Miyeonxshuhua (65 miyeonxshuhua stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

One Shots
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By nadezda Updated
Characters Shuhua and members
With 55 chapters, 13 votes, 168 subscribers, 12400 views, 53 comments, 98882 words

several stories related to a wonderful group of 6 girls.


By darcylin Updated
Tags  miyeonxshuhua 
With 2 votes, 5 subscribers, 3350 views, 1 comments, 9 words
Status [M], Members Only


By GidleNeverland Updated
Characters Yuqi,shuhua,minnie,miyeon,soyeon,soojin
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 1300 views, 2 comments, 2242 words
Status [M], Members Only


By darcylin Updated
Tags  miyeonxshuhua 
With 5 subscribers, 810 views, 3 words
Status [M]


By 1283880285 Updated
Tags  miyeonxshuhua 
With 8 subscribers, 3830 views, 10 words
Status [M]

Love story(?

By 1283880285 Updated
Tags  miyeonxshuhua 
With 6 subscribers, 6500 views, 18 words
Status [M]


By 1283880285 Updated
Tags  miyeonxshuhua 
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 4050 views, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only


By 1283880285 Updated
Tags  miyeonxshuhua 
With 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 3980 views, 2 words
Status [M]


By 1283880285 Updated
Tags  miyeonxshuhua 
Characters 赵美延叶舒华
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 3110 views, 3 words
Status [M]


By ChocoL Updated
Tags  miyeonxshuhua 
With 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 4940 views, 10 words
Status [M], Members Only


By 1283880285 Updated
Tags  miyeonxshuhua 
Characters 赵美延叶舒华
With 2 votes, 8 subscribers, 5810 views, 19 words
Status [M]


By 1283880285 Updated
Tags  miyeonxshuhua 
Characters 赵美延叶舒华
With 2 votes, 8 subscribers, 3500 views, 9 words
Status [M]


By 1283880285 Updated
Tags  miyeonxshuhua 
Characters 赵美延叶舒华
With 1 votes, 11 subscribers, 5700 views, 6 words
Status [M]

A Warm Embrace

By Mew_21 Updated
Characters Miyeon, Shuhua
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 99 subscribers, 740 views, 938 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

When facing any kind of doubts Shuhua can always rely on Miyeon to remind her that she was loved dearly with a strong hug and feverish kisses. Or, a quick glance at Shuhua’s life as Miyeon’s beloved girlfriend.


By 7upThunder Updated
Tags  miyeonxshuhua 
With 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 1020 views, 10 words
Status Members Only

如果可以,一定要和自己喜欢的人一起爬个山,在山顶共同迎接一次日出。赵美延想。 只是听着一些歌无缘由生发的感想,但她却在对山顶云海和令人心动的宏伟日出的幻想中发呆而入了迷。 从练习生到出道,再到今天,赵美延不太清楚自己到底是个什么样的人,她只知道自己从未因努力过而满足,而是把每天都当成最后一天般拼了命地过;好像也不太会生气和发怒,印象里不记得自己对行程安排、人际关系有什么十分怨恨不满的时候。 相比在乎自己怎么想,她觉得自己更应该在乎公司、媒体和粉丝怎么想。几个密友都曾一脸同情地看着她,他们常在和赵美延聊天分享近况时对她说,"要是这事放在我身上,我早忍不了了。""你也太累了吧。"听到这些,她好像打心眼里不认同他们。 赵美延是个事业心很强的人,虽然性格软软糯糯,但从唱到跳,开始了没过落在人后的准备。因为她再清楚不过,韩圈是吃人的地方,在更新换代的浪潮中只有各方面做到极致,才能稳立住脚。 至于自己的那颗心到底是什么感受——相比这些残酷的现实,相比艺人这个职业所要面对的亿万大众的期待和见证,很重要吗?


