi Min Ji, you’re making me crazy.*

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iluvEXOforever #1
Chapter 74: you know, you should make a sequel somehow... i have this feeling that it would turn out quite nicely...
iluvEXOforever #2
iluvEXOforever #3
Chapter 74: interesting... Junhyung and Doojoon own a ramen shop...
iluvEXOforever #4
Chapter 37: IT SO GOOD
exoexogossipgirl123 #5
Chapter 74: Awww this story made me cry so much! hehe and I love the ending! And it makes me laugh knowing about junhyung and doojoon lol XD but I loved the story!!
Chapter 74: lol the ending XD i love this ! ~
LeeEmii #8
Chapter 74: Daebakkk! This was awesome author-nim!!! :)