Without You

“Morning flight. Always a morning flight.” Minah said as her secretary followed her out of the elevator.

“Yes, I’ll take care of it.” Kangjun nodded, Minah got in her office and plopped down on her seat.

Her phone buzzed.

Noona, we’re having lunch with Taeyong hyung and Eunhee. –Jaehyun

You should come join us, or I’ll destroy your precious Seoul Intercon. Mwahahaha –Doyoung

She just blinked at the stark differences between her two cousins.

“They are so weird.” She mused, and then Kangjun entered her office.

“I’m here to remind you of your schedule today, ma’am.”

She just nodded, not noticing the doors behind Kangjun opening widely and two men had stepped in, carrying something large.

Kangjun just spoke, knowing that he had distracted his boss.

“And of course, you have that acceptance speech to make.” He said with a grin, she just shook her head.

“I don’t need a party~”

“The chairman has ordered it, ma’am.”

“Appa? He wouldn’t~ What’s that?” She stopped, Kangjun followed her gaze.

“Those are flowers, vice president.”

“Of course I know what those are, but what is it doing here?” She stood up and walked towards the huge flower wall that was composed of peonies, gerberas and carnations.

“It came a few minutes ago. I’m sure there’s a card.” Kangjun slyly pointed out.

“Ah, now I remember, vice president, you don’t like roses, right?”

“Yeah.” She replied as she picked up the white envelope on the coffee table and took out the card.

Good morning, Isabelle.

She just looked at the huge floral arrangement before her and sighed.



“Hi, babe.” Taeyong grinned as Minah joined them in their table.

“Wow, you actually show yourself.” Doyoung said.

“Don’t start.” She rolled her eyes at him, and then she paused when another figure joined them.

“Please, I know you guys still haven’t finished you issues yet, but for the sake of Eunhee, who’s arriving in a few minutes from class, can you all act normally?” Taeyong spoke as Johnny took his seat.

“How is she doing?” Minah cleared .

“She actually likes Math. Odd.”

Johnny grinned.

“Math is okay.” Izzy shrugged.

“Noona, you’re a nerd.” Jaehyun pointed out.

“Ya~” The waiter arrived with their food. Johnny pulled the plate of braised ribs away from her and pushed the soy chicken in front of her while he was speaking with Doyoung.

“I’ll be out of town for the weekend. Please don’t bother me.” She said pointedly while eyeing Taeyong.

“Awwe, I just really missed you, Iz. You know you’re the only person I can annoy.”

“Taeyong, I~”

“Unnie!” Eunhee came running to their table, Minah lifted the girl onto her lap.

“How have you been, princess?”

“Fine, but unnie, you and uncle aren’t really going to be friends again?” She asked harshly, Doyoung stifled his laugh.

“We’re still friends, princess. Right?” Minah looked at Johnny, he just nodded.

“We just had some problems, Eunhee. Don’t worry, we’re okay now.” He said with a smile, Izzy nodded and exhaled.

“Now, they’re just blatantly lying to the kid.” Doyoung muttered, Jaehyun just shook his head.

“That’s good then, uncle finally broke up with Songhee anyway, all is well.” Eunhe chuckled, Minah paused, her brows rose.

“Ah, really? Well, you did say she was like a Pokemon.” She stuttered before helping Eunhee to her seat.

“I..I have something for Eunhee in the car, I’ll go get it.” She said before standing up and leaving the table, Johnny exhaled and looked away.



Minah looked around in search for a mini mart.

Please don’t tell me you’re looking for something to buy for Eunhee, because you lied to her.

She spun around, Johnny was strolling towards her, he had removed his coat and had the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up to his elbows.

Her brows met before looking away.

Thanks for the alpaca and the flowers.” She said quietly, Johnny just nodded.

So it’s like this? We separate things?” He asked.

What?” She looked up.

Us two. And us two being friends.” He said softly.

It’s…just…difficult. I mean, we’ve never been through something like this, right?” She spoke, Johnny nodded.

If you’re uncomfortable, I can leave first, I’ll just tell~

Youngho, no, don’t.” She shook her head.

I’m sorry if I’m being difficult, it’s just...acting normal isn’t~” She stopped when Youngho suddenly pulled her to him and just wrapped his arms around her.

“Just for a while….let me hold you for a while.” He said quietly, Minah just nodded and hugged him back.

She was about to speak when he finally let go of her.

“Go buy Eunhee’s gift, I’ll go back inside.” He kissed her cheek before going back to the building. Minah just walked to her car to take out her bag, then she paused as she noticed something on the backseat of her Land Rover.

It was a small red box; she reached for it and opened the item. She paused. It was rose gold Cartier bangle.

Right, by the way,

She almost jumped when Youngho suddenly appeared beside her.

This is me trying to make it up to you and,” He said as he took out the bangle from the box and gently slid put it on her wrist.

I’m trying to win you over.” He grinned before jogging away from her.


Izzy just stared at her wrist before looking at his retreating figure.



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Chapter 41: The label is always the issue🫠🫠🫠
Chapter 41: Goals.
waee09 #3
Chapter 41: Sooooo cuteee
Chapter 41: Ahh 😍
Moonlight_23 #5
Chapter 11: Minah really need to tell Johnny the truth fast
Chapter 41: yaaaas. finished it for a few hours. this story is sooo good. im so happy to come across a johnny story. i've been into nct lately. hahaha i love how the story progressed from being bffs to lovers.
Chapter 41: i really liked your story . thank you . it was really beautiful
Chapter 27: i've got some problems with my bff too , i dunno what happend but she's stopped talking to me since god knows when ? i really try to reach her but she never answers
Chapter 9: Eunhee is so SAVAGE
Chapter 41: Guess who stayed up until 5 a.m. just to read this beautiful story ??