My feelings for you-1 (SHUQI)


Soyeon (after half a day of being locked in her room, she decided to spend the rest of the day with her girls, so putting aside her notepad, she took out her phone and wrote in the group's general chat):

- Who wants to go out and hang out in a nightclub?

After a while, the answers came, except for Shuhua. Usually their maknae will only look over and not reply. The girls were used to it, so Yuqi, whose room was next to hers, knocked on her door and entered.

- Shu, are you coming with us?

Shuhua (reclining on her bed, watching a movie on her laptop, stopped the video playback, looked at Yuqi):

- You'll get drunk again, I don't want to drag you here later. I had enough last time, my back still hurts.

Yuqi (with exaggerated seriousness, hand on heart, theatrically said):

- That time we remember forever, Shu, I promise this will not happen again. We'll just go, release the stress, and calmly return home.

Shuhua (raised her eyebrow, smiled incredulously, but turned off the laptop, put it on the table, went to the wardrobe):

- I will be ready in 15 minutes.

Yuqi (rejoiced, jumped out the door):

- We'll wait for you! Unnie, she agrees! Shuhua heard from outside the door, the happy exclamations that followed told her that she correctly decided that she agreed.

What should I wear? Oh, this will be just right - taking out a denim skirt and beige sweater from the wardrobe (Minnie's birthday present, as it turned out later, this sweater was sold "for couples" for the price of one, so Minnie had a similar one).

Looking at herself in the mirror, she was satisfied: her blond (recolored for the new album) hair pleasantly set off the beige color of the sweater, fair skin and light makeup (black mascara circled her eyes, her lips were painted in one of the shades of red). In addition, she perfumed herself with the pleasant aroma of a rose.

Satisfied, she left the room, looking at the unnies waiting for her.

- I warn you, if you do not keep your promises, then do not interfere with my useful time there. Maybe today is the day when I'm lucky enough to meet a girl.

Miyeon (shaking her head negatively, crossed the living room, possessively hugged Shuhua to her):

- Please don't meet anyone. You just say, and I'm completely yours.

Minnie (straightening her bag on her shoulder, objected):

- Shuhua has the right to meet girls, after all, it's been so long since Soojin left, we need to move on. But today is not the case, Shu, today we will definitely not get drunk (she assured her, placing her hand on her heart with an oath).

Soyeon and Yuqi were silent, but knowing their similarity in relation to Shuhua, it was not difficult to guess their thoughts:

I have to keep my promise.

Shuhua has me, why another girl?

“So, where are we going today, Soyeon-unnie?” Shuhua inquired, deciding to silently let go of all thoughts about dating.

- I heard from one dancer that a new club has opened. It is not far from our hostel. It's comfortable and not crowded. I asked her, she gave a route how to get there - taking out a folded sheet from her jeans pocket, she showed the girls.

- Fine, then let's go! Still clutching Shuhua's waist, Miyeon said .


When they got to the club, they noticed that there were indeed few cars parked near it. Once inside, the atmosphere is pleasant, the music is not loud, there is no smell of alcohol or smoking, the dance floor near the small stage is almost empty. They were seated at a table that stood near the wall, one where you can see everyone, but not be seen.

They brought booze, a couple of bottles of soju, and a soft drink for Shuhua. Then they waited until they brought a snack so as not to drink on an empty stomach.

In what order did they sit: Shuhua on the edge (in case a beautiful girl asks her to dance), Soyeon next to her on the left, Yuqi on the right side, Miyeon next to Yuqi and Minnie in the middle.

The round table perfectly accommodated everyone and gave more space.

The food was brought, the girls filled their glasses, made a toast and drank.

Thus began their relaxing party.


In the course of empty soju bottles and how the girls began to get drunk, they began to notice a rather strange atmosphere in the club. They wondered why there were only women in the club, no men, when the waitress approached, Soyeon asked a question of interest (as correctly as possible so as not to look stupid):

- Sorry, we were advised this club, but we do not know who are frequent guests here. We only see women, and men come here?

- Men? No, - the waitress laughed as she leaned closer to the tipsy Soyeon and added, -It’s an LGBT club.

- Oh, okay, - Soyeon shrugged, followed by the same reaction from the others, Shuhua even smiled, looked at the waitress, winked, her lips, said:

- What great news, thank you - smiling wider when I noticed the waitress's fixed gaze on her lips.

Miyeon said loudly, her voice seemed to wake up the waitress, cast a glance in her direction and decided to quickly leave ( Miyeon’s look eloquently told her what would happen if she tried to seduce Shuhua). “Bring us some more soju, please.”

