The Nightmare Has Finally end

My Ghost Neighbourhood

Narrator's POV:

-The actually reality-


Haneul was about to shoot you but then, there was a white figure came out from your necklace and attack Haneul. Haneul drop the gun and scream in fear while shutting her eyes tightly. She held the bar tight and try to get that gun back.


Cheondoong has finally reach and burst to the rooftop. When he saw you were watching the fear scene of Haneul, Cheondoong was furious that he went to attack Haneul.


Haneul open her eyes and look up to see Cheondoong who was ready to attack her, Haneul just stand there and then, Cheondoong push her until the bar beside her went broke and Haneul grasp was still on the bar of the rooftop.


Haneul try to get up but Cheondoong didn't want her to. He step hard on Haneul hands many time until Haneul hands was no longer on her grasp.


Cheondoong kneel down and try to regain his breath back because he was running and fighting Haneul's bodyguard. "Oppa!" Cheondoong turn and stand up. The tears has started to form in his eyes.


"________!" Cheondoong shouted and run toward you. You get up and run toward your savior. He attack with a hug and spin you around with joy. "I'm so glad your safe!!!" Cheondoong put you down and hug you.


"I'm glad too.....but" Cheondoong let go and look at your eyes. "Wae?" You grab his hand and lead him to Jinyoung's dead body. You put Jinyoung head on your lap and sob silently.


"We just about to live happily as a couple all ruin" You hug Jinyoung body and kiss his forehead. "No is not" Cheondoong and you look up to see the six ghost, one ghost girl and one ghost boy smile at you warmly.


Gongchan approach to you and pull out the half part necklace of your. "Remember what I say?" You nodded as a respond for his answer. Chaeyeon approach to Jinyoung body and grab something behind his shirt.


You eyes were widen. It was the same necklace as you. You look at them with a question that was writing all over your face. "That was a soulmate necklace. When one of your lover dead you can still make him alive by put that part together but one condition......" Donghyun explain and look at you.


"All of the ghost except for Chaeyeon will give him the half of our soul. What do you think guys?" The other nodded at the leader word and gather around you. They held one hand and close their eyes.


You grab the part and close your eyes. "Jinyoung Oppa, please don't leave me...." You whisper it softly and put that necklace together. There was a white figure and it went into Jinyoung body.


Jinyoung face was not pale anymore and his wound was recover. His heart started to beating and his blood has connected it again. You open your eyes and look at Jinyoung.


"Jinyoung?" Jinyoung eyes open slowly and blink twice to adjust his gaze. "_-_______?" You smile at him and nodded. Boyfriend and Gongchan back away a little and the white light appear above them except for Chaeyeon.


"Oh, I forgot!" Minwoo snap his finger and look at Chaeyeon. "Chaeyeon-ah, you can finally have a life with your Oppa! That mean your are officially alive!" The other clap and smile at her before they fade away.


There was a white figure all over Chaeyeon and it went through her body. Chaeyeon wound has recover. Her skin was no longer cold and her face was now not so pale anymore.


Chaeyeon look at herself and smile. "Yeah! I'm alive!!!" Chaeyeon jump happily and hug Cheondoong leg. "C-Chaeyeon?" Chaeyeon look behind Cheondoong as you guys turn to see a shock Joon standing there with his eyes were wide even his mouth open slightly.


"Oppa? Joonie Oppa?" Chaeyeon tilted her head a little and look at Joon. Joon tears started to fall and run toward Chaeyeon. "Chaeyeon!" Joon attack her with a hug and spin her around.


"Oppa! I really miss you!!!" Chaeyeon exclaim and hug her brother neck tightly along with a joyful laugh of siblings. Cheondoong was about to asked whether Joon saw what happen but then Joon quickly said it.


"I know what happen Cheondoong-ah and I have a necklace just like the both of when I was out at that night." Joon said without even look at you guys because he was busy with his adorable little dongsaeng.


