Without You

“Yes, GM.” The employee nodded as Minah pushed the document back to her.

“And, we have the VVIP crowd coming in next week, right?” Minah look up.

“Yes, they’re scheduled to arrive at ten in the morning, ma’am.”

“Okay please tell me if there are changes,” She nodded, the employee left her office. Minah glanced at the clock on her desk; she stood up and picked up her bag.

Her phone started to ring as she stepped out her office.

Seo Youngho.” She said.

Want to go out for dinner? Songhee cancelled, she has a meeting.” He said, it was clear to her he was driving.

Okay, can you come pick me up then? I left my car~

I’m already at the curb.” He replied before ending the call, Izzy put her phone back in her purse and got in the elevator. In a matter of minutes, she arrived at the lobby, the staff bowed as she passed. They knew whom she really was, the only daughter of the Park Group of Hotels’ president, but she refused to take her CEO spot and chose to start from a lower position instead.

“Have a nice evening, GM!”

She’s usually addressed a GM, short for general manager.

“You too, mister Lee.” She said politely, then she paused when she saw Songhee walk in through the revolving doors.

“Songhee-ya.” She spoke, the lady looked a little shocked to see her.

“Youngho just called me, you seem a bit busy.” She said, the girl nodded.

“Right, I..I have a meeting here. Are you guys going out for dinner?” Songhee asked quickly.

“Yes, he~”

“I’ll see you soon then, Minah.” She said in a rush as she walked to the elevator. Minah’s brows just rose and she shook her head.

Hey yo, Isabelle Park.” A deep voice made her look up, most of the employees already knew who he was, he was their boss’s odd CEO best friend. While the female staff admired him greatly, they all secretly wished their GM would end up with the tall handsome young man.

Do we have plans what to eat?” She asked him as Johnny kissed her cheek.

Steak. Is that okay?” He asked as they walked towards the doors, she nodded.

You wanted to try the steakhouse just across, right? We can go there.” She spoke.

I’ll go get the~

“We can just cross the street, no need for the car.” She said, Johnny just followed her.

I have to be out of town for a few days. Do you want something from Japan?” Johnny asked as they waited for the stoplight.

Those rice cakes you got last time.” She replied as they started to cross, he held onto her elbow as they crossed.

“Anything else?” He asked as they reached the other side of the road, they made their way to the restaurant; Johnny just slung one arm around her.

“Matcha stuff.”

Green stuff, blech.

She just elbowed him.

I’ll be flying in the morning. Text me if you want anything else then.” He nodded as they got in the establishment.

Ah! I’ve been looking for those Valentino sneakers.” She said as they were led to their table.

Noted.” Johnny stated as he pulled the chair for her.




Minah looked up as she heard the front door open, Taeyong strolled in the kitchen, already dressed in a deep maroon work suit.

“Morning, Minah.” He said as he climbed on the stool across her.

“You’re only here if something’s bothering you.” She pointed out with a sigh before finishing her coffee. Taeyong gave her one of his so-called dropping smiles; she was so tempted to throw her mug at him.

“It doesn’t work on me, boo.” She said, Taeyong chuckled.

“Eomma arranged another blind date for me. Help me.”

It was one of those rare moments when you could hear Park Minah laugh.

“Sorry, can’t help you.”

“But!” Taeyong started to whine, she smiled.

“How about you cancel that meeting and tell auntie that you’re driving me to Paju?” She suggested, Taeyong started to smile.

“Besides, I don’t think I can take the M6 for~”

“I’ll drive you! You’re the best! Taeyongie loves you!” Taeyong pinched her cheek before taking out his phone.

“That kid.”




“We’re actually having lunch right now at Taeyong’s place, Songhee’s here too.“ Minah spoke as she positioned her phone on the table, Johnny winked at his girlfriend.

“We’re driving to Paju later.” Taeyong said.

“How’s the weather there?Songhee asked.

“It’s warm, but I can manage.”

Minah started to eat.

Isabelle?” Johnny spoke.

Yeah?” She leaned on Taeyong so that her face would fit on the screen.

“I just got off the meeting, what were those sneakers you wanted? I forgot the name.” Johnny continued.

Songhee looked up from her plate.

There it was again.

“I’m only Isabelle when he’s serious.” She muttered, Taeyong chuckled.

“I don’t like the one with the studs. I’ll send you a picture, I’m a size~”

“I know that. I already got the rice cakes you wanted.”

Thanks, weirdo.” She smiled before going back to her seat.

“You guys have fun at Paju, and Songhee, don’t overwork yourself.” Johnny gave them a wave before ending the call. Songhee just nodded and picked up her fork.


There was always something that bothered her when it came to Johnny and Minah. Although she never said anything about it, but sometimes she preferred it if Minah wasn’t always around. 



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Chapter 41: The label is always the issue🫠🫠🫠
Chapter 41: Goals.
waee09 #3
Chapter 41: Sooooo cuteee
Chapter 41: Ahh 😍
Moonlight_23 #5
Chapter 11: Minah really need to tell Johnny the truth fast
Chapter 41: yaaaas. finished it for a few hours. this story is sooo good. im so happy to come across a johnny story. i've been into nct lately. hahaha i love how the story progressed from being bffs to lovers.
Chapter 41: i really liked your story . thank you . it was really beautiful
Chapter 27: i've got some problems with my bff too , i dunno what happend but she's stopped talking to me since god knows when ? i really try to reach her but she never answers
Chapter 9: Eunhee is so SAVAGE
Chapter 41: Guess who stayed up until 5 a.m. just to read this beautiful story ??