Strange boy pt1

S/he's Perfect

"mushroom head?" Chanyeol asked "yeah he's the only one here and Jimin left behind her books" Baekhyun said "do you think he's doing something to bother her?" Chanyeol asked "i dont know..." Baekhyun said "we'll see tomorrow if anything happens again and then we take action" Baekhyun told Chanyeol "Jimin's home" Chanyeol informed " she's not turning on the lights" 

"ill go see her" Chanyeol said and hung up, he crossed the street and went up the stairs "Jimin?" he called and knocked but she didnt answer or made a sound. He sat down next to the stairs waiting for her to come out or make a sound.

Baekhyun headed to his car and saw someone walk into the Library, someone who wasnt probably from the school. A tall man with long hair tyed on the top of his head. Baekhyun went home. 

The next day Jimin went earlie to the library just like the day before to get her homework done. The library was empty just like the day before and she did her homework as quick as she could and went to class. This morning she had no clases in common with Baekhyun or Chanyeol so she was greatfull. 

"i think something is really wrong" Chanyeol told Baekhyun about Jimin not opening the door the previous day so that day they both decided to head straight into the library after school and see what was wrong but Jimin didnt go into the library that day. 

The next morning Chanyeol saw her leave for school early so he got ready and left right after her and found her studying in the library. Trying not to make a sound he left and waited for school to open up. "Hi" Kyungsoo said to Jimin as he saw her trying to get coffee out of the machine "hi" she said as she put the coins in "are you avoiding me?" he asked she grabbed her coffee and didnt look at him "im embaressed, im sorry" she said putting her head on the machine "forget about it" he said and put his coins into the machine "how can i ignore it... you walked me home for my saftey and i cant ...i didnt even ask how you were..." she said looking at him finaly. 

Kyungsoo had a bruse on his eye, it wasnt dark because he had covered it with makeup "did this happen yesterday?" she asked raising her hand to his face  and he smiled and left. Jimin took his coffee and went behind him to class "you forgot this" she told him and took her seat at the front with Baekhyun. "what no coffee for me?" he asked and she handed him her coffee. Baekhyun looked at Kyungsoo and saw him staring at Jimin then looked away. 

"Jimin, i dont like that guy" Baekhyun told Jimin during lunch break and nodded twords Kyungsoo "stay away from him, okay?" he warned her "why?" she asked with a heavy frown on her face "just listen to this oppa okay?" he said sitting down infront of her "untill you tell me why i wont" she said eating her food. Chanyeol had been running late because he needed to to extra work since he entered late the semester. 

"im going to die" he said as he sat down "they're giving me to much work and i cant do it all in one day" he said stealing food from Jimin's tray "by the way Jimin yesterday i went to your house aroung 6..." he said looking at her then to Baekhyun "oh yeah so did i" Baekhyun lied "i wasnt home" she lied aswell "really? where did you go?" Baekhyun asked "i was in the library" she added 

"really i looked for you there and then went to your house" Baekhyun pressured " i went out for something to eat then went home, i got in pretty late" she said "why?" she asked them "oh i needed for you to lend me your notes" Baekhyun lied

Chanyeol saw mushroom head staring again at him and frowned. When lunch break ended Baekhyun and Jimin went to class and Chanyeol stayed back for a moment and grabbed Kyungsoo by the collar and pulled him into the bathroom "what is up with you?" he asked letting him go "what?" Kyungsoo asked "you stare at me like you were pissed.... so tell me whats up with you, do you like me? im okay with the gay thing but im not from there" he said "what?" Kyungsoo scoffed "im not gay" he said 

"well then tell me whats your problem" Chanyeol asked "Jimin" Kyungsoo started "what?" Chanyeol looked at the short boy, his dark mushroom hair just bellow his eyebrows, his poped out eyes full with fury and a creepy smile "You. keep. being. around her. JIMIN" he said Chanyeol frowned "of course, she's my girlfriend" Chanyeol lied "LIE!" Kyungsoo screamed "she's not dating!" he said loudly and pushed Chanyeol against a wall "wo~~ calm down boy" he said peacefully "just stay away from her!" Kyungsoo yelled and ran out. "what just happend" Chanyeol said to himself and went to class "im sorry im late" Chanyeol bowed and the teacher let him in, Kyungsoo was already in class and he continued staring at Chanyeol "why were you so late?"  Jimin asked Chanyeol as he put his books on the table but he shook his head 'nothing' he said