By 7upThunder Updated
Tags  miyeonxshuhua 
With 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 2800 views, 3 words
Status Members Only

初夏的风轻轻玩弄着舒华的碎花裙摆,阳光柔和地倾洒在一片绿地上。舒华漫无目的地低着头在公园晃悠,那个姐姐们认证的吵闹孩子已然没了踪影。 她陷入思考,清晰地想起直播时那些在屏幕前一一飘过的黑评,恶臭的辱骂和她的脸庞,在那几秒内就那样挤在一张屏幕里……   然后美延姐姐来了,按照舒华平时的性格,是不想再把黑评再复述给姐姐们一遍的,因为她觉得自己够强大,觉得那样做很多余,也不想再破坏别人的心情——可为什么看到向她跑来的美延欧尼的时候,就突然眼底发酸,被泪水润湿了眼眶,就发了疯般想窝进她怀里,把那些烂人大骂一通……为什么自己在爱的人面前,就会突然变得那么脆弱呢?   舒华的脸上没有皱眉也没有微笑,就像在想起这些之前一样风平浪静。宽大的帽檐和不透气的罩下,她不用再为了节目效果刻意做出什么表情、发出什么声音,所以很多时候也懒得做了。天气好好啊,多么圆满的时刻啊——突然,脑子里就只剩下这一种念头了。   露水覆盖的鲜嫩青草在太阳下仰头呼的模样无意间引了她的目光。

Back To U*Mishu

By 7upThunder Updated
Tags  miyeonxshuhua 
With 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 530 views, 11 words
Status Members Only

“我的人生钥匙 线的那端是你 等待的人是你吧”——序       【阅读须知⚠️:当书本消失无用时,中括号时间为两人存在四岁年龄差时间;当书本成功触发两人时空交叉后,舒华进入美延的时间,两人将开始共用小括号时间】       嘈杂喧闹的礼堂,五彩绸带悬在密密麻麻的众多头顶上。正中拉着的横幅上,有显眼的四个大字,“欢庆毕业”。   讲台前身着宽宽大大学士服的赵美延刚结束自己作为优秀毕业生的经验分享,台下掌声雷动。   这位专修物理的美人早已蜚声全校,足以令人内心塌陷的精致美貌和相当理智深刻的成熟心智,都是她独特魅力的构成部分。   她总是乐于向困境中的学生伸出援手,且对待每个人都亲切与热情,唯有感情方面闭不提、油盐不进,令男孩们大呼可惜,也成为了大家猜不透的谜。   点头致意众人掌声,现在她正再度

COCKTAIL (Miyeon/Shuhua AU)

By nadezda Updated
Characters Miyeon/Shuhua
With 1 chapters, 3 votes, 10 subscribers, 520 views, 1 comments, 1940 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only

I wanna kiss your neck

By Pearltaeny Updated
Tags  seulgi   soyeon   yeri   university   soojin   miyeon   bae   kang   minnie   slowbuild   irene   redvelvet   seulrene   misoo   sorn   tzuyu   elkie   gidle   yuqi   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu   minqi   sooshu   miyeonxsoojin 
Characters Miyeon, Shuhua, Seulgi, Irene, Yeri, Yuqi, Soyeon, Soojin, Minnie, Elkie, Tzuyu, Sorn
With 19 chapters, 36 votes, 780 subscribers, 10340 views, 71 comments, 54529 words
Status Subscribers Only

(G) I-DLE in a University setting. Eyes meet, hearts conect, love is made, hearts are broken... Ships included Mishu Minqi Misoo Sooshu The main characters are Miyeon Shuhua and Soojin This is my first time trying to write something like this. I noticed that there are zero to none mishu stories so I wanted  to change that. I used to love the song" Falling for you" from The 1975 and because Miyeon has a soft spot for Shuhua's neck.... You'll get the idea

Stupid Book (MiShu re-write)

By GarbageCanDoIt Updated
Tags  girlxgirl   miyeon   gidle   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu 
Characters Miyeon, Shuhua, Stupid Book, Yuqi
With 1 chapters, 13 votes, 205 subscribers, 1280 views, 3 comments, 1746 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Shuhua is bored at the dorm and everyone is out (Yuqi is knocked out in bed) except for Miyeon who is too busy reading her stupid book.


