Backstage Princess


It was true. Jieun barely breathe after spotting her sister being surrounded by the crowd. She was there, in the middle of the crowd, being pushed to a corner. Jieun was trembling so badly, she was encouraging herself and inside she was desperate to believe in Kim Myungsoo. She actually never believes him, but this time she has no choice. The game, if it’s a lie, she would make sure to destroy it. Call her cruel or a monster, she doesn’t care. Never messed up with her when she is absolutely serious.

Jieun mind rushed back, it’s like having a deja vu. The different is, that this time it’s happening again and she knew it has happen before. She couldn’t bear to remember the bloody scene she saw, the last time this horrible thing happen. And if this time Pil Suk got hurt again, she wouldn’t know what would happen. She too may disappear together with her.

“Oh, our little princess is scared!”

“To your face, ugly!”

Those loud intimidating voice wakes her up from her day-dream or actually flashback. She blinks her eyes multiple times, hoping that this is all a nightmare; even an illusion wouldn’t be so bad. But no, it’s real and its reality. People are mocking her sister, right in front of her voice. Using those loud, intimidating, and absolutely annoying.

Jieun rushed to the crowd, breaking it apart and hugs her sister tightly. This doesn’t work the last time, let’s just hope it will work absolutely perfect this time. Because she has run out of plan, ideas, and solution. This is the least she could do for now, the fastest one. She tried not to tremble in fear, she patted her sister back, to encourage her to be okay.

One thing that she need to remember, she did not spot any INFINITE member this time. Hopefully, her decision to trust Kim Myungsoo is right.


Kim Myungsoo has been wandering around the school for quite a while. Passing through the same classes again and again, Lee JiEun class. The rest of INFINITE was there. He didn’t know what has brought him here, he just want to see her. Well, or actually trying to make the game real. He can’t quite decide which one was it.

He shook his head multiple times to get rid of his insane thoughts and walk toward the second building. It’s the game this time, to check on her sister and make sure that person is okay. He doesn’t really remember her name; he would ask Hoya from time to time. Because he, well, he doesn’t care about that ugly girl as long as Lee JiEun would be under his control.

“You ugly girl! How dare you got close to the prince!”

“Wasn’t that the backstage princess?” the whispers suddenly begin without a warning.

Myungsoo was very surprised to hear her name again. He looks around, only to realize how crowded the crowd was. And finally, he spotted them, the siblings. Lee JiEun was there, hugging her sister, trying to protect Pil Suk the best she could. Pil Suk was there, listening to every single insult and being ready to be thrown by tantrums again.

This time, Lee JiEun would definitely hate him. She must have thought this is his did, something he do to manipulate her. She would definitely hate him. She has hates him. And after this she would hates him so much more.

He rushed her steps, rushing to the crowd. She might hate him after this, but he wouldn’t mind. He would get a lot more popularity after doing this. Yet it was his instincts that told him to protect her. He doesn’t care what would happen after this, as long as she is safe.

Myungsoo rushed to the crowd, breaking it apart and stand right in front of Jieun’s back. Jieun suddenly turn back and spot him there. He hugs her, protecting her fragile body inside his embrace, making sure no tantrums would be able to hit her. Just at the same time.

“START!” It begins.

Kim Myungsoo was there, protecting them. This time, she didn’t make the wrong choices.

If they ever realize Kim Myungsoo was there, they would never throw the tantrums. But it was too late; they shouted start, just right when Kim Myungsoo arrives.

“Are you okay?” Myungsoo asked, smiling widely like an idiot.

Jieun open her shut eyes widely. She is clean and perfectly fine. No stains of eggs, or any stains of white flours. She is perfectly fine. She was gasping, Myungsoo hugs her too tightly, and she was unable to breath. She inhales deeply and nodded. She glances at her sister.

“Hey, are you okay?” Myungsoo asked to Pil Suk.

Pil Suk nodded instantly, after checking herself. She was fine too, no eggs no flour, she wasn’t physically hurt at all. She was very much fine.

Jieun sighed in relief, as her eyes started to looks at Myungsoo and pay some more attention. He stinks a lot, the smell of eggs. His black hair has turned white because of the flour. His clothes were stained and slimy because of the eggs. He looks like a messed, because he tried to protect them.

