Without You


Minah stuggled as she tried to sit up, she so badly wanted to run towards him, but her ankle had throbbed so much. She felt tears uncontrollably fall on her cheeks; she wanted to scream. She landed back on the ground and winced as her arms gave up on her.

She could already hear the loud sirens of the ambulance nearing them.

No, not you too.” She started to sob incoherently. She heard the ambulance skid to a stop across them. EMTs rushed towards Johnny, she started to shake.

Because I love you.

And I know there’s almost zero possibility of you ever loving me back, but please, come back to me, Isabelle.

 “Come back to me.

Izzy looked away, she never felt so helpless her entire life. She watched as EMTs tried to stop the bleeding from his head wound, he was lifted to the ambulance.

Her eyes went to the car who had hit him.

“Miss, are you okay?” An EMT reached her and lifted her up.

She noticed the registration plate.


“Here it is, it was~”

She took the phone and looked back at Youngho, he was already inside the ambulance, her jaw tightened as the doors were closed before her.

“The other victim~”

“Take him to the hospital first, I can wait.” She said as she took her phone from him,the male nodded, confused. He helped her to a foldable seat, Minah watched as the ambulance sped away, she let out a shaky breath and wiped her cheek once before dialing on her phone.

“Vice president, we’re~”

“Call our legal team. And gather every footage and picture we have of Shin Songhee at our hotel.”

“Yes? But~”

“I will destroy her.” She stated before ending the call, she glanced at the car again.




Jaehyun looked at his cousin with concern, her mother was trying to talk to her, but Minah just sat there, not reacting when the nurses and doctor checked her wounds and bruises. She didn’t even flinch as the doctor stitched the cut on her palm.

Isabella, what happened? How did you end up at Johnny’s home?” Mrs. Park sighed as she wiped Minah’s free hand.

How are the preparations for halbae?” Minah spoke shakily.

“Doyoung’s already taking care of it, and your aunt is downstairs, dealing with the press.” Mr. Park said calmly, Minah just nodded.

“Can I go now?” Minah looked at the doctor.

“But, young miss, a pain reliever~”

“I wont be needing one.” She slid down from the bed, barefoot.


I can’t lose him too.” She said before leaving the room.



Taeyong looked up just as the girl stepped out of the elevators. Inyoung stood up and walked to her.

“How..How is he?” Izzy spoke, Taeyong looked away.

“We don’t know yet. The doctor has not come out.”

Minah nodded and looked away, Taeyong looked at her shirt, it was stained with blood.


I was supposed to get hit. I should be the one bleeding, not him.” She sobbed, Inyoung shook her head.

I hurt him….I hurt him…I should have listened to him, but I let my fear take over. And now….I might lose him too.

Taeyong just pulled her to him.

“He’s going to be fine, he’ll get through this, Iz.”

“It’s all my fault. I wont be able to forgive myself if something happens to him.” She just closed her eyes.

“Vice president,”

Inyoung looked at Kangjun.

Minah pulled away from Taeyong, she faced her secretary.

“I just received a call from the police, they have Shin Songhee under custody.”

Taeyong’s brows rose, just as Kangjun finished speaking, he saw Youngho’s secetary and CJ&E’s corporate lawyer walking towards them.

“I’ll deal with this.” Minah spoke.

“Miss Park~” Atty. Moon reached her.

“My lawyer has contacted you, am I right?” She faced him, Taeyong’s brows met.

“Izzy, I don’t understand, what~”

“I will take care of this, as of now, not even the Public Office of Attorneys will take on her case. No lawyer will be willing to help her.”

“Izzy, what are you saying?” Inyoung touched her elbow.

“Songhee…she was the driver of that car.” She looked at them briefly before facing the male. Taeyong stepped back, in shock.

“But, miss Park, this~”

“I was her target, your boss saved me. So let me do this, I’ll personally call Chairman Seo if you want. Just let me finish her.” She stated before walking towards the doors, she paused and glanced at the blinking light on top of the Operating Room’s door.


Come back to me, Seo Youngho.



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Chapter 41: The label is always the issue🫠🫠🫠
Chapter 41: Goals.
waee09 #3
Chapter 41: Sooooo cuteee
Chapter 41: Ahh 😍
Moonlight_23 #5
Chapter 11: Minah really need to tell Johnny the truth fast
Chapter 41: yaaaas. finished it for a few hours. this story is sooo good. im so happy to come across a johnny story. i've been into nct lately. hahaha i love how the story progressed from being bffs to lovers.
Chapter 41: i really liked your story . thank you . it was really beautiful
Chapter 27: i've got some problems with my bff too , i dunno what happend but she's stopped talking to me since god knows when ? i really try to reach her but she never answers
Chapter 9: Eunhee is so SAVAGE
Chapter 41: Guess who stayed up until 5 a.m. just to read this beautiful story ??