By GarbageCanDoIt Updated
Tags  soyeon   girlxgirl   soojin   miyeon   minnie   gidle   yuqi   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu 
Characters Miyeon, Shuhua, Yuqi, Soyeon, Soojin, Minnie, IDLE is a girl group, Shuhua and Yuqi aren't idols
With 15 chapters, 48 votes, 639 subscribers, 6940 views, 78 comments, 30607 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

"Things you want to do, things you want to buy, things you want to eat, places you want to be, what you want to be, write it all down for me." Miyeon, a member of a popular idol group accidentally meets a pretty stranger after a literal fall and she can't get the stranger off her mind. ''Will I see you again?'' "If you're around here often, then maybe you will.''


By TiffanyTUL Updated
Tags  soojin   polyamory   gxg   misoo   gidle   miyeonxshuhua   mishu   soojinxshuhua   sooshu   misooshu   miyeonxsoojin 
Characters Soojin Shuhua Miyeon Minnie Yuqi Soyeon +many more
With 38 chapters, 17 votes, 126 subscribers, 7880 views, 53 comments, 56830 words

A collection of connected Miyeon×Soojin×Shuhua one shots (Well I don't think I can call them one shots anymore can I?). No plot really just cute bits of their domestic life and careers. (I'll think of a better title I promise.)(This whole description has become a lie. The only truth is MiSooShu.)  


By Beautyboss_ Updated
Tags  miyeon   gidle   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu 
Characters Miyeon, Shuhua
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 20 subscribers, 1840 views, 592 words
Status Completed

"Miyeon! Hey, Cho Miyeon!"

Crawling Back To You

By Yongstreet_ Updated
Tags  soojin   miyeon   theaterau   gidle   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu   soojinxshuhua   sooshu 
Characters Yeh Shuhua, Cho Miyeon, Seo Soojin
With 1 chapters, 9 votes, 37 subscribers, 2290 views, 4 comments, 12824 words
Status [M], Completed

(G)-idle Neverland stories

By taenysica29 Updated
Tags  angst   mimin   romance   soyeon   spanish   girlxgirl   soojin   miyeon   unrequitedlove   minnie   shujin   misoo   suayeon   yuyeon   gidle   yuqi   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu   shuhuaxsoojin   soojinxshuhua   sooshu   misooshu   minniexmiyeon   shuyeon 
Characters Soojin, Shushua, Miyeon, Yuqi, (G)-idle, girlxgirl
With 53 chapters, 53 votes, 1882 subscribers, 28030 views, 143 comments, 76771 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Just writing about the TJ (Mishu) and sooshu couples from the best K-pop girl group (G)- idle They are seriously so cute and sweet. Every story here written are product of my imagination "Writing is an scape from reality, a place where everything can be possible, and we are unstoppable"

Take Your Time, I Know You’re Mine.

By Mew_21 Updated
Tags  fluff   oneshot   toothrottingfluff   gidle   miyeonxshuhua   mishu 
Characters Cho Miyeon, Yeh Shuhua
With 1 chapters, 12 votes, 261 subscribers, 1800 views, 5 comments, 5207 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

A regular day with our favourite (not) sugar mommy Miyeon and our feisty Shuhua.    Or, Miyeon has been patient all day long and although she feels blessed with Shuhua's company, she just wishes that the girl had more faith in herself and in them even though she would wait for her no matter what.  

Between Scylla and Charybdis

By CliveBenevolent Updated
Characters Shuhua, Miyeon, Soojin
With 5 chapters, 8 votes, 107 subscribers, 3780 views, 12 comments, 11569 words
Status Completed

Miyeon loves Soojin, Soojin loves Shuhua, Shuhua loves Miyeon, but like, they all love each other as well.

Eye meets eye

By im_jinglin Updated
Characters Yeh Shuhua, Cho Miyeon, Song Yu Qi, Seo Soo Jin, Jeon So Yeon, Minnie Yontararak
With 16 chapters, 19 votes, 181 subscribers, 5920 views, 19 comments, 51001 words
Status [M]

When the day arrives

By Hayoungiesh Updated
Tags  fluff   miyeon   eunrong   gidle   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu 
Characters Chorong, Eunji, Bomi, Miyeon, Shuhua, Soyeon, Minnie, Yuqi, Soojin
With 1 chapters, 18 votes, 76 subscribers, 2270 views, 3 comments, 10448 words
Status Completed

