Chapter 31

Memories of A Diary

“So… why are we here again?” You asked as the 3 of you stood looking into a colourful restaurant.

Yoseob his lips and rubbed his hands together in an evil way. “Because we needa win a new washing machine.”

You blinked at him, “What? Washing machine? In a restaurant?”

He nodded, “30 cups of noodles, here we go!”

Kikwang smirked and walked through the door, Yoseob grabbed your hand and dragged you in. “We’re here to try the contest again!” He beamed.

The woman walked out of the counter and gave them a puzzled look, “But there’s only 2 of you…”

“Nah uh uh,” Yoseob pulled you out from behind him. “We bought a third person today!”

You bowed at the lady, “Hello…”

The lady scanned you from top to bottom then snorted. “She doesn’t look like she can eat a lot.”

“Looks are deceiving mam.” Kikwang said, you couldn’t decide whether he was laughing at you or not.

“Okay then, since its 3 people you only get 50 minutes. I’ll go get the noodles.” The lady said and went back inside.

You tugged Yoseob’s arm, “What is she talking about? Are we eating noodles?”

He grinned and ruffled your hair, “I hope you haven’t eaten breakfast yet.”

You gave him a queer look. “Can someone tell me what’s going on?”

“We’re having an eating contest! A chance to win a brand new washing machine!”

Your jaw dropped, almost hitting the floor, “So this is what you guys do when you ditch?”

Kikwang shrugged, “Yoseob keeps nagging for a washing machine.”

“Aye aye, you use it the most at our place!” Yoseob defended himself.

You gulped and stepped back. “Then can’t I sit and watch you guys compete?”

Yoseob shook his head, “We need a third person, we’ve tried so many times with just us two but we always fail. 30 cups of noodles aren’t a small number yaknow…”

You gave him a bewildered look, “30 CUPS OF NOODLES?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!”

He gave you a meek smile and scratched his head, “Hehe… Please?”

You crossed your arm, “No.”

“Just think of it as for Kikwang! We’ll wash your clothes too if you need.”

You gave a sarcastic laugh, “Kikwang? Puh lease. Oh and my clothes? I have a washing machine at home thank you very much.”

Kikwang pinched his eyebrows, “I’m not that bad.”

“I never said you were.” You shrugged. “I’m going now. Bye!” You headed towards the door.

At that moment the lady came out with 2 trays full of noodle cups. “I’ll bring the other half out later, sit down and get ready so I can set the timer.”

Yoseob gave you a devious smile, “Yeah you heard her! Come on Min Ji!”

“No, I don’t want to shove 30 bowls of- Woah!” You yelped as Kikwang and Yoseob pulled you to the chair, you looked at all the red cups in front of you and gulped. “Is this just half?”

Kikwang nodded, “We should eat 10 each.”

You suddenly felt sick. “Do I really have to do this?”

Yoseob eagerly nodded, “Beast will love you forever if you help us win the washing machine!”

You rolled your eyes, “Go ask one of your many fan girls, I’d reckon they’d eat more than 50 for you.”

Kikwang pushed your head, “Just get ready.”

You made a face and grabbed onto your chopsticks and spoon. “You’re lucky I was too late to eat breakfast.”

The counter lady clicked some buttons on the stop watch, “Hana, dul set! Go!”

Yoseob and Kikwang immediately grabbed a cup and blew on the noodles. You slowly grabbed a cup and delicately put the noodles gently on the spoon. Yoseob and Kikwang gawked at you with their mouth full. “Choi Min Ji! You don’t have time for that!” Yoseob shouted.

“Fine fine.” You grumbled and shoved the noodles into your mouth, the 3 of you ate away and other customers started watching.

-Eat eat eat-

After a while the table was full of empty bowls, you rubbed your stomach, “5 bowls of noodles, holy cows.”

The lady bought out another lot of noodles and you sniffled. “Shoot me.”

