Chapter 37

Memories of A Diary

Exactly a month after Valentine’s Day was White Day, and this time, the boys were the ones getting gifts. You and Soo Mi walked into school and blinked. Balloons, giant bears, lollipops and roses were everywhere. Soo Mi sighed, “Forever alone.”

You grinned and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, “That’s for me to say, you have Hyunseung.”

She groaned. “Don’t talk about that guy; we haven’t even improved one single bit.”

You laughed, “Then I’ll be your guy.” You plucked a flower from the bush and handed it to her, “Happy White Day my baby.”

She pretended to bow and took the flower, “Aww thank you, you’re such a sweetheart.”

The two of you laughed and walked to your lockers, after getting your books you headed back inside, Beast was already at their tables chatting like usual. When Hyunseung saw Soo Mi he immediately dashed over. “Soo Mi!” He grinned.

Soo Mi blinked at him, “Hmm?”

He rubbed his neck awkwardly and pulled out a bouquet of roses from behind his back, “H-Here…”

Soo Mi blushed but then felt the back of hair stand up when she noticed all the dangerous glares Yuri’s friends were giving her. “Er… You didn’t have to…” She accepted the roses cautiously.

Hyunseung grinned. “Happy White Day?”

She smiled and smacked his arm, “Thank you oppa.”

She turned back and walked back to you, while walking one of Yuri’s friends, you believed was the one who liked Hyunseung, stuck out her leg and Soo Mi tripped. You saw the whole scene and frowned, “Why did you do that?” You stormed up to her. Soo Mi grabbed your arm and shook her head, indicating that you shouldn’t say anything.

The girl blinked at you and then snorted. “Nothing?”

You gave the look, “I saw everything you did, just because Hyunseung is your crush doesn’t mean he is yours.”

She slammed the table and stood up, everyone looked at you and her. Soo Mi bit her lip nervously, “Min Ji-ah… Don’t.”

You stood firm and folded your arms, “Apologize to Soo Mi please.”

Hyunseung blinked, “Soo Mi, what happened?” He whispered in her ear.

She turned around and shook her head. Yuri’s friend gave a sarcastic laugh, “And why would I do that?”

“Because you tripped her.”

She rolled her eyes, “She tripped over herself.”

“I saw everything, don’t lie.”

“Listen it’s not even your problem, is she a mute that can’t stand up for herself?” She lifted her chin.

You raised an eyebrow, “Coming from the girl who had to use her friend to give someone a ‘threat’ letter.”

Soo Mi gasped and Hyunseung looked at her. “Soo Mi… What is Min Ji saying?”

Soo Mi looked at you. “How did you know about that?”

Yuri’s friend had an embarrassed look, “I wasn’t scared.”

You snorted. “You couldn’t even threaten Soo Mi face to face either.”

“YOU!” She raised her hand.

You lifted your face up and glared at her, “Now you’re using violence because you have nothing else to say? Its girls like you that give our gender a y name.” You snapped.

“You-” She was about to slap you but someone grabbed her wrist. Yuri immediately stood up. “O-Oppa…”

You looked up to see Kikwang standing there with a fierce look. He threw down the girl’s wrist. “Hitting someone because they are saying the right thing is low.” He spat and walked out of class.

 The girl’s eyes got teary and she sank back down into her seat. Yuri gave you a glare before sitting back down. Soo Mi and Hyunseung jumped up to you. “WOAH!” Soo Mi squealed. “My best friend is Wonder woman.”

You gave her a serious look. “You! How come you never told me about this?! And you dare say I’m your best friend!?”

She grinned. “It wasn’t necessary…”

Hyunseung gave you thumbs up, “Min Ji, daebak.”

You turned and pointed at his face, “AND YOU!”

He blinked and stepped back, “What did I do?!”


He saluted and stomped one foot. “I promise to do that from now on!” He vowed.

Soo Mi rolled her eyes, “As if he would.”

You suddenly received a text from Nickhun,

Wanna ditch? If you do come out to the back gate, yeah yeah? J’ – Nickhun.

You smiled and turned to Soo Mi, “I’m ditching.” Without another word you darted out the door.

Soo Mi blinked at the door. “She’s not the type to ditch…”

Hyunseung shrugged, “Maybe she needed to see someone. Anyways Kikwang was her knight in armour before, 2 for Hyunseung.”

Soo Mi made a face, “Whatever.”


You ran out of to the back gate and spotted Nickhun, “Nickhun oppa!” She ran over.

He grinned. “I thought you wouldn’t ditch.”

You scratched your head, “Well we had history… So…”

Nickhun pretended to be hurt. “Oh so you had an ulterior motive to ditch with me, you didn’t like the subject.”

You laughed, “Not only that!”

He laughed, “I was joking, now let’s go.”

You slapped your head, “Aish, I forgot my wallet in my locker, wait here okay oppa?”

He nodded and you ran off to your locker. When you got there you opened your locker and found a small box. Filled with curiosity you opened up the box and gawked. It was a beautiful silver necklace with a love heart. You tapped your chin, “Nickhun oppa probably put this in here because he thought I wouldn’t ditch.” Smiling you gently put the box into your pocket and grabbed your wallet.

After you ran off Kikwang stepped out from behind the lockers. “Choi Min Ji, why is it always Nickhun in your head?” Sighing he walked back to class.

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iluvEXOforever #1
Chapter 74: you know, you should make a sequel somehow... i have this feeling that it would turn out quite nicely...
iluvEXOforever #2
iluvEXOforever #3
Chapter 74: interesting... Junhyung and Doojoon own a ramen shop...
iluvEXOforever #4
Chapter 37: IT SO GOOD
exoexogossipgirl123 #5
Chapter 74: Awww this story made me cry so much! hehe and I love the ending! And it makes me laugh knowing about junhyung and doojoon lol XD but I loved the story!!
Chapter 74: lol the ending XD i love this ! ~
LeeEmii #8
Chapter 74: Daebakkk! This was awesome author-nim!!! :)