Cheondoong sigh in happiness and smile at you. "______" You look at Jinyoung and blink at him. "Are we officially together?" You smile and nodded at him. "Come closer please." Jinyoung gesture as you look at him closer.


"I love you....." He whisper and capture your lips. You smile at the kiss and kiss him back. "Love you too..." You murmur between the kiss. Woohyun, Chankyu, MBLAQ, B1A4, 2NE1, Infinite, Big Bang and your other friend has finally come. 


You broke the kiss and look behind you. Jinyoung get up and smile at them. "Oh my god! _______!" Dara run toward you and hug you like you will never escape from her hug. Woohyun sigh in relief and approach to Jinyoung.


"You guys already together aren't you?" Woohyun wiggle his eyebrow at the blushing Jinyoung. Jinyoung nodded and stood up. "Take a good care of my sister. You currently will be my brother in law." Woohyun patted his shoulder and approach to you. You broke the hug from Dara and hug your Woohyun Oppa.


"Jinyoung!!!" B1A4 run toward Jinyoung and attack him with a group hug. Jinyoung chuckle and hug them back. "We glad you save" CNU said and patted Jinyoung shoulder. Jinyoung smile and nodded at them. "Yeah~me too." Jinyoung look at you and gesture you to come.


"_________!" Your four friend went toward you and hug you. "_______! ________! Guess what!" You raise a brown at the hyper Hyesun and grab Baro hand. "We together!" The both of them said while cuddling closer.


You beam happily at them and grab Jinyoung hand. "We are too" The other got a shock expression and congratulate you. "_______." You turn and smile when you see it was Gongchan's twin, Chankyu.


"Gongchan? Is that you?" Sandeul tilted his head a little and look at Chankyu because his face was same like Gongchan. Chankyu shook his head and stuck his hand out. "My name is Gong Chankyu, Gongchan's twin." Sandeul shook his hand and introduce them one by one.


Jinyoung examine Chankyu look and started to lit up. "Hey, Chankyu!" Chankyu turn and blink at Jinyoung. "Wanna join our gang of B1A4?" Chankyu pointed himself and his smile turn wider. "Really?!" Chankyu look at you as you nod.


"Ofcourse! I really want a gang!" The other high five each other. "Hey since you in our group, how about change your name to Gongchan because your personality was the same as Gongchan!" Sandeul suggest.


Chankyu nodded and laugh at them. You sigh and cuddle closer to Jinyoung. Jinyoung look at you and smile. "Happy?" Jinyoung asked as you nodded. "I'm glad that the nightmare has finally end...." You close your eyes and listen to their joyful talk and a happy laugh.

Its almost the end but I'm not finish the end yet because there will be another happy moment between you and Jinyoung! 

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After 2-3 years i finally found it! :D gonna read it again~
Cathly1611 #2
Haha it's funny how minwoo's brother jealous of his cuteness and murdered him , I can say it's nonsense but whatever it's fanfiction anyway
Chapter 77: I just finished Reading
And i really love the story
Jjang!!! <3
Chapter 17: OMG.... I JUST CAN'T!
Love your story am still Reading it :)
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 77: Wow!!! This story is the most scarriest movie that I have ever read!! But it's so awesome!!! But the sequel seem more scary with just the teaser >< and one thing is...never read this story at around 10pm-2pm!! So scary!!!! >< Daebak!!
Chapter 74: WOW just WOW ...................................... This story is sooooo A-MAZ-ING like Chincha
I. LOVE. THIS. STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This story is soooo touching that I'm crying T_T
Chapter 13: 1) PENIELLLLLLL
2)I like supa luv
4) gongchan?
5) no I don't like. I LOVE IT
6) I think this story is super amazing
Chapter 74: Waaaaah. this story is freaking awesome!!
Earringloverz #9
Chapter 76: Awwwwwesome u r 1 talented horror and romantic fanfic writer :)
gong-minji15 #10
Chapter 33: i love this chapter :) <3