My Cruel Step Father- Kim Donghyun

My Ghost Neighbourhood

Narrator's POV:

-2 years ago-




"Kya! Donghyun sunbae so TALENTED!!!"


"OMO he as talented as Seungho sunbae"


Donghyun smile at that comment but he still pay attention to the piano. Donghyun was a sunbae in his university and yet, an ideal man for a girl. He even good at art too which made all of the professor in his university proud of his work. But, the most person who got more attention is no other than his friend...


"Donghyun-ah!" Someone shouted his name which made Donghyun stop playing piano and turn to see his best friend and yet his favorite sunbae, Yang Seungho. "Nae Seungho hyung?" Seungho smile and beam at him.


Seungho and Donghyun was a very good best friend ever since they meet in this university. Seungho is the most favorite sunbae in this university and he was the same as Donghyun; talented.


"Just want to check with you." Donghyun smile and nodded. Seungho look at the window to see his and Donghyun's fangirl. They squeal and wave at both of them as Donghyun and Seungho look at each other and chuckle. They turn to their fangirl and wink at them.


They started to jump in excitement and run to the other place so that their favorite sunbae wouldn't saw them blushing. Seungho sigh and stood up as Donghyun did the same too.


While they were chatting and walking, the both of them stop when four girl surrounding them with a big grin. "Donghyun and Seungho sunbae, this for you!" They give them a present and went away while giggling in excitement.


Seungho and Donghyun went to the bench and sit down so that they can see what their fan give them. Seungho look at his present and smile chuckle. 

He took the scarves and put it around his neck. Donghyun give Seungho a two thumbs up and nodded. "Seriously, they need to stop giving us this present. It waste their money." Seungho chuckle at Donghyun comment.


Everyday, their fangirl will give them a lot of present and love letter to them. They felt a little bit guilty since this their fan gift they have to accepted this expensive present.


"Oh come on~ Just this day because you know we have to go back to home since tomorrow is a holiday." When Seungho mention about 'home' Donghyun smile quickly faded. Seungho look at him and sigh; knowing that his own dongsaeng don't want to come back home.


"Donghyun-ah, you know you need to go home." Seungho said, patting Donghyun back. Donghyun look down. At the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to go home because he will have to faced one person who hated him the most, his step father.


Donghyun's biological father has already die because of the plane accident when his father trip to America. Her one and only mother married to another man which was Donghyun step father and die because of her sickness.


He was now orphan and the only child in his families. He is a leader of a group of his friend but they have to separate. Donghyun step father wasn't as nice as he thought. His step father was a cruel person, man, cocky and selfish man. He still remember when he was 17, his step father beat him up until he have to go to the hospital.


"But.......what about my step father?" Donghyun look at Seungho with a sad eyes. Seungho bit his lip and shook his head. "Don't be afraid, tomorrow I'll go to your house. Just, give me your address and let go pack all the thing." Seungho smile at him.


Donghyun smile back and wrote his address and give to Seungho. The both stood up and went to pack their thing.


Donghyun gaze outside the window with a worried eyes. He was worried that his father will attack him like usual and end up in the hospital again. The bus stop as Donghyun stood up and said good bye to his friend; including Seungho.


Donghyun took a deep breath and started to walk. He look around his neighbourhood and smile that the fact this place still doesn't change a bit. *I really miss this* He thought and stop at his track when he see a familiar looking necklace shop.


*Huh? They have a necklace shop? Thats weird* Donghyun shrugged his shoulder and went inside the necklace shop.


When he was inside he eyes widen when he saw there's a lot of cross shape necklace. He smile and went around the shop. Suddenly, he saw a beautiful necklace which has a crystal at the middle.


Donghyun touch the crystal lightly as its color turn dim white. *Cool~* Donghyun thought in amaze; without noticing that there was an old halmoni beside him.


He jump in surprise while clutching his heart. The halmoni chuckle and look at the necklace. She nodded and pointed to him. "You....." Donghyun was got freak out when this old halmoni pointed at him.


"M-Me?" He pointed at himself as the halmoni nodded and gesture him to follow her. 