Miyeon stops showering Shuhua in affection and Shuhua comes to learn a few things about her feelings.   Originally on wattpad

Our Maknae Alpha

By Setfiretoawolf Updated
Characters Gidle shuhua, yeh shuhua, shuhua, seo soojin, gidle soojin, soojin, song yuqi, gidle yuqi, yuqi, cho miyeon, gidle miyeon, miyeon, jeon soyeon, gidle soyeon, soyeon, minnie, gidle minnie, nicha yontararak
With 5 chapters, 7 votes, 457 subscribers, 3310 views, 3 comments, 5881 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

sit around and do nothing

By cloudsmove Updated
Tags  miyeon   gidle   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu 
With 8 chapters, 15 votes, 127 subscribers, 4570 views, 19 comments, 9307 words
Status Completed

A collection of pieces where I sit around and do nothing but drag mishu out of the grave. 


By SkylerSubs Updated
Tags  miyeon   spyau   gidle   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu   soyeonxsoojin   minqi   soyejin   minniexyuqi 
With 8 chapters, 24 votes, 351 subscribers, 3700 views, 31 comments, 33222 words
Status Subscribers Only

Shuhua has been working with C.U.B.E incorporated (Corporate United in Beating Evil) for just around a year yet she has already proven herself time and time again to be one of their most valuable spies.   Recently, reports have been surfacing that one of the most wanted and elusive criminal masterminds has been spotted in the country. Shuhua, along with her colleagues Soojin and Yuqi, have been tasked with a dangerous mission o

(G)I-dle neverland stories (español)

By taenysica29 Updated
Tags  angst   lovetriangle   mimin   sad   soojin   miyeon   gxg   shujin   2yeon   jinyeon   yuyeon   gidle   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu   shuhuaxmiyeon   shuhuaxsoojin   minqi   soojinxshuhua   sooshu   shumi 
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 37 subscribers, 900 views, 1 comments, 8757 words
Status Subscribers Only

Hola chicos soy B. Algunos de ustedes conocerán mis historias en (G)I-dle neverland stories en la cuál su contenido es meramente en inglés, para aquellos hablantes de la lengua española  les traigo esta versión completamente en español! Espero les guste, Soy basicamnte fan del  Sooshu y Mishu, ellas son realmete tiernas juntas y la base de mi inspiración.

you don't have to have my back

By cloudsmove Updated
Tags  miyeon   gidle   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu 
With 17 chapters, 46 votes, 242 subscribers, 6360 views, 63 comments, 21265 words
Status Completed

A lot has changed in four centuries, but some things never do. Not in this lifetime. 

a ball to the gut and you're in love with me

By cloudsmove Updated
Tags  romance   superpowers   miyeon   gidle   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu 
With 2 chapters, 23 votes, 85 subscribers, 1790 views, 10 comments, 22188 words
Status Completed

This is an AU where Miyeon does not slay with vocals; in fact, she doesn't slay at all. Instead she navigates school life at a superhero academy where she struggles with passing classes, writing trashy news, and being a decent prophet. While Miyeon's power is equivalent to magikarp (useless, but has potential), it does lead her to Shuhua.

Flesh and Blood

By Jhaycee_4620 Updated
Characters Chomiyeon, yehshuhua, miyeon, shuhua, soyeon, soojin, yuqi, minnie, gidle
With 8 chapters, 5 votes, 42 subscribers, 1840 views, 7 comments, 11583 words

Everything.........   I gave up EVERYTHING.......   for HER........   and it was not enough........it will never be.   not even close......   but why is hope still blooming inside me?   I must be getting crazy.       MiShu~Alternate Universe.

I just wanted to eat ramen noodles Miyeon unnie!!

