Chapter 33

Memories of A Diary

 “Min Ji? Min Ji! Stop mucking around!” Soo Mi scolded as she held her hands out, trying to make her way through the dark. Hearing no giggling from you she grew worried and squinted to get a better view in the dark. “Min Ji?” She whispered.

She moved forward a few steps but stumbled and fell on the floor. A light flashed her direction and she smiled. “Yah Choi Min Ji! This kind of joke isn’t-“

“It’s me, Nickhun.” Nickhun said as he helped her up.

Soo Mi blinked at him and his friend before panicking, “Then where’s Min Ji?!” She grabbed the torch off Nickhun’s hand and waved it at the direction she came from, seeing no sign of you she whimpered and tugged Nickhun’s hand. “I lost Min Ji…”

Nickhun’s eyes widened and he turned to his friend. “Wooyoung, you take Soo Mi back to campfire, I’ll go look for Min Ji. I’ll call you if anything happens.”

Wooyoung nodded and held onto Soo Mi, “Let’s go.” Soo Mi sighed dejectedly and followed him. Nickhun watched them walk away and then started walking towards the direction Soo Mi came from. *Please don’t be hurt… Min Ji.*


“Yah! Give me back my beanie!” Yoseob said and chased Junhyung around the fire.

“It looks better on me!” Junhyung teased and wore it on himself.

Doojoon laughed at the two trouble makers while letting Dongwoon lay on his thigh. Kikwang was anxiously waiting for time to pass.

“Kikwangie, waiting for your girl to come back?” Hyunseung deviously asked.

Kikwang snorted and looked away, “She’s not my girl, and I’m not waiting for her.”

“You know, Soo Mi thinks she like Nickhun.”

Kikwang furrowed his eyebrow, *Stupid blonde freak.* “I don’t care who she likes.”

“Okay then, I’ll help Soo Mi hook them up together.” Hyunseung evilly smirked.

Kikwang was about to respond when suddenly he heard whispers from behind the hut.

“Are you sure it’s safe? The woods are pretty dangerous in the dark.” “But what if Min Ji doesn’t return?” “Are you sure you have her torch?” “Is this too far?” “So Soo Mi and Min Ji lost each other?”

His eyes widened and he walked up to the girl, she spun around and dropped her phone. “O-Oppa…”

She was about to bend down and pick up her phone when he grabbed her wrist, “What did you just say about Min Ji?”  


“Min Ji-ah!” Nickhun yelled. “Choi Min Ji!” He screamed and flashed the torch in different directions. He heard a noise and immediately ran at it, “Min Ji?” It turned out to be a bird and he sighed. “Min Ji, where are you?”

“God damn it… Where can she be?” Kikwang hissed as he ran into the woods with his torch. “Aish Min Ji you pabo.”

  Both guys ran around looking for you, they were nervous, worried and anxious all at once.


Meanwhile you were walking around looking for your torch, “Aish where can it drop… Can’t be that far…”

You heard noises and turned around, “Soo Mi?”

Hearing no response you tilted your head and continued walking around slowly. Suddenly someone tapped your shoulder, you turned around and screamed, the next thing you knew, you had out.

“ARGHH!” Kikwang heard someone shout. * Min Ji.* He dashed to where the sound came from and looked around, “Min Ji, are you here?”

Everything was quiet and he sighed, “Where could she be?”

He was about to walk off when a purple shoe behind a tree caught his eyes. He ran over and saw you passed out on the floor. His eyes rounded and he lifted up your head and tapped your cheek, “Min Ji, Min Ji!”

He held the torch with his mouth, lifted you up bridal style and started running back to the campfire. On the way there he slipped but in order to protect you his arm scraped the tree. “.” He cursed as blood started pouring out of his arm and started running faster.

When he got to the camp fire the teachers immediately ran over. “What happened?”

“I don’t know.” Kikwang responded.

“MIN JI!” Soo Mi yelled and ran over. “What happened to you?”

Kikwang pushed you up and little bit, “Where’s your hut? I’ll take her there.”

Soo Mi sniffled and nodded, she walked away and Kikwang followed. When he got to your hut he gently settled you down onto the small bed and sighed. Soo Mi touched her forehead and gasped. “She has high fever; I’ll go get a cloth and water.”

When she left Kikwang clutched onto his bleeding arm and gazed at you softly, “Pabo Min Ji, why didn’t you call for help?”

He looked at his arm and headed towards the exit, before walking out he turned back and looked at you once more, *If you’re safe, then all this is worth it.*

After a few minutes Nickhun ran into the hut, “MIN JI?!”

He saw you lying on the bed and exhaled, “Thank god you’re safe.”

Soo Mi came in with the tub of water and blinked at him, “Oh oppa, you came back? Kikwang found Min Ji, thank god.”

Nickhun scratched his head, “Yeah, Wooyoung called me and said she came back.”

Soo Mi nodded and handed him the tub, “Can you please put the cloth on her forehead, she has a high fever and I need to go report to the teachers what happened.”

“Yeah, I’ll take care of her.”

Soo Mi smiled and walked out. Nickhun walked up to you and smiled; he squished out all the water from the wet cloth and gently placed it on your forehead. *Min Ji-ah, even though I couldn’t find you I am still glad you’re safe now, I promise to take care of you properly from now on.*

After a while your eyes slowly opened, you touched your sore head and sat up, when you realised you were back in the hut you sighed. “Oh thank god.”

“You’re awake?” Nickhun grinned.

You gasped and looked at him, “Oppa… You saved me?”

“Umm well-“

“Thank you.” You smiled.

Nickhun blinked at you, “I didn’t- Wait where are you going?”

“I’m going to change the water.” You blinked.

He stood up and pushed you back down, “I’ll go get warmer water, stay here.”

You gave him a grateful smile, “Thank you Nickhun oppa.”

He grinned and walked out, you sat laid back down and stared at the ceiling, *Nickhun oppa is the best!*


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iluvEXOforever #1
Chapter 74: you know, you should make a sequel somehow... i have this feeling that it would turn out quite nicely...
iluvEXOforever #2
iluvEXOforever #3
Chapter 74: interesting... Junhyung and Doojoon own a ramen shop...
iluvEXOforever #4
Chapter 37: IT SO GOOD
exoexogossipgirl123 #5
Chapter 74: Awww this story made me cry so much! hehe and I love the ending! And it makes me laugh knowing about junhyung and doojoon lol XD but I loved the story!!
Chapter 74: lol the ending XD i love this ! ~
LeeEmii #8
Chapter 74: Daebakkk! This was awesome author-nim!!! :)