


onho; (minho gender!switch 'verse); fluff





Jinki still wasn’t fully settled and used to a roommate yet, so when there’s a shrieking scream through the tiny apartment, Jinki falls from bed, sleepy eyes wide and feet clumsily carrying him to the source. He pushes a slightly open bathroom door further until he can step in, finding Minho – his new roommate that had offered to move in when Jinki complained of bills, young man being ever the sweet helper and caring lover – from the waist down, legs trickling wetness.

Jinki is still surprised at this point to find Minho, his male roomie, a fully-fledged female – at least in body alone. He blinks, swaying a bit still at the suddenness of his quick rise.

Minho’s holding his shirt up his waist, standing at the toilet with sleeping pants dropped around his ankles. His eyes are wide, then scrunched as tears form and drip quickly down his cheeks swollen and puffy with sleep still.

“Hyung..” Minho whines, legs soaked, bathroom floor wet.

“I.. uh.. are you okay?” Jinki tries to sound coherent and alive at this early hour.

Minho shakes his head, long hair falling from its loose and messy ponytail. He tries to explain in cracking sob-like whines, feminine voice still catching Jinki off guard. “I had to pee so I peed but my is gone..”

Jinki rubs his face, trying to understand that Minho woke and half-asleep wandered to the bathroom to piss, as usual as ever, but somehow forgot about his body, understandably so, and peeing standing up as a female is certainly not going to work in the same fashion as a male.

So Minho stand in the bathroom half-, soaked in piss and crying.

Jinki asks, still confused by one aspect, “But why are you crying?”

Minho cries harder, eyes scrunched further and lip quivering, still frozen in his spot and likely not fully awake either. “I don’t know…”

Jinki sighs, hands slapping at his puffy face to attempt in waking himself up so he can somehow deal.

Minho adds in a shaking breath, “Help..”

At the sorrowful and hurting plea, Jinki pulls it together, quickly running a warm shower and tugging the still crying Minho out of the rest of his clothes until he can guide him into the shower. He mops up the mess with towels and kicks it aside, before checking back in on Minho, finding the ‘young lady’ crouched facing a corner of the tub as the shower water rolls off her long, thin back and down a perky .

Jinki undresses, tossing his clothes to the floor and climbing into the tub for an early shower, hot water hitting his body doing wonders in making him more alert. He takes a deep breath, soaking his hair and body under the spray before leaning over to tap Minho’s back.


Minho turns around, face swollen and red, long hair soaked to his skin. His tears are mostly dried now, but there’s still the linger in his voice. “I don’t.. I don’t like this..”

Jinki looks away a moment, trying to find something to say, because really what do you say. His lover is somehow not the same person, his home is taking up by two with still only one person actually able to work and pay bills, and Jinki’s time of solitude he enjoys in a safe haven for one has been given up for nothing.

He looks back to Minho, finding big eyes full of confusion and even scared. Jinki wouldn’t argue Minho wasn’t an emotional person, but since the crazy gender change it’s only been amplified and frightens Jinki somewhat, because he doesn’t quite know how to deal with females. Dating a few never did seem to make that lingering fear and intimidation of them subside or clear the confusion on his ‘swinging’ uality.

But Minho isn’t just some female – Minho is his friend, lover, the best thing in his life anymore.

“Come here,” Jinki says, tugging on Minho’s wet body with a growing smile. Minho stands, being turned around to face Jinki until he can pull Minho into a hug, chin still able to rest on the taller’s shoulder, comfortable enough to take away the sudden startle of small s squishing his chest.

Minho is still pouting, likely the easiest cover to hide how scared he really is.

Jinki kisses Minho’s cheek, then shoulder, down the top of a , kneeling in the warm shower to press wet lips to Minho’s rounder hips, fingers dragging down soft thighs. He kisses below Minho’s belly button, and hands reach to his wet hair as Minho makes noise over the sound of water running.

Jinki fumbles a bit for the bottle of soap, lathering up his strong fingers and small hands before gently running them over each of Minho’s inner thighs, carefully washing him clean.

Minho sniffs and Jinki looks up, finding the pout trying to curl into a soft smile. He grins, eyes crinkled, voice speaking sincerely over the running shower. “Your still handsome and perfect, okay?” Jinki nods, thought dawning on him that maybe Minho is the one in need of assurance this time, and he feels slightly bad he took this long to notice. 

Minho really smiles then, laughter and sniffles mixed, hand softly Jinki’s head in a pleasant enough manner Jinki’s eyes nearly flutter closed. More tears come, and Jinki worries he did something wrong, took a misjudged step.

“Really?” Minho asks, tears and shower water running together, soaked hair trapped between wet lips in a shaky smile.

Jinki kisses Minho’s thigh, then wraps arms around his legs, loosely hugging Minho from where he’s knelt in the tub. He mumbles against warms skin, maybe too faint to hear. “Of course.. don’t think otherwise.. please don’t..” he tries to reassure as best he can, wanting to try and repay Minho for the kindness and acceptance he’s shown Jinki up till now.

Jinki is take by surprise as slippery hands pull on him, prompting him to stand back up and meet Minho’s smile and wet eyes, body backed up until his back hits the chilled bath wall and Minho’s lips press clumsily to his, showing desperation, need, love.

Jinki blinks hard, and Minho leans back just enough to mumble, “Kiss me.. please kiss me- like before.”

So Jinki tries, and he quickly discovers Minho’s mouth still isn’t all that different. Eyes closed he easily remembers Minho’s rightful body. His hands hesitate, still a bit of lingering fear of the opposite gender, but eventually wrap around Minho’s curvier waist, yanking the bare body closer because it’s still Minho and what he looks like shouldn’t matter – doesn’t matter.

He still wants to be with Minho, no matter what.





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flrite #1
Chapter 105: Wow all these stories are just amazing. You really capture all the feels in these relationships
Chapter 106: Thank you for letting me them. They were awesome !!!!!!!
myownsaviour #3
Chapter 106: Oh gosh I missed your writing! Every piece is awesome...Or am I too biased? Anyway thank you for your hard work <3
Inhumandisaster #4
Chapter 87: ahhh yes, all your drabbles in one place for me to come giggle and flail and wail about whenever i want ^_^
Chapter 95: just friend..?
Chapter 67: I think I'm overdosing..
myownsaviour #7
Chapter 67: *cries* i am a er for your fluff - and angst and everything - but your fluff is rare so I appreciate it a lot *-*
Chapter 29: best proposal ever. .
Chapter 27: aigo... so... I love it..
Chapter 26: I can't stop smiling. .. this is so sweet..