- Yes, just a minute - the waitress hastened to move away from the table, but as she left, she caught an interested look from Shuhua, smiled to herself.

“Unni,” Shuhua protested, following the waitress with her eyes until she disappeared, her gaze now focused on Miyeon , “you promised you wouldn’t interfere.”

- Promised, but why it is she! There are plenty of others here, you can choose from them - as soon as her drunken tongue said this, Miyeon felt the atmosphere at the table change, all the girls, except for Shuhua, were unhappy. And anyway, we're not drunk yet! So don't go anywhere, be with us.

Shuhua did not answer only because the music suddenly started playing and the DJ in a cheerful tone invited everyone to the dance floor.

Soyeon (after taking another sip from her glass, stood up resolutely, called):

- Send us to show what kind of dancers we are.

Yuqi (she followed, extended her hand to Shuhua, helped her up):

- Let's go have some fun.

Minnie and Miyeon also got ready and followed the others to the dance floor where the rhythmic music began.


Yuqi did not leave Shuhua, she tried to hide her from other people's eyes all the time, but no matter how much she or the girls tried, they still noticed. A girl with black hair under a bob, gray eyes, a tattoo on her open shoulder, full red lips with a mole above her upper lip. Black tight pants, burgundy T-shirt, leather rocker jacket. She was known here as a “one-night stand”, she never stayed further, she didn’t even leave her phone number.


But now, when, having come here to find a victim, her eyes caught a blonde in the center of the dance floor, surrounded by other girls, she was bewitched.

For the first time, she wanted not only to spend one night, but also the morning and the following days together.

I understand that she came with her friends. I don't see her mate around, so she's a loner. Alright , time to show off, Minju .

Putting an empty glass on the bar, Minju took steps towards the dance floor, deliberately moving like a panther on a hunt. She knew that attracts attention, cheers and whistles in her address, confirmation of this.

Come on, look at me. Only our eyes will cross, like you are mine, beauty.


Yuqi (fanning her hands from the heat after intense dance moves, suggested):

- Let's go and rest a bit, then we'll be back.

Soyeon (dancing next to her, leaning on her, supporting herself, nods):

- Agree. I wouldn't mind having another drink and something to eat.

Miyeon (straightening her hair behind her back, taking Minnie's arm):

- I do not get tired even in dance practice. Rest is needed.

Minnie (listening to the slow melody, allowed herself to be dragged to their table):

- I would also dance slowly, but I don’t have the strength yet. So a little rest, and then, as time will tell.

Shuhua already sat down, looked around the half-empty table, looking for something to eat, so that she would have strength:

- We need to order more meat, all that's left is - pointing at a plate with three pieces of fried meat on it.

Soyeon called for the waitress, Yuqi took out her phone to check the time, Minnie skewered two pieces of meat on her fork, Miyeon took a sip from her glass. Shuhua was sitting half-turned to the table, her attention was drawn to the whistles earlier, now she carefully peered ahead, trying to determine what it was all about.

So her eyes met those of a stranger in black, who grinned invitingly at her, beckoning with her finger.

Shuhua didn't raise an eyebrow to stand up and approach, she just stared at her without blinking.

She is somewhat similar to Soojin. If the mole was not above the lip, but ...

- Shu, why are you silent? Yuqi interrupted her thoughts. - Where did you look?

- Yes, nowhere - she turned away from the stranger, looked at Yuqi, who was reaching for a whole bottle of soju.

Nothing out of the ordinary, only the hem of her short jacket was flung open, showing Shuhua her bare belly with a cute navel.

It’s good that I’m sitting, otherwise my knees would give way from what I saw. And why did you have to wear such a crop top, Woogie?

Yuqi returned to her seat, smiled at Shuhua's gaze, uncorked the bottle, handed over to Soyeon, who immediately poured it into her glass, then poured it to everyone except the maknae.

- For a good mood! - clinked glasses, drank.

The waitress brought more food, they started chatting about everything, laughing, their voices getting louder, but no one cared.

As the number of empty soju bottles increased, Shuhua looked at her members with concern.

- You promised not to get drunk - she reproached them.

Yuqi (having ed her jacket by then, put her hands on Shuhua's shoulders, brought her face closer):

- I'm sober, Shu. I will protect you.

Soyeon, on the other hand, also hugged Shuhua, placing her hands over Yuqi's, confirming with a nod of her head.

- You know, soju is like beer to me, so if I drank whiskey, then ...

Miyeon argued something while she took away her glass of soju, persuading her not to drink anymore).


MinJin timed the perfect time to casually walk over to their table. None of those sitting paid attention to her until she coughed:

- Sorry to interrupt your fun, but I would like to know the name of this beautiful girl, - MinJin asked in a sweet flirtatious voice, looking only at one blonde.

