Without You






Minah looked at the framed photograph on her desk, it was a photo of her and her grandfather. The time was nearing to one thirty in the morning and she couldn’t sleep. She pulled her hair up in a ponytail before standing up.

“Halbae you will wake up.” She mumbled before picking up her hoodie and exiting her study.

She grabbed her car keys and phone before leaving her penthouse.



Johnny groaned as he opened his eyes, someone was his doorbell. He glanced at the clock on his bedside table.

It was two in the morning; he dragged himself out of bed and stepped out of his room.

Isabelle.” He said darkly as he reached the front door and found a smiling Park Minah.

“Hi!” She said before attacking him with a hug.

Another thing about Park Minah; she was an oddball. And the only person who knew this side of her was Seo Youngho. And somehow, odd enough, he understood this side.

Well, this is weird, you’re the one who’s always walking away from me lately, and now you’re here at my doorstep. So much wow.” He said dryly.

Ice cream run?

 Johnny just eyed her warily before closing the door.



Johnny had his chin over Izzy’s head as they queued to pay for their ice cream; he was humming listlessly while fighting his sleepiness.

“What is it now? You only want ice cream at two am when you’re bothered. Well, I know you’re bothered, but this must be something urgent.” He pointed out as they stepped forward. Minah shrugged.

“Your hair always did smell like this. Lavender.” Johnny sniffed before pulling away from her.

Appa asked me to reconsider again.” She started as they reached the cashier, Johnny nodded as he took out his wallet. Minah pulled a chocolate bar from the side counter and looked at him for approval.

Go ahead.” He nodded; she beamed at him before handing the chocolate along with the ice cream.



“He was going on and on about this new project he wants me to take.” Izzy said as they stepped out of the store, Johnny planted his palm at the small of her back as they crossed the street.

“You can do it.”

“I don’t want to.” She mumbled back, he chuckled.

“Are you feeling all better now? No more upcoming “Park Minah, you big meanie episodes”? Songhee’s worried that it’s all because of her.

She tensed, Johnny looked at her expectantly.

Just…I just want my best friend back.” She said quietly, he smiled.

Ya, you never lost me. Weirdo.” He said as they reached the car, Minah just nodded back.

Are we going to visit halbae? You mentioned it earlier.” He said softly, she looked up, surprised.

Yes, I do listen to you..sometimes.” He chuckled before opening the door for her.




The elevator doors opened, he saw how Izzy bit her lip. Johnny took her hand in his.

“Together?” He asked, she just nodded back as they started to walk.

It has been eight months ever since the elder Park, Minah’s grandfather got in a car accident and slipped into a coma and he has never woken up since then.

They arrived in front of the room, Minah looked at her grandfather through the glass window, she pressed her palm against as her shoulders started to shake.

Hey, he’s going to be fine.” Johnny rubbed her back.

I try thinking the same thing..but it’s been months…Still no progress.” She choked as she wiped the tears on her cheeks.

I should have stopped him from leaving…I should have protected him from this happening.” She sobbed before burying her face in his chest. Johnny pressed his lips on the crown of her head.

It’s not your fault, you can’t protect everyone, Iz.



“Can you wake me up by seven?” Minah asked as she went to her room, just like as her place, Youngho had a spare room to himself and of course, Izzy has her own room in his house.

No. You need sleep, we both need sleep.” Youngho said adamantly, Minah came out dressed in a pair of shorts and a loose shirt.

Johnny sat down on the couch, his brows furrowed. He was certain that something was wrong with her, but right now, it was so difficult to reach her thoughts. And it bothered him a lot when she was avoiding him, it was difficult without her.

Youngho?” She called.

Living room!” He replied as he picked up the remote.

“This reminds me, we haven’t had a movie night in ages, Taeyong should bring Eunhee next time.” She murmured as she plopped beside him.

We haven’t even had a serious talk for a while. I’m worried about you.” He pointed out meaningfully; she just shrugged and inched closer to him.

I’m worried about you too.” She whispered before leaning against him.

“Remember back in college? We used to visit Jeju over the weekend.” He spoke, she nodded.

We almost flunked two major subjects because of that too.” He added as he her hair.

You know, Songhee…she told me that I shouldn’t always be tailing you around. She thinks people will talk.

Minah just nodded, her fists curled.

I mean, when we were in San Francisco, everything was okay, we were together almost everyday, you know. I don’t think we should change that just because Korean culture~

I get it.” She half-laughed.

But, who cares?” She sat up to face him, she pulled back when she realized how close his face was to hers.

You’re Seo Youngho, my ride or die, personal troublemaker and~

“You can’t live without me, I know. Thanks, baby boo.

Izzy just hit his arm.

I was going to go all sentimental and touchy feely just the way you want me to.” She replied, he chuckled.

I know, Izzy, despite the cold, ice princess exterior of yours, you’re actually an over protective mother hen.

Hen? I’m a chicken now?” She glared at him, he chuckled.

But, don’t ever do that again, okay? Avoiding me, all the lying and not letting us know that you’re still alive, okay? I don’t like it.” He cupped her cheeks, she scrunched her nose at him.

Youngho-ya, what if….”  She trailed off.

Okay, that’s enough sentimental crap for today. Try to get some sleep, Isabelle.

She exhaled before leaning against his arm, he smiled and squeezed her hand.

Good night, knucklehead.


Good night, you giant.

He just chuckled and kissed the top of her head before focusing on the movie.



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Chapter 41: The label is always the issue🫠🫠🫠
Chapter 41: Goals.
waee09 #3
Chapter 41: Sooooo cuteee
Chapter 41: Ahh 😍
Moonlight_23 #5
Chapter 11: Minah really need to tell Johnny the truth fast
Chapter 41: yaaaas. finished it for a few hours. this story is sooo good. im so happy to come across a johnny story. i've been into nct lately. hahaha i love how the story progressed from being bffs to lovers.
Chapter 41: i really liked your story . thank you . it was really beautiful
Chapter 27: i've got some problems with my bff too , i dunno what happend but she's stopped talking to me since god knows when ? i really try to reach her but she never answers
Chapter 9: Eunhee is so SAVAGE
Chapter 41: Guess who stayed up until 5 a.m. just to read this beautiful story ??