“You would think I made this up, wouldn’t you?”

“Myungsoo, are you okay?” She stares at him without answering any of his questions.

“I never thought it would hurt, though. My back hurts a little because of the eggs, well my head is fine.” He rubs it, while cringing, trying to bear the pain.

Jieun just stares at him, she has been hit by eggs before, the last time she tried to protect Pil Suk and she knew how much it hurts. And if you’re head was hit by it, it would hurt so much more. Eggs might be fragile, but when it was thrown directly to you, it hurts. Even if it’s a pencil, it would still hurt.

“Are you all satisfied?” Pil Suk suddenly spoke, surprising everyone including Jieun.

Pil Suk wasn’t scared at all, but rather disappointed. She has decided to take her own stand, not to let anybody to step on top of her. Seems like she has grown braver and more mature, rather than Jieun who was originally very shy and always bottled everything up.

Jieun eyes were on a bunch of girl, no other than Myungsoo fan’s club. Jieun too has her own fan’s club, she hates the fact that some of them are fanatics enough to stalk her. The girls were whispering and talking, after realizing what they had just done. They have just thrown eggs and flour to their idol.

“I was very much disappointed in all of you. Are you happy by bullying the unknown? You populars have powers and that doesn’t mean you could bully us, the unknown.”

“Who are you to talk that way to us? The unknown doesn’t have any rights to talk.” Bae Suzy spoke, as arrogant as always. She is the School princess after all; she shares the same personality as Myungsoo.

“I am, me. I never thought being an unknown is much more better, at least us, have hearts.” She continued, firmly without stuttering. She doesn’t even crack or hurt, tears don’t fill her eyes.

Jieun was surprised by her act, because she never saw Pil Suk getting angry. Pil Suk has always been the silent and cheerful one; anger doesn’t exist for someone as cheerful as her. She always seems to be bright, she always forgives people despite the pain they have brought upon her. But today, she choose to take her own stand, and let her anger took over herself.

Pil Suk rushed out from the scene, leaving everyone in a daze.


Jieun was anxious, she keep on walking back and forth, forth and back. She keeps on spinning around before finally sitting down nicely on her seat. She sighed and sighed again, and sometimes she couldn’t help but starting to gaze blankly at the clouds. She was counting and waiting anxiously inside.

            “Jieun-ah, are you okay?” Jiyeon rushed, asking her friend worried.

            “I’m fine, Jiyeon. But…” Another sigh. “I’m not sure if she is.”

            “Oh, there you are! And look at you, fine!” Woohyun rushed a few minutes later. He seems rather annoyed because the way he spoke was annoying too.

            “Kim Myungsoo arrived on time, Woohyun.” Jieun explain but she knew it won’t change the fact that Woohyun was annoyed.

            “Jieun, don’t ever forget this is just a game.” He warned seriously with a deep husky voice.

            “I know, Woohyun. I will try to trust him this once only.”

            Jieun has been sneaking around the school for quite a long time. Well, of course, she is searching for no others but Pil Suk, but the girl was nowhere to be found. Jieun has checked every single inch of the school, not missing a single detail, but still she was nowhere to be found. She asked her friends to make sure she is fine, but they too didn’t know. She didn’t want to see that bloody scene ever again.

            She was about to go back to her class, doing nothing and gazing blankly again, or going to the backyard and spent some time with Woohyun and Jiyeon, her feet are tired and all worn out. But she accidentally catch a glimpse of Kim Myungsoo’s figure. Her mind started to rush back as her flashback begins. Kim Myungsooprotected her; he must be hurting now, since the eggs hit him directly.

            She was known as a soft-hearted, kind, and caring lady. She never could actually hate someone for real. Spontaneously, she rushed back, entering his class without hesitating. A part of her pitied him, parts of her heart was luring her to help him.

            “Jieun, don’t ever forget this is a game.”

            Woohyun words suddenly pop up in her head. He was right; the warning was nothing wrong to begin with. He was warning her and it was a good warning. She almost fallsfor that cruel guy. She almost falls for Kim Myungsoo.