Donghyun was a bit uncomfortable as he look around this creepy looking room. It was a bit dark and there was a crystal ball on the table. She look closely at the crystal ball and look at with her stern eyes.


She smile at him and chuckle a little bit. "You know? Today will be your last day but this doesn't mean that you will just go away." Donghyun raise his brown higher but the fortune teller didn't finish her word yet.


" have to find your object and important thing that left when your parent die or neither that was from a great grandparent...." She said. "My....important thing?" Donghyun said as the fortune teller nodded.


"They will be one condition, one girl with a dim light crystal on her crossed necklace will help you return in peace...." The fortune teller stood up and walk away, leaving Donghyun dumfounded.


Donghyun immediately open his eyes and look around. He wasn't in the necklace shop which made him more curious. He was at the bus stop. "What a weird dream~It seems so real..." He mutter and get up.


He sigh in depress and headed to his house.


Donghyun rang the doorbell but no one answer him. He sigh and just went inside; not caring to knock the door. He look around the living room. The living room wasn't like Donghyun's mansion.


He sigh and went toward his own room. Just then, he heard a thud sound. *Huh? What was that?* Donghyun thought and went straightly to the music room which where the familiar sound was.


He drop his luggage and look inside the music room to see his step father look at his mother present. *No! He couldn't!!!* "ANDWAE!" His step father jump in surprise and smirk when he saw Donghyun.


"Look who's here? Man finally come back" His father smirk at him. Donghyun look at him with fear. "Appa, please~not this drawing! This is umma present! Don't sold it" Donghyun begged with his eyes began to watery.


His father chuckle evilly and raise his drawing. "You really are smart! You really knew that I will sold this stupid painting. You should has sold it earlier." He snicker.


Donghyun shook his head in disbelief. He knew his father want a money. Donghyun drawing was a million box if someone sold it. It was Donghyun most important treasure when he felt he wanted to be need.


Donghyun grab the drawing and hugged it protectively. "Andwae! I'll never give this to you! YOU ING MAN !" His step father eyes were widen. He didn't know that Donghyun will go that far.


With an anger boil inside his blood, he took a vase and throw at him. Big trouble. The vase crash to Donghyun face as the sharp pieces stuck on his face. "ARGHH!!!!" Donghyun shout in pain and collapse on the floor. 


"ARGHH! MY FACE!!! ARGHH! ITS HURT!!!" Donghyun shouted more and more. He step father didn't finish yet. He grab a knife on the table and attack Donghyun.


"Is it that hurt soo much? Let me give you more pain" With that his step father stab him all over his body without any mercy or pity. After 35 minute he stop stabbing and leave Donghyun dead body in the music room.


He went to the gallery room which is full of Donghyun's drawing. He put the drawing carefully and look around with a smirk. "Gonna sold this too" He said to himself and close the door behind him.


He lock the door and went downstairs to make a call.


Not knowing that he will get more pain than Donghyun................

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After 2-3 years i finally found it! :D gonna read it again~
Cathly1611 #2
Haha it's funny how minwoo's brother jealous of his cuteness and murdered him , I can say it's nonsense but whatever it's fanfiction anyway
Chapter 77: I just finished Reading
And i really love the story
Jjang!!! <3
Chapter 17: OMG.... I JUST CAN'T!
Love your story am still Reading it :)
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 77: Wow!!! This story is the most scarriest movie that I have ever read!! But it's so awesome!!! But the sequel seem more scary with just the teaser >< and one thing is...never read this story at around 10pm-2pm!! So scary!!!! >< Daebak!!
Chapter 74: WOW just WOW ...................................... This story is sooooo A-MAZ-ING like Chincha
I. LOVE. THIS. STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This story is soooo touching that I'm crying T_T
Chapter 13: 1) PENIELLLLLLL
2)I like supa luv
4) gongchan?
5) no I don't like. I LOVE IT
6) I think this story is super amazing
Chapter 74: Waaaaah. this story is freaking awesome!!
Earringloverz #9
Chapter 76: Awwwwwesome u r 1 talented horror and romantic fanfic writer :)
gong-minji15 #10
Chapter 33: i love this chapter :) <3