“30 minutes left!” Yoseob shouted and continued stuffing himself.

You groaned and grabbed another cup. *I think I’ll have dreams about noodles tonight.*

As time went by more and more customers started observing the 3 of you.

“Woah they have such strong stomachs!”

“They’re nearly finished!”

“The girl sure eats a lot!”

When there was around 5 bowls left Yoseob put down his empty cup of noodles and reached for another. “Must. Finish. This.” He said and sipped the noodles.

You shoved another mouthful into your mouth and shook your head. “I give up…”

Yoseob shook his head dreadfully and Kikwang looked at you with pleading eyes. “Please just eat.” You sighed and ate some more, with your tummy getting tighter bit by bit.

After finishing your 10 cups, you dropped your chopsticks and hiccupped. “I’m done.”

Yoseob drank and last of his water and wiped his nose. “Who’s the last cup?”

The 2 of you looked at Kikwang, his face was red and his mouth was full. He did a cross sign with his fingers, indicating that he gave up. “NOO!” Yoseob squealed. “We went this far, the washing machine is just inches away.”

You nodded eagerly, if yous lost now then all those noodle cups you goggled down would go out the bin. “Please don’t give up.”

Kikwang shook his head pitifully, “Sorry. I give up.”

Yoseob’s shoulder deflated, you glanced at the timer. *5 minutes left… and there’s one cup to go. Aish I hate these guys.* You grabbed the last cup and picked up your chopsticks. Yoseob and Kikwang’s eyes rounded.

“Min Ji… Are you sure?” Yoseob softly asked.

You nodded and chewed onto the noodles. “Better than losing.”

Kikwang softened, *She really wants the washing machine.*

The two of them sat there watching you gulp down the noodles, people around you were also getting excited. The owner of the restaurant walked pass and grabbed the stop watch. “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4,3,2,1. Please put the cup down.”

Kikwang shut his eyes. *Please let it be empty, please let it be empty.* He heard people clapping and opened his eyes, he looked at the empty noodle cup in front of you and a smile formed on his lips. “You did it…”

You looked up at him with a dead face. “I did it…”


“Please remember to deliver the washing machine to us tomorrow!” Yoseob yelled and walked out the door.

You had the urge to puke, running towards the tree you bent down and let everything you’ve eaten come back out.

“Oh Min Ji!” Yoseob yelled and patted your back. “We love you, thank you for eating the last cup.”

She shoved his hand away and shook your head. “I’ll go get you water!” Yoseob offered and ran off.

You sighed and continued puking. A tissue was held in front of your face and you looked up to see Kikwang standing there. You grabbed the tissue and wiped your mouth. “Thanks.” You muttered.

Kikwang shrugged and walked off. You frowned and walked after him. “Shouldn’t you thank me too? I ate the last cup for you!”

“I never asked you to.”

You stomped your foot and scowled. “Aish you arrogant jerkface.” You gave him a hmph and strutted off.

Kikwang chuckled quietly. “Min Ji.”

You rolled your eyes and turned back, “What now?”



A/N: Ta-da! Double update! ^^ Dedicated to B2UTY-K! Thank you for subscribing! ^^

Okay i'm gonna have a hard time waking up tomorrow morning for school, ahha good night and sleep tight! x

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iluvEXOforever #1
Chapter 74: you know, you should make a sequel somehow... i have this feeling that it would turn out quite nicely...
iluvEXOforever #2
iluvEXOforever #3
Chapter 74: interesting... Junhyung and Doojoon own a ramen shop...
iluvEXOforever #4
Chapter 37: IT SO GOOD
exoexogossipgirl123 #5
Chapter 74: Awww this story made me cry so much! hehe and I love the ending! And it makes me laugh knowing about junhyung and doojoon lol XD but I loved the story!!
Chapter 74: lol the ending XD i love this ! ~
LeeEmii #8
Chapter 74: Daebakkk! This was awesome author-nim!!! :)