My Ghost Neighbourhood


Our authornim YamaTen_andromeda will be making the sequel and it will be release on 3 Feb 2012!!

We think this will be the teaser:


More horror...

More romance...

More adventure...

Black Crescent Moon Island is where they will be spending their holiday.  No one knew about those hideous history. No one knew how haunted it was. No one knew what have they encounter. Cheondoong fiancee was being involve in this worst situation.


______'s friend, MBLAQ, Teen Top, B1A4 and Infinite was really scare of this island. ________ found a lot of dead body and evil spirit all around the Island. Mir had being always being possessed by an evil spirit. Cheondoong was confuse and clueless of why his fiance always scare of something that he never notice. The Jung's twin caught Cheondoong fiancee; Starry talking by herself and see some scary spirit. G.O who almost got killed by that spirit. Others felt sorry for Cheondoong because he have lost his first born child. Sungjong, Myungsoo and Hoya was lost inside the forest. Dongwoo, Joon, Ricky and Baro can't remember anything and almost had gone insane. Starry explain about her family history and about the Black Crescent Island.


Spirit can be seeing but how hideous can they look....

Some got possessed.... Some had lost his memory... Some got lost and nowhere can be found.....

They hear some horrible scream and cry....

They see a blood and weird creature or spirit....

They try to find an escape but it was impossible....

They try to solve this problem but they were still cluless about this.... 


________'s scary life have comeback...

Introduction of our new sequel of My Ghost Neighbourhood......

Don't missed it because the sequel release on 3 Feb 2012 and get ready to start those adventure...


(A/N: Idk if that what you call teaser since I never do that once  aish~ -_-" oh and I need more characters though so you can PM me that you also want to be part of my characters with the other idol that was involve in that story ^^ *Remember: G.O & Thunder (MBLAQ) Baro (B1A4) Niel & Chunji (Teen Top) has being taken and I'll remind you again they ALREADY taken by my other characters! And L.Joe will not being mention in my sequel story since he's already dead!*)

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After 2-3 years i finally found it! :D gonna read it again~
Cathly1611 #2
Haha it's funny how minwoo's brother jealous of his cuteness and murdered him , I can say it's nonsense but whatever it's fanfiction anyway
Chapter 77: I just finished Reading
And i really love the story
Jjang!!! <3
Chapter 17: OMG.... I JUST CAN'T!
Love your story am still Reading it :)
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 77: Wow!!! This story is the most scarriest movie that I have ever read!! But it's so awesome!!! But the sequel seem more scary with just the teaser >< and one thing is...never read this story at around 10pm-2pm!! So scary!!!! >< Daebak!!
Chapter 74: WOW just WOW ...................................... This story is sooooo A-MAZ-ING like Chincha
I. LOVE. THIS. STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This story is soooo touching that I'm crying T_T
Chapter 13: 1) PENIELLLLLLL
2)I like supa luv
4) gongchan?
5) no I don't like. I LOVE IT
6) I think this story is super amazing
Chapter 74: Waaaaah. this story is freaking awesome!!
Earringloverz #9
Chapter 76: Awwwwwesome u r 1 talented horror and romantic fanfic writer :)
gong-minji15 #10
Chapter 33: i love this chapter :) <3