By Suopairi Updated
With 4 votes, 35 subscribers, 750 views, 4 comments, 76 words

  A story in where Cho Miyeon is a world class singer who happens to be so rich she'd buy anything to please a simple yet breathtaking beauty,Yeh Shuhua,her soon to be wife.   "MIYEON UNNIE FOR THE LAST TIME.I JUST WANTED FOOD NOT A DEAD COMPANY!??" "Ah so Pabo Mc's not to your liking?" "AAAHH CHO MIYEON YOU PABO!"     Yup,these two ABSOLUTELY loves each other :))  

Dreams might become true

By CandyflossM Updated
Tags  soyeon   soojin   miyeon   minnie   seokjin   yuqi   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu 
Characters 1-1
With 1 chapters, 7 votes, 320 subscribers, 1790 views, 3 comments, 13887 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Working in a lesbian movie while being a famous singer sounded exiting but scaring to Miyeon, and more since she heard she was going to work with the rookie actress, Shuhua 

i hate it

By GarbageCanDoIt Updated
Tags  oneshot   girlxgirl   miyeon   gidle   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu 
Characters Miyeon, Shuhua, Gong Chanyoung
With 1 chapters, 26 votes, 565 subscribers, 2780 views, 4 comments, 2144 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

It was January 19 and Shuhua was annoyed and tired. But here she was in Minnie's studio doing a VLIVE with the girl who was probably the source of her annoyance...or maybe something else.


By GarbageCanDoIt Updated
Tags  oneshot   girlxgirl   soojin   miyeon   gidle   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu 
Characters Miyeon, Shuhua, Paboland, Soojin
With 1 chapters, 22 votes, 596 subscribers, 3210 views, 12 comments, 3134 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Miyeon was tired of third-wheeling the SooShu couple and she wants to leave. But Shuhua has something to say.

soft rains inside my dreams

By cloudsmove Updated
Tags  miyeon   gidle   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu 
With 4 chapters, 8 votes, 76 subscribers, 1730 views, 13 comments, 4713 words

It’s 3009, Miyeon just wants the world to burn along with its soulmate-obsessed population. In which Miyeon can’t stand her friends being disgusting with their soulmates so she plays retro video games (Animal-Crossing) to self-medicate.

My Past, Present & Future

By RyaitheScientist Updated
Tags  fxband   kryber   shinee   snsd   occharacter   redvelvet   seulrene   wenreneseul   twice   produce101   minkyebin   pristin   gidle   miyeonxshuhua 
With 59 chapters, 37 votes, 324 subscribers, 16790 views, 195 comments, 152371 words
Status Completed

Mostly people in 7 billion population in this world are chasing for a better life.  A better I mean,  An ordinary routine that what normal human should do. Begin from the birth, our mind had been set accordingly- we study to earn knowledge,  to be a useful person, we work days and night, to earn money, to support our daily expenses. And not an exception, when we reach adulthood, marriage and life partner will complete the circle of life.  Boys and girls are inv


By sochicshu Updated
Characters Shuhua | Miyeon | Minnie | Soojin
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 49 subscribers, 1850 views, 4 comments, 1492 words
Status [M], Completed


By GarbageCanDoIt Updated
Tags  oneshot   soyeon   girlxgirl   soojin   miyeon   minnie   gidle   yuqi   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu 
Characters Miyeon, Shuhua, Minnie, Soyeon, Soojin, Yuqi
With 1 chapters, 32 votes, 711 subscribers, 3340 views, 13 comments, 2346 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

"Miyeon and Shuhua don't remember anything when they are drunk" Celebrations, drinks, drunk confessions. But what actually happened? Does anyone remember?


By mishutrash Updated
Tags  miyeonxshuhua 
With 9 subscribers, 1480 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status [M]

Royal Rivals

By SkylerSubs Updated
Tags  royalau   yuyeon   gidle   miyeonxshuhua   mishu   yuqixsoyeon   soojinxshuhua   sooshu 
With 1 chapters, 7 votes, 50 subscribers, 1160 views, 7 comments, 819 words

  The Yeh royals have long ruled the Queendom of Cubenovia. Generation after generation the Yeh royals have led this mighty land with dignity and class.   It has finally come time for Queen Soyeon to pass down the crown to Princess Shuhua. She had managed to rule Cubenovia as a sole queen for quite some time but the traditions of the land have pressured her to make a quick decision; she must pass the crown to the next in line n

If there is no next time, know this:

By -Magma- Updated
Characters Cho Miyeon, Yeh Shuhua
With 1 chapters, 10 votes, 40 subscribers, 1860 views, 3 comments, 693 words
Status Completed

I hope you know I love you, even when there's nothing after this. I'll love you into eternity, so here's to our tomorrow that doesn't exist.   


