HyuKen 3

Love, Hyogi

A/N: an attempt at an Angst HyuKen Drabble. Please don't hate me haha


Jaehwan smiled, holding the bundle of joy and love in his arms closer. “You look exactly like your mother, Seungyeonnie.” Jaehwan whispered, eyes b with tears. The infant blinked up at her father, hands curling into Jaehwan’s blood-stained shirt. “I’ll take good care of you, my little Hyukkie.” Jaehwan promised to both his precious little one and his late wife. “I won't let anyone hurt our only girl, Sanghyuk-ah. I promise."

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Just a few more weeks, and I am free to update as much as I want!


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joanna20 #1
Chapter 76: Thank u!!!!! Its a great & awesome story. XD
Chapter 67: You write really well! Just curious have you studied psychology before? :)
Chapter 76: Aww it's over, but I'm so excited for your new fic ^^ You spoil your readers so much, thank you!
Chapter 76: 1: this started off so hot and I love it~~
2: this ended so sweet and I love it too~~~~
3: I am so very sad that this is over *over dramatic crying*
Karenkitty1092 #5
Chapter 76: Damn this was hot and the last part with Hakyeon too funny.
Chapter 75: *fans self even more* very hot
Chapter 74: *fans self* that was hot
Chapter 73: haha that was great!
Chapter 72: and now i'm happy again~~!
Chapter 71: and now i'm sad