"Jimin can you help me with my homework today?" Chanyeol asked as he followed her twords the library "yeah sure" she said and went in, She gathered the books and then  went to Chanyeol who was already doing something on his notebook "here" she said and gave him a book "life is so hard without Wikipedia" Chanyeol said as she sat down 

"i need some more books" Jimin said and stood up to get them. Chanyeol looked up to see if Kyungsoo was at his desk "ill come" he said as he saw Kyungsoo wasnt at the desk "can you reach me that book" Jimin pointed "this one?" he asked "no that one"~"this one?" ~"no, THAT one" "Ohhh...This one" he played dumb and finaly gave her the book "Jimin" Chanyeol called her name and she looked at him. Chanyeol landed a kiss on her lips again. 

"i told you not to kiss me" she said a little mad "im sorry" he said and they walked back to the table. 

When they headed home chanyeol asked Jimin something "That guy from the library...does he have a crush on you?" he asked her "no, why?" she asked "i dont know i just think he stares at you to much" he told her "well...actually" Jimin thought if it was a good idea to tell Chanyeol about the other day "just tell me" he said without looking at her, hands in his pocket "well the other day i went to the library...i found him and this other guy probably a senior... i didnt get what was happening maybe he was asking him to do something im not so sure... i got the impression maybe he gets bullied" she told him "i... saw everything and he knew i was there" she looked at the ground "is that why you've been so weird?" he asked her and she simply nodded 

"i feel sorry twords him for not doing anything" she told him honestly "im going in now" she told him and went up the stairs. 


'Something is wrong with that guy' Chanyeol thought before closing his eyes and falling asleep. Jimin didnt need to wakeup early the next morning because she was able to do her homework the previous night thanks to Chanyeol breaking the tention in the library. 

"Jimin?" a voice said on the other side of her phone "Yes?" she asked still half asleep "its Kyungsoo...i need your help" he said Jimin sat up from her beg and looked at the time "its 3 am Kyungsoo" she told him "i know its just... im not feeling well" he said Jimin was sure she could hear hiim crying "Where did you get my number from?"she asked him as she never recaled sharing her number, not even Chanyeol had it yet and she was much closer to him than Kyungsoo "i took it from your Library card information" he told her "is that okay? im sorry... i just..i dont have anyone right now" he said "calm down...whats wrong" she asked...

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ladykwonxiwu #1
Chapter 7: I think you need a beta writer to check your spelling and some grammatical errors authornim.
ladykwonxiwu #2
Chapter 4: Hi! Can i have the details regarding Sehun's first experience?
Chapter 54: ㅠㅠ omg it's over :'( I really loved this fan fiction! Good work! Maybe I'll check out some of your other stories! Fighting!! ^^
Chapter 54: Oh ma gosh TT_TT
Please, bonus chapter TT_TT
hana55 #5
Chapter 54: I love this ending so much what jimin love is kai...unconditional love always there forever...hope they have cute babies soon
Chapter 53: Omggg ㅠㅠ Poor Kai
This is cute but I wish it wasn't the end :( I'm going to miss this story...
DecemberRains #7
Chapter 53: I like the story and I hope she and Kai areally fine in the end, but in the beginning it seemed like it was going to be a story like 'Flipped' and she was going to end up with Sehun..... Is there any hope for an alternate ending? #TeamSehun
Chapter 53: This time, nice changes :)
Keep doing the great job!
Chapter 53: It's okay even though you said it yourself; It was lame.
But I'd like a lot of bonus chapters please :)
hana55 #10
Chapter 53: to be honest this ending is really bad. I thought you can do a better ending than this. you need an epilogue who explain how he proposed her and they got married, how he get her pregnant. you can add a lot of their precious moment in their life. just focus with kai and jimin life. in my country there's a true story who similar with kai and jimin situation. that man is a really handsome military pilot and he have a beautiful fiance. they are a perfect couple that everyone envy but one day something bad happens to the man when he and his friends have problem with their military plane that make a fatal plane accident. his fiance come to the hospital because he can't survive the plane crash accident but his fiance pray she will accept everything his condition is if god give him a chance to live and the man is the only one who survive but he lose his face because his handsome face turn into a monster face because of the burn but the girl still love her unconditionally. I watch this couple in a inspirational talkshow in television. and their amazing couple.