By Cassiopeia_Jeong Updated
Tags  comedy   romance   schoollife   soyeon   alternateuniverse   revenge   soojin   miyeon   minnie   gxgxg   yuyeon   gidle   yuqi   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu   minqi   soojinxshuhua   sooshu 
Characters Yeh Shuhua, Seo Soojin, Cho Miyeon, (G)I-DLE, (And other K-POP Idols)
With 6 chapters, 30 votes, 651 subscribers, 5790 views, 53 comments, 23072 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

  •••   Yeh Shuhua, a high school delinquent in Idle Academy happens to have an intense and passionate feelings for her sunbae Seo Soojin, who is one of the most popular and experienced dancers inside the Academy.   But one day, a rumor spread all over the Academy, finding out that the school’s It girl Cho Miyeon, has been dating Soojin ever since Shuhua transferred in the school. This made Shuhua angry and desperate to win her crush. But she didn’t giv

Everything was dark before I met you

By mobiuss Updated
Tags  miyeon   gidle   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua 
Characters Cho Miyeon | Yeh Shuhua | Song Yuqi | Minnie/Minnie Nicha Yontararak | Jeon Soyeon | Seo Soojin
With 5 chapters, 8 votes, 69 subscribers, 1840 views, 1 comments, 4580 words
Status Completed

Shuhua's dream was to be a Kpop idol and in order to achieve it she had to move to a foreign country. Adapting to the trainee life in a new country was harder than she thought. But life got better when she met Miyeon, another trainee at the company who was always willing to help her out.  

Sign you’ve fallen for your bestfriend: Shuhua edition

By lovers7 Updated
Tags  miyeon   gidle   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua   mishu 
With 11 chapters, 47 votes, 6230 views, 63 comments, 10988 words
Status Completed

Story how Shuhua realize she is falling in love with her supposedly bestfriend, aka Cho Miyeon. “Yuqi,” Shuhua called Yuqi who is playing mobile games. “What?” Yuqi asks why not looking at Shuhua. “How did you know you fallen in love?” Yuqi drop her phone and look at Shuhua with shock face. “What?” Shuhua asks. Yuqi shake her head and pick up and phone. “Aren’t you in love with Soojin unnie? Why you asks me?” Yuqi said. “I mean, to make sure I’m really

Love or Lust

By GetThatCheese Updated
Characters Soojin Soyeon Miyeon Minnie Yuqi Shuhua
With 6 chapters, 10 votes, 1039 subscribers, 5760 views, 18 comments, 11180 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

Girl Group One Shots

By RoseClare Updated
Tags  oneshot   oneshots   hyewon   girlxgirl   girlgroups   clc   2jin   gxg   dreamcatcher   loona   yeelkie   oneshotscollection   2hyeon   suayeon   yeeunxelkie   gidle   miyeonxshuhua   suaxsiyeon 
With 6 chapters, 19 votes, 194 subscribers, 8480 views, 19 comments, 10958 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

i hate u, i love u.

By Kkura-Chaeng Updated
Tags  kpop   spanish   fanfic   miyeon   shuhua   miyeonxshuhua 
Characters Miyeon, Shuhua, y su amor profundo por la shina de la SooSoo, ohro.
With 1 chapters, 45 subscribers, 810 views, 2913 words
Status Subscribers Only

Miyeon nunca pensó que iba a conocer en su vida a ése tipo de persona desagradable, insípida, y molesta, que evitaba a toda costa. Miyeon prefería la tranquilidad, la paz, y el silencio, y sin pasar desapercibido, que en preferencia musicales, prefería música clásica ante todo, y a veces llegaba a pasar más de dos horas escuchando la misma canción de Trot en su antigua habitación sin parar. Lástima que para Shuhua, su vecina, era todo lo contrario a eso, y realmente lo opuesto a las p

a Dangerous

By lucienthegiants11 Updated
Characters Jeon Soyeon Seo Soojin G Idle
With 1 chapters, 7 votes, 724 subscribers, 3370 views, 9 comments, 2596 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only