Big Happy Family

My Ghost Neighbourhood

Narrator's POV:

-7 years later-

"Yah, wake up!" 5 years old twin yell at her youngest twin who was sleeping peacefully. The twin groan and cover herself with her blanket. "Go away Jung Gaeul!" Gaeul pouted and smack her twin with pillow. 


"Yah, don't you remember what TODAY is, Jung Gaeun?!" Gaeun shot out from her bed as she remember what today is. "Omo! We suppose to have a picnic with Cheondoong Samchoon and the other!" The twin grin and high five at each other.


"Yah, lets wake up Umma and Appa first!" Gaeun nodded at Gaeul suggestion. They grab their Rilakuma doll and headed to their parent room.


You and Jinyoung were sleeping peacefully until you didn't notice the door was open. "Come on, dongsaeng-ah~" Gaeun glared at her twin. "Yah, we just four minute apart! There's no different!" Gaeun said as-a-matter-of-fact.


Gaeul rolled her eyes and jump onto your bed. Gaeun pouted and just join with her twin. "On the count of...." Gaeul raise her pillow and get ready to attack their parent. "1........2.......3. Appa! Umma! Wake up!" They started to hit pillow toward you.


Jinyoung and you open your eyes slowly. Your eyes met with Jinyoung and smirk. "ROAR!" "AHHH!!!" The both of you jump from the bed and tackle your kid down. "Omomo ahahahahaha Umma hahahahahaha stop ahahahahaha!!!" Gaeul try to escape but she can't.


"Run!" The twin manage to escape from you grasp and run away. "Jung Gaeul and Jung Gaeun would never escape from the monster Umma and Appa mwahahaha~" Jinyoung said and the both of you started to catch them.


"Ahhhhh!!!!" The twin shouted and laugh happily. "Gotcha!" You and Jinyoung hug the two twin from  behind and spin them. A joyful laugh has escape from you and your family mouth.


You and Jinyoung put the twin down and sigh. "Umma, today we going to go picnic wiith the other samchoon and eemo right?!" Gaeun asked jumping up and down hyperly.


You giggle and beam at them. "Go wash up first" Gaeul nodded and grab Gaeun's hand and headed to the shower. "Lets wash up too" Jinyoung grin from ear to ear and follow you behind to wash up.


"Gaeul! Gaeun! are you guys ready?!" You shouted from the downstairs. The twin step outside and skip down happily. "Omo I can't wait to see Jisun Oppa" Gaeul giggle when she say about Baro's son.


"Nae, me too! I can't really wait to see Jaehyo Oppa!" Gaeun dreamily think about Niel's son. Jinyoung and you gasp playfully when they talking about them. "My daughter already grown up?! Appa so happy~" Jinyoung sob fakely and hug the twin.


"Umma happy too~We going to held the wedding." You giggle happily when you tease them. The twin look at each other and blush. "Aish, Umma and Appa, don't ridiculous" Gaeul said and grab Gaeun hand and run outside.


You and Jinyoung glance at each other and smile. "Like Umma like daughter." Jinyoung wiggle eyebrown at you. You pouted and slap his arm. Jinyoung chuckle and lean in to kiss you.


You smile and kiss him back. "Umma! Appa! Palli!" You broke the kiss and giggle. "Nae~coming!" You grab Jinyoung hand and went outside. You guys went inside the car and happily chatting about all the things you will doing.


"Umma I still want to listen how you met Appa!" Gaeul jump from her sit and look at you. You glance at Jinyoung who is smiling after her daughter wanted to hear some interesting story. "Well~" Gaeun jump from her sit and join Gaeul to listen your story.


"It's all started in My Ghost Neighbourhood.........."


The end~
A really BIG thank you so much for your support! Thank you for your lovely comment and thank you to keep on subscribing 'My Ghost Neighbourhood'
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Hope you visit my another story
Thanks again and I love you ALL~!!!!! *bow 100x* meet you at another story ^O^

                                                                                      ~Yours Sincerely Author: YamaTen_andromeda~                                  

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After 2-3 years i finally found it! :D gonna read it again~
Cathly1611 #2
Haha it's funny how minwoo's brother jealous of his cuteness and murdered him , I can say it's nonsense but whatever it's fanfiction anyway
Chapter 77: I just finished Reading
And i really love the story
Jjang!!! <3
Chapter 17: OMG.... I JUST CAN'T!
Love your story am still Reading it :)
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 77: Wow!!! This story is the most scarriest movie that I have ever read!! But it's so awesome!!! But the sequel seem more scary with just the teaser >< and one thing is...never read this story at around 10pm-2pm!! So scary!!!! >< Daebak!!
Chapter 74: WOW just WOW ...................................... This story is sooooo A-MAZ-ING like Chincha
I. LOVE. THIS. STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This story is soooo touching that I'm crying T_T
Chapter 13: 1) PENIELLLLLLL
2)I like supa luv
4) gongchan?
5) no I don't like. I LOVE IT
6) I think this story is super amazing
Chapter 74: Waaaaah. this story is freaking awesome!!
Earringloverz #9
Chapter 76: Awwwwwesome u r 1 talented horror and romantic fanfic writer :)
gong-minji15 #10
Chapter 33: i love this chapter :) <3