untitled #22



onho; fluff




Jinki blinks blurring vision up at a funny looking teenage boy no older than sixteen mumbling and pressing his hands to the middle of Jinki’s body, mostly were it hurts most. Jinki cringes and fidgets, pain worsening – pain more awful than anything he’s ever felt in his young life. He lifts one weak, trembling arm finding a hand covered in warm red. 

It happened so fast that Jinki only now is really realizes what has been done to him. Jinki had been stabbed trying to help some kid ganged up on by what appeared to be muggers, or just generally bad men. Jinki had told himself to keep walking, ignore it like everyone was - it would be that easy. But no, he stepped in with a warning from his deep voice only to be shoved around before reflexes kicked in and he hurled himself in front of the long, jagged knife striking out at the school kid, who was dumbly mouthing off to his attackers, taunting even, surely angering them further. Everything seemed to stop a moment before the muggers took off, as well as anyone else around it seems, while Jinki fell, blood running and spilling over his clothes where he’d been hit in a vital part of his body.

Well, Jinki had fantasized about his death before, but this one wasn’t on that list for some reason. It made more sense than some of his thoughts on death – like being trampled to death by farm animals. Some were about him going out heroically though, so this sort of matches the bill. He can be proud of that much. But he’s now really regretting buying that dog recently. What a waste.. for the poor dog stuck alone in his apartment while he’ll be dead.

“Why did you do that?” the kid asks, voice slightly strained and big eyes wide with worry. “I would have been fine.”

Jinki gasps a laugh at such a silly statement, blurry vision trying to focus on that unusual set of eyes staring down hard at him. The soft featured face and large brown eyes with chubby cheeks made the boy look younger than he has to be.

“That was stupid.” The boy’s nose wrinkles in disgust, cutely remind the dying man of his dog, which was weird and probably proof he’s about to check out for good.

Jinki would like to agree on the stupidity part, but he’s more upset finding those eyes close and lips press into some sort of concentration. He wants to look at them longer, especially if he’s going to die for the kid. He just wants to see those pretty eyes to soften the growing fear of really dying like this. They drew him in, oddly. Maybe that’s why he stupidly stepped in – those eyes glancing at him as he tried to pass in a hurry.

Never has he seen a boy with such big, beautiful eyes if he were being honest. 

Jinki shudders suddenly, body warming with tingles of energy. The sensation is quite odd, but more than that he can feel the pain lessening with each pulse and it’s some sort of miracle. His vision comes back into focus and he glances back at the schoolboy, finding him looking more distressed as the energy continues through Jinki’s body, making him feel better than even before getting stabbed by some douche on the streets. 

Thin, shaking hands pull away from Jinki in moments and he doesn’t hesitate to reach to where he had been injured, pressing lightly to make sure it wouldn’t hurt too bad. It doesn’t hurt at all. Jinki pulls his top up enough to feel the warm skin and a little dampness from blood but certainly no gash or even broken skin. 

Jinki was healed.

“Wha..” Jinki blinks at his red hands, beginning to fear he is losing it or possibly already dead. Too weird.

The boy still knelt beside him makes a noise so Jinki looks back, finding him looking like he just woke from a very unrestful sleep, face paled even. His eyes are lidded now and chapped lips curled into some sort of goofy smile. His whole expression doesn’t match how Jinki feels right now. Not at all.

“I fixed you,” the kid says in a near whisper, swaying a bit on his knees as his head drops lower over his skinny body. 

“Huh?” The explanation doesn’t make sense to Jinki. People can’t just.. heal others like that.

There’s a funny giggle, “I fixed youuu~.” The kid mumbles more nonsense like some shameless drunk. “You’re really handsome, ah.. attractive.. and fixed~, yep yep.” The unusually deep voice nearly squeals, “Oppa~,” at him and cuts off into more giggles, boy’s eyes squeezing shut and face scrunching with the force of it.

Jinki flinches as fingers start poking his cheek, all over his personal space suddenly. The schoolboy laughs louder, and before Jinki can say anymore the kid is falling over him, voice softer and much closer to his ear, but still sounding far from sane.

“I wanted it.. I wanted them to hurt me.. you got in the way.. stupid guy.”

“What are you-”

The boy’s body slacks in a loud sigh, apparently passing out now.

“Eh? Hey..?” Jinki turns his head, nose and lips meeting the younger boy’s soft hair as his face lay over his shoulder unmoving. Jinki twitches with a sudden overload of energy he really doesn’t need. He feels oddly wired.

Jinki sits up, forcing the schoolboy to his lap as he still refuses to wake. With perfect sight again – somehow even better than when he’s forced to wear glasses for imperfect vision, Jinki looks over the kid again, brushing short hair from his face to find him sleeping like a little child now, even after everything that just happened.

Jinki’s hands dig around until they find the tag on the high schooler’s uniform to read. With a growing smile, he combs his fingers through the younger’s hair, watching long, pretty lashes flutter and breathes even out with sleep.

If he’s really still alive then Jinki has a debt to pay, huh?

“Choi Minho.. what are you?” Jinki whispers, silently swearing to at least keep Minho out of harms way until he wakes to explain Jinki’s questions correctly, and definitely without those girly giggles either.



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flrite #1
Chapter 105: Wow all these stories are just amazing. You really capture all the feels in these relationships
Chapter 106: Thank you for letting me them. They were awesome !!!!!!!
myownsaviour #3
Chapter 106: Oh gosh I missed your writing! Every piece is awesome...Or am I too biased? Anyway thank you for your hard work <3
Inhumandisaster #4
Chapter 87: ahhh yes, all your drabbles in one place for me to come giggle and flail and wail about whenever i want ^_^
Chapter 95: just friend..?
Chapter 67: I think I'm overdosing..
myownsaviour #7
Chapter 67: *cries* i am a er for your fluff - and angst and everything - but your fluff is rare so I appreciate it a lot *-*
Chapter 29: best proposal ever. .
Chapter 27: aigo... so... I love it..
Chapter 26: I can't stop smiling. .. this is so sweet..