Without You


Doyoung was pacing back and forth outside the hospital room, his eyes were swollen as he tried to comfort his younger cousin.

Jaehyun was seated across him, quiet and shaken.

“Noona!” He called just as the doors slid open.

“How…How…” She said as she walked towards them, Doyoung just slowly shook her head.

“He..He is still inside, the elders are also with him,” Doyoung looked away, Minah let out a shaky breath.

“Noona, they tried to revive him…But…But..”

Izzy looked away and wiped her cheeks.

“I’ll take care of everything downstairs. Tell eomma and appa I~”

“You wont be seeing him?” Jaehyun looked up, Izzy just shook her head.

“I don’t want to remember him that way.” She said quietly before turning away from them, she got in the elevator and let her tears fall.

“This is so unfair, halbae. I need you…I already lost Youngho, how could you leave me?” She whispered.



Youngho chewed on his lip as he shifted gears, he was just a few minutes away from the hospital. Then his phone started ringing.

“Doyoung-ah!” He said as he answered.

“Hyung…it’s noona…she disappeared.”

“What?” Youngho paused.

“She was here earlier, she told me she’d take care of halbae’s documents and deal with the press..but she left. We’re worried, noona…noona was the closest to halbae.” Doyoung said carefully, his voice cracking.

Youngho’s brows furrowed.

“Do you know where she is hyung? Everyone’s looking for her.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll look for her.” Youngho put his phone down and he shifted gears.



Minah leaned back on the seat, it all felt so heavy, halbae was gone. Her grandfather had left and she never felt so lost her whole life. She just made Youngho leave her too, she wiped her tears and leaned on the steering wheel.

“I wanted you to see me take over…I wanted you to continue nagging like you always do…I wanted you to see me fail as VP, then you’d have to push me back, halbae.” She sobbed.

“I’m sorry I took too long….I should have followed what you wanted me to do…I’m sorry, halbae.”

Minah unbuckled her seatbelt and slid down from the car.



Youngho pulled over in front of the old arcade in Samcheongdong, he went down from his car and crossed the street.

He stepped in the establishment and started looking around.


“I already released some men to look for her, don’t worry, we’ll find her.” Taeyong said from the other line.

“Something’s wrong, you know how unstable she can get.” Youngho sighed as he realized that Isabelle wasn’t inside.

He ran out of the arcade and got in the car.



Izzy looked at the two-story villa in front of her, she sighed.

She had no idea why she ended up in the place, but she felt so helpless, everything felt so empty and hollow. All she wanted was to be away, to not see her grandfather who had already passed.

She leaned against her car, she looked at her phone.

He’s probably flying right now.” She said before switching it off and tossing it across the street.

Halbae, I want a reset.” She mumbled as she covered her face.



Youngho shook his head and put his phone down, no one could reach her. Her phone could not even be traced.

He sighed as he neared his home, then his eyes widened. A familiar BMW was parked right across the gate of his house.


He shifted the gear to park and quickly slid down from his car.


She looked up, her eyes widened.

“I…” She stood up, Youngho felt his chest tighten when he saw her state, her eyes were swollen and her lips were white, probably from staying out in the cold for too long. Then she started to cry as she ran towards him.

It all happened so fast; Youngho was stunned to see her running to him when he noticed a car rushing forward towards her.

He started to run towards her.

“Izzy~” He pushed her by the waist, Isabelle winced as she staggered back, she landed on her palms, she hissed in pain as her ankle throbbed.

It was then she heard it, a loud thud that made her insides drop, she looked up.


Youngho was lying on the road across her, unmoving and blood was rushing out of the back of his head.




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Chapter 41: The label is always the issue🫠🫠🫠
Chapter 41: Goals.
waee09 #3
Chapter 41: Sooooo cuteee
Chapter 41: Ahh 😍
Moonlight_23 #5
Chapter 11: Minah really need to tell Johnny the truth fast
Chapter 41: yaaaas. finished it for a few hours. this story is sooo good. im so happy to come across a johnny story. i've been into nct lately. hahaha i love how the story progressed from being bffs to lovers.
Chapter 41: i really liked your story . thank you . it was really beautiful
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