Backstage Princess


“You’re going to see her today?” Jiyeon asked.

“Yes. I need to talk to her, don’t I?” Jieun replied as she stuffed her bag.

“Well, you’re all better now. But are you sure?” Jiyeon asked again.

Jieun has been doing fine, better than the last few weeks after Pil Suk didn’t want to talk to her. She has been resting well. Kim Myungsoo too hasn’t been bothering her for the last few days. The INFINITE too has been avoiding her, they seems to be kinder, giving her some private space. Thankfully people didn’t doubt their fake relationship, they choose to believe the two are dating well.

Jieun seems to be doing quite well, however deep down Jiyeon doubted it. Her sleep seems restless and her rest seems tiring. It seems like she force herself to rest and recover. No wonder that she seems tired and restless although her appearance and behavior told the opposite. She is worried that Pil Suk might not want to talk to her.

“You’re going alone? Do you need me to accompany you?”

“I will be fine, Jiyeon. If anything bad happen, I will call you.”

“Don’t lie to me, Jieun. The last time you said that, Woohyun finds you crying in the street.”

“Mrs. Jung would be there, Jiyeon.”

Jiyeon sighed, letting her friend rush to the hospital with exciting step. Things have been complicated for real, even more complicated than a life should be. It doesn’t seem right. Well, Kim Myungsoo must have a good fantasy to be able to create such a complicated game. Jiyeon was surprised with the game, actually she has found something wrong with the game, yet she chooses to keep it shut inside.

“Just be careful, Jieun-ah.”

“I will, Jiyeon. See you tomorrow!” 

Jieun rushed to the hospital, with a rushing exciting step. Jiyeon didn’t even dare to imagine how broken could Jieun became if Pil Suk didn’t want to talk to her. But nothing could stop that girl; she misses her sister a lot. Even if Jiyeon told her the pessimistic fact, she would stay optimistic and naïve. A silly part of the lady, being naïve.

Jieun has been waiting so long for this day; she has been forcing herself to recover quickly. She took a three days rest at home, spending her time sleeping. And then she would eat healthy food only, she cooked herself, unlike usual when she is alone. She has been forcing herself to recover and now she is recovered and ready to face Pil Suk.


“Mrs. Jung!” Jieun greeted politely, the tone of excitement fill her voice.

“Ms. Lee! Oh, dear. You look lovely and much more better.” She replied, cupping her face.

“Thank you. Mrs. Jung. How is my sister?”

“Oh, you came to see her.” Her tone changed into a disappointment.

Mrs. Jung seems happy to see Jieun getting better, despite the fact that she knew Jieun might get hurt again. She denies the fact that Jieun hasn’t been better. She could see a faint grayish circle under her beautiful charming eyes. She could see her puffy-red eyes that are slowly disappearing. Her eyes were badly swollen, Mrs. Jung know she has been crying.

“Yes. I miss her. I want to talk to her as soon as possible.”

“She is fine, Ms. Lee. She is resting inside.”

“Mrs. Jung, may I? I want to talk to her.” Jieun requested as she gaze at the deep brown door in front of her.

Mrs. Jung nodded, hesitantly. She looks at Jieun, pleading. “Are you sure?”

Jieun nodded and rush to the door. She call Pil Suk name excitedly, but only to get hurt again in return.

“PilSukkie~! How are you doing?” the calm lady raises her voice excitedly.

“Go away!” it was a cold tone that hit her hard. Pil Suk turns her back against her own sister, shooing her away. She didn’t even bother to look at her.

Jieun crumble.


Jieun was sitting in front of Pil Suk’s room. She was thinking hard, but was not crying. She swallowed all her tears, looking strong. She needs to recover more, she mustn’t break down or she could never see Pil Suk again. She keeps telling it to herself, despite the fact that she knew it was a wrong fact. Pil Suk hated her, that’s why she refuses to see her.

Jieun told Mrs. Jung she is going to go back home, but no. Seems like she plan to stay there for the rest of the week or at least for the rest of the day. The moment Pil Suk dispelled her, she fall to her knee. She didn’t even have the strength to stand up and go home. Mrs. Jung was there, trying to get her up. Jieun has actually shattered to pieces.

And here she is, being an idiot, not knowing what to do. She just sits around, waiting for nothing. She keeps on gulping every time her tears threaten to fall. She clenched her fist hard that there are nail marks on her palm.

“Jieun?” It was a male voice but again she ignores it. She keeps on thinking hard until her brain feels like blowing up.

“Jieun-ssi?” a more formal this type, but she ignores it again.

“Jieun-ah.” A friendlier one, but again she chooses to ignore it. Then he kneeled until an inch was left between them.

The face of Kim Myungsoo.

Jieun stood up without wasting enough time. She wanted to glare but her strength was nowhere to be found. She just stood up, staring at his dark eyes. It was cold and fierce but at the same time rather gentle and warmth. Staring and staring until she could get a hold of herself, putting the shattered pieces of her back on track.

“What are you doing here?”

“Jieun-ah, trust me for once, would you? Have you been crying again?”

“No, Myungsoo. What are you doing here? Answer me.”


“Do you expects me to believe you? You could just tried to kill her again! What did you bring? Guns, knife, sharks, piranhas, what?! Even bringing your sharp mouth is wrong! Your face! Your presence!”Jieun yelled, hitting his chest with all her might.

“What happen?”

“Thanks to you, whatever I do will never counts! She would never talk to me again!”

“Jieun-ah, calm down!”

“How could I? After all you did, you make me suffers! Are you satisfied? How much longer your games would be? Until I die?” Question, illogical one, keep on spilling out from her sore throat.

“Jieun-ah, I’m sorry.” He pulled her to his embrace, hugging her tightly.

“Do you think sorry could change anything? All you have done are unforgivable, Myungsoo. She didn’t want to talk to me, anymore.”

Jieun was devastated, she wanted to cry but she needs to stay strong. She has nowhere to go, she is a lost child. Because Myungsoo was the only one there that she knows, she loses her mind and cried inside his embrace. Surprisingly, it wasn’t rough and cold, but a gentle and warmth one. It was comforting, unexpectedly nice.

“Take your time, Jieun. I won’t play the game if you’re this way.”

Because actually seeing her like this, hurts him too.


Thank you so much for the upvote! This is a bonus chapter, after seeing someone upvoted, kekeke.. I wasn't going to update this story today, since I'm going to be quite busy. But after seeing I got an upvote, I got too excited and decided to update. 


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My 2 weeks long writer block finally have ended! Thank you for all your supports, advices, and encouragement. I will update asap, please look forward to it!


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Melonchopz #1
Melonchopz #2
daragonnim #3
Before reading, I want to know if Myungsoo and Pilsuk are siblings..? I would've thought that Jieun and Pilsuk are sisters since it fits the description. But they have different surnames.
Human246 #4
Chapter 97: I hate the ending....huhu
Human246 #5
Chapter 77: Your story so much complicated. I cannot wait to finish up your story. Just want to see IU and myungsoo be happy.
Human246 #6
Chapter 18: This chapter make me cry T.T
Your poster has a typo mistake :0 it says atoryline with an A instead of a S for storyline
fanaticnamu #8
Chapter 97: Author nim, i'm new reader here. Thanks for such a beautiful story.
I love woohyun caracter here *cus hes my ultimate bias kekeke~~~
L was annoying but cute till i want to pinch his cheeks.
Fighting for you. :)