            Don’t trust him, Lee JiEun.

            Kim Myungsoo was cringing and groaning all the time, trying to get rid of the pain. He never knew being thrown by eggs would hurt so much. Especially when people are targeting his head, now it’s badly in pain. He was trying to get rid of the pain by using blocks of ice but failed. It didn’t even get better but rather worse.

            “Hey, are you okay?” A soft-gentle voice echoing through his ears, a soft and soothing one.

            Myungsoo could smell it – her scent, peach scent; a soft and relaxing scent yet feminine. He looks up only to spot the beautiful girl standing right in front of him, staring at him with cares and kindness, as if he ever deserves them. Lee JiEun was there.

            “I think so. I’m clean! See?” Myungsoo tried to fake a grin but it came out exactly like a cringe.

            “No, Myungsoo. I mean your head.” Jieun looks at him caringly before averting her gaze and took a careful look at his head.

            “Oh, it’s fine! Hurts a little but would heal by time, not that much hurting either. I thought you would be looking for your sister.” Myungsoo tried to change the topic.

            “I think I would, but she was nowhere to be found.” Jieun explain as she grab the ice from his hand and carefully compresses his head gently.

            “You’re doing it the wrong way; it would just hurt so much more.” Jieun tried to drove off the topic.

            And then, another silence.

            “Jieun-ah, are you okay?” Myungsoo asked despite the fact that his head ache so much and it’s him who’s hurting.

            “Stay still, Myungsoo. It’s going to hurt if you keep on moving around.” Jieun ordered as she compresses his head gently.

            Another silence.

            “Jieun-ah, are you okay for real?” Again, he asked.

            “Myungsoo, I have a question. For once, would you answer it honestly?” She sounded desperate.

            “Asked me, Jieun.”

            “This time, is it just a game?” She asked.

            “Jieun. I’m sorry but I… I don’t think it’s just for a game, yet I can’t say this is for a game.” Myungsoo asked after a long silence that keeping her anxious.

            “Okay then.”

            “Jieun-ah, you’re trembling! Are you okay?” He asked while being panic.

            “I’m okay, Myungsoo.”

            “Jieun-ah,” He grabs her hand and looks at her eyes gently. “I’m sorry, I apologize. For everything I had done to her.”

            “Myungsoo-ssi,” her voice become inaudible, “I’m sorry but I can’t say I could forgive you.”

            “It’s okay, Jieun. It’s my fault.”

To be honest, Lee JiEun was very anxious. She has been trembling in fear for the past few hours as her head fly to the clouds and started to speculate again. She always speculates for the worse scenario, because she knew what had happen the last time Pil Suk was bullied. She was worried to death.

She doesn’t want to see that bloody scene ever again, yet this time she hasn’t even check on her. She couldn’t find her and which has drives her crazy. She turned devastated. It was too much to handle for PilSuk, this is her first day after recovery and something like this happen.

Lee JiEun has run out of solution and strength. So this time, if she ever need to see that bloody scene again,

She would die with her.


Running out of ideas lately. Chapter 38! Pil Suk has gone strong and Myungsoo has gone gentle!! 

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My 2 weeks long writer block finally have ended! Thank you for all your supports, advices, and encouragement. I will update asap, please look forward to it!


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Melonchopz #1
Melonchopz #2
daragonnim #3
Before reading, I want to know if Myungsoo and Pilsuk are siblings..? I would've thought that Jieun and Pilsuk are sisters since it fits the description. But they have different surnames.
Human246 #4
Chapter 97: I hate the ending....huhu
Human246 #5
Chapter 77: Your story so much complicated. I cannot wait to finish up your story. Just want to see IU and myungsoo be happy.
Human246 #6
Chapter 18: This chapter make me cry T.T
Your poster has a typo mistake :0 it says atoryline with an A instead of a S for storyline
fanaticnamu #8
Chapter 97: Author nim, i'm new reader here. Thanks for such a beautiful story.
I love woohyun caracter here *cus hes my ultimate bias kekeke~~~
L was annoying but cute till i want to pinch his cheeks.
Fighting for you. :)