Shuhua (turned her head back, then, to make it convenient to move to Yuqi, her friend moved over to make room):

- Here at the table are all the beauties, whom exactly did you have in mind? in a respectful manner, she asked.

MinJin stared at her candidly, deliberately slowly looking over her.

- You. What is your name?

Yuqi tensed as she placed the glass on the table, put her hand on Shuhua's hand, and squeezed it.

MinJin could hear the jealousy in her voice .

Shuhua at the same time:

- My name is worth a lot, it must be earned.

MinJin whistled, becoming even more interested in her interlocutor.

- How about the fact that I will treat you to a cocktail (she glanced sideways at the glass), a non-alcoholic cocktail, and we will talk?

Minnie, Miyeon , Soyeon and Yuqi categorically:

- She's busy!

Shuhua waved them away, stood up, straightened her clothes, taking her hand away from Yuqi's fingers, calmly said:

- I don't mind. Unnie, it's just communication, that's all.

Yuqi stood behind her, wanted to say something, but when she saw Shuhua's burning gaze, she fell silent, drooped, sat back in her seat.

- I do not for a long time.

MinJin was inwardly jubilant.

Easy win, as always. One cocktail and she will not only give her name, but also allow her to walk home. The night promises to be hot.


The fun at the table died down, the drink instead of sweetness acquired a bitter taste, the mood completely deteriorated.

- We're not drunk enough yet - Minnie said in a whining tone, leaning against Miyeon 's shoulder , - she promised that she would be with us.

- Actually, if you think about it, she said the opposite, - Soyeon sighed heavily, looking towards the bar, where their Shuhua and a stranger were sitting with their backs to them. - Shuhua wanted to meet someone today.

- Shuhua is busy with me, I didn’t give it to anyone, - Yuqi lowered her head, jealously piercing the stranger’s back with her gaze.

- Yuqi , - Miyeon reminded her, biting her bottom lip as she noticed the stranger put her hand on Shuhua’s shoulder. - And when did you change your orientation, Yuqi? After we found out what kind of club it was, you yourself told us that you were glad that you were straight, which offended Shu inexpressibly.

- But then I apologized! I didn't mean that. It’s just, I don’t want to get her heart broken again, - she muttered, hiding her face behind her hands, adding softly, - Like Soojin did.

- We don't want to either, but we don't have the right to decide for her. This is her life, she decides for her own life - again for the umpteenth time (they discussed this more than once), Soyeon said, looking unhappily at the stranger whispering something in her ear. – We can only observe and, if our help is needed, come and provide it.

Yuqi lowered her head even lower, as Minnie and Miyeon calmed down realizing the rightness of the leader.


Shuhua went after a stranger who looked so much like Soojin out of sheer curiosity. She became interested in flirting itself, because basically she is a layman in this, although there were still attempts to flirt. But that's just baby talk, "Maybe that's why JinJin didn't take me seriously." The stranger who invited her for a cocktail looked experienced, " maybe I'll learn flirting from her."

Shuhua heard falsehood in every word about her appearance.

Shuhua did not like that the girl put her hand on her shoulder without asking her, or leaned closer, whispering all sorts of embarrassing nonsense in her ear.

She wanted to go back, ask her unnies to go home and sleep with Yuqi, hugging her like she was a plush toy.

Yuqi would grumble, fight back, but in the end, she would throw my arm over herself and snuggle up to me , Shuhua chuckled to herself, completely ignoring Mingju 's flirting . He became unpleasant to her immediately after she said:

I have always dreamed of meeting a girl like you.

A common phrase, I'm sure she says that to everyone she meets. How does she know what I am, if we just met?

She didn't answer sharply, she decided to give it a chance. The truth did not give such a chance, because for some reason all thoughts were occupied by Yuqi. Even if Shuhua began to remember the funny episode with Miyeon, Yuqi's face popped up and her mind was already remembering another episode.

Yuqi, only her.

The truth was on the tongue, but Shuhua forbade herself to voice it. She forbade herself for so long that she believed in her love for Sujin, the pain of parting and the vow not to meet with anyone for at least a year.


MinJin was happy. She succeeded. Again, she was lucky to find such a sympathetic beauty, besides a blonde ("the first blonde in six months "), who listens with her ears and who will soon answer her "yes".

That's it, I'm sure now I'll ask a question about her name, and then immediately another question about whether we should leave.

- Well, how did I deserve to know your name, beauty?

Shuhua did not hear, she silently dangled a straw on the bottom of the glass, looking at the circles on top of the drink (she only drank a little, the taste was not pleasant, it was somehow sugary-bitter).

