Without You



-Wilmerding High School

San Francisco



“Could you be any slower?” Park Minah asked as she was leaning against the black Range Rover under the soft San Franciscan sun. She had been waiting for her friend for almost an hour now.

Iz, yo.” Johnny chuckled as he approached his sulking best friend of nine years; he took out his car key and pressed one of the buttons. The car unlocked, she immediately got in the vehicle.

You .” She said flatly, her eyes on the bicycle parking area as he got on his seat. Johnny followed her gaze and smiled.

Auntie said you shouldn’t be riding that, a lot of accidents have been happening you know, and it’s not like I’m not willing to drive you home.” He pointed as he started the car.

You dead bolted my bike, Seo Youngho. Where’s the key?” She asked as he started to drive out the parking lot.

We should pass by the Bay to get something to eat. That good?” He said as they reached the main road.

You idiot, you lost the key, huh?

“Awwe, come on, Iz, you know I hate hospitals.” He said in Korean.

“That doesn’t even make any sense.” She pointed out as she took off her jacket.

If you get in an accident by riding that bike, then I’d have to visit you at a hospital, duh.” He rolled his eyes at her, Minah just sighed and leaned back on her seat.



“So, how was the wedding?” Minah spoke as he got their Ben and Jerry’s, Johnny passed her cup of chocolate chip cookie dough with extra strawberry toppings.

Taeyong was awkward as . He says hi by the way.” He said as they walked, she nodded.

Ah, right!” He beamed as he took out something from his pocket; it was a piece of paper.

What?” She wiped her lip before taking the paper.

One of the guys from the team gave you his number, since you wont give yours.” He teased while nudging her. Minah winced as his weight almost made her trip.

Dude, you’re almost six feet tall now, stop acting as if we’re five.” She winced as she rubbed the side of her arm.

Ohh, I’m sorry, baby boo. Shall oppa kiss it for you so it wont hurt anymore?” He cooed, Minah just closed her eyes and sighed.

Oh my god, why are we even friends?” She muttered darkly as Johnny kept up with her. He put one arm around her shoulders as they walked.

Come on, Iz, a lot of guys like you, but you’re being a to everyone, you know. You’re so…..cold.” He shuddered.

Have you finished the report for Physics? Miss Simons wants it by tomorrow.” She pointed out as they reached Boudin Bakery.

Johnny stilled for a moment.

“We have to submit something for Physics?” He echoed.

You are so dead, Seo Youngho. Anyway, I want clam chowder on sourdough, your treat, right?” She asked as she crossed the street and entered the restaurant.




Minah was already dressed for bed in a pair of sweats and loose top as she hunched over her math textbook and laptop. She glanced up as she felt another presence in her room.

Izzy, I need your help.” Johnny whined as he headed for her bed and landed face front with a loud thump.

She sighed.

Who let you in?” She asked as she glanced at the clock on her desk.

I let myself in, like usual. Can we order pizza?” He asked as he sat up while wrapping himself with her blankets.

Why are you here?” She turned to her books again, Johnny stood up and hopped to her.

Physics. Halp me.” He sighed as he leaned his chin over her shoulder as she worked, he pouted as he eyed her notes and finished assignment.

“Minah-ya, please.” He whined again. Minah just ignored him, Johnny made a face before lifting her off the chair.

Johnny Seo, you~

He plopped down on the seat and made her sit on his lap.

Now go teach me this Physics thing, then after that we can order pizza and I’ll leave you in your ice castle alone, okay?” He bargained, Minah exhaled and just shut her laptop close.

Please tell me you’ve began~

Nope, we’re starting from scratch.” He beamed at her before bopping the side of his head with hers.

You .” She stated as she picked up Johnny’s book and opened it.

You know you can’t live without me, Iz.

“Don’t start now, Seo Youngho.”

Johnny just mussed her hair, Minah just shook her head with a smile before giving him a pencil.





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Chapter 41: The label is always the issue🫠🫠🫠
Chapter 41: Goals.
waee09 #3
Chapter 41: Sooooo cuteee
Chapter 41: Ahh 😍
Moonlight_23 #5
Chapter 11: Minah really need to tell Johnny the truth fast
Chapter 41: yaaaas. finished it for a few hours. this story is sooo good. im so happy to come across a johnny story. i've been into nct lately. hahaha i love how the story progressed from being bffs to lovers.
Chapter 41: i really liked your story . thank you . it was really beautiful
Chapter 27: i've got some problems with my bff too , i dunno what happend but she's stopped talking to me since god knows when ? i really try to reach her but she never answers
Chapter 9: Eunhee is so SAVAGE
Chapter 41: Guess who stayed up until 5 a.m. just to read this beautiful story ??