She just can't move away from all the compliments, I'll try again.

Shuhua sighed, looked at MinJin, realizing that she had missed the question, then mentally waved her hand, said:

- Thanks for the drink and your ridiculous compliments, but I have to get back to my girlfriend. I think I taught her enough - Shuhua began to rise, politely thanking the bartender for a cocktail, took a step to leave when she was stopped by the hand.

- What girl? I followed you for a long time, I did not see any girl. If you don't want to talk to me, just say so, I don't need to lie.

- Lie? - Shuhua's look said a lot, Minji felt like a nonentity next to her. - All your compliments are lies, your flirting is designed for the girl to be seduced and say “yes”. After that, the night to satisfy your ego - grimacing, highlighting the word, Shuhua continued - and in the morning ignoring the girl, giving her false hopes.

MinJin couldn't find anything to say, everything said is true.

- What about my girlfriend— Shuhua’s gaze flickered to Yuqi, lingered on her, a small happy smile appeared on her lips as she saw the angry expression fixed on MinJin —you don’t know her, nor do you know me either—without adding another syllable Shuhua yanked her hand out of Minji's and left.


Yuqi was furious, she just boiled all over inside. Her anger was eating her up, she was ready to jump up, run up and show what happens to those who offend her Shuhua.

My Shuhua? Of course mine. Best friend.

She did not take her eyes off Shuhua, ignoring everything that was discussed at the table among the members. Therefore, Yuqi did not miss the moment when Shuhua said something to her, said goodbye to her and walked towards them.

At that moment, everything ceased to exist for Yuqi: the noise of music, the conversations of people, the clatter of glasses.

Everything disappeared except for Shuhua.

In her thoughts, only words of admiration for the girl sounded, which confidently walked back, running her hand through her hair, throwing the interfering curls back.

Shuhua moved close enough for their eyes to meet.

Yuqi was as if under hypnosis, she watched with trepidation in her heart as her friend’s face approached, as she said quietly:

- I'm sorry, Yuqi...

...before he lifts her chin lightly, leaning even closer, brushing her lips with his in a soft, short kiss.

- Unnie, play along with me - she whispered quickly with her lips, then louder, she added: - Sorry for the delay, my love - she stepped back, sat down next to Yuqi, hugged her by the hand, clung to her side.

Yuqi froze, not daring to move, her whole body seemed to be numb, the only thing that remained "alive" was a slight tingling on her lips after kissing Shuhua.

What happened next, Yuqi did not remember, she just drank glass after glass, until Shuhua took the glass of soju from her, ordering:

- Stop it, Yuqi. That's all for today, let's go home.

- Shu, I feel so bad - slurring Yuqi tried to tell about her well-being, clinging to the shoulder of her friend, who was taking her home from the club.

- Hold on, we're almost home. You have to remain professional even in this situation. See how our unnies hold up, take an example from them.

- Will you stay with me, Shu? - Yuqi fell asleep on the go, completely surrendering to the care of herself younger.

- Let's see, - Yuqi grabbed her waist, hugging her to herself, turning away in disgust from the strong fumes from her friend. - Why did you drink so much? Are you really... It doesn't matter.

- Shu…you…she doesn’t suit you… - Yuqi mumbled, snuggling closer to Shuhua’s warm and reliable body. You have me and always will.

- Here, finally, at home - with difficulty lifting Yuqi's limp body up the stairs to the building, then to the elevator and to the apartment where they lived.

As soon as Yuqi's head touched the pillow, the girl instantly fell asleep.

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dear readers attention!
i changed the name of the story from chapter 20 and added new stories by swapping them.
I especially apologize to Setfiretoawolf/
I'm sorry that it happened, but now your comments do not correspond to the story you read


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Setfiretoawolf #1
Chapter 37: I’m dying
Setfiretoawolf #2
Chapter 44: Moar shuyeon pls
Setfiretoawolf #3
Chapter 39: Shuhua is the appointed cook now? Baby wolf has grown so much
Setfiretoawolf #4
Chapter 35: Oh Shuhua with a group of guys? Interesting I’d like to see more of this
Setfiretoawolf #5
Chapter 34: Now your just teasing us with shuqi
Chapter 33: Every single chapter's so interesting here, I want more! Great job, author-nim!
Setfiretoawolf #7
Chapter 33: Oh murder
Setfiretoawolf #8
Chapter 32: All this shuqi I am eating loads of gay bread
shuhuamybeloved_ #9
don’t be scared and do some shuqi s pls🤞
Setfiretoawolf #10
Chapter 31: Baby shuqiiiiiiiiiii my heart