Backstage Princess

Jieun was staring at her own reflection, as soon as she is awake. She looks horrible, exactly like what Jiyeon said. She never expects herself to look like this. Even to her, the owner, the way she looks is terribly horrible. Slowly, she raises one hand, touching the mirror, touching her own reflection. She caresses her cheek. She looks horrible. She looks terrible.

Never once she thought she would look this terrible. Horribly terrible. She looks pitiful. There are visible dark black circles under her eyes, thank fully her puffy-red eyes has gone better after crying so much the other night. Her hair is very much messy.

She smiles, seeing her pathetic self. Then her lip form a smile, before suddenly turn into a wide grin. She needs to hold back her laughter, after seeing her reflection. And suddenly a miserable laugh. The lady has gone crazy. She is laughing at her own self, admitting how pathetic and pitiful she has become. No wonder people started to pity her, even Kim Myungsoo pitied her.

It’s a relief knowing the two haven’t met yet, or something worse could happen to Pil Suk. After seeing her own reflection, she too was terrified. She couldn’t imagine what Pil Suk could become if she ever sees her like this. Pil Suk might get depressed all over again. She didn’t regret getting hurt yesterday if it means Pil Suk would be fine. It’s better not to talk for the time being.

She needs to fix herself soon, very soon.


“Jieun-ah, have you been crying?” It was his annoying voice that greeted her early in the morning.

Kim Myungsoo was actually waiting for her, at her base- at the backyard. He, himself could see her puffy-red eyes, that was still faintly visible after too much crying. He just wants to make sure she is okay, that she is fine. Well, well, of course it will be for the sake of the game, yes?

To her surprise, he was actually alone at the time, without the rest of INFINITE. It’s a relief, since she doesn’t need to handle the other 6 people, but handling him alone will not only gives her headache but also a burdensome trouble. He is a troublemaker.

“Why would you care? Another strategy?”

“Jieun-ah, please stop ignoring me. People will start to doubt us.” Myungsoo has turned gentle.

“Because it’s fake, Myungsoo. We are not real. We could never be real.”

He’s at fault. She reminds herself.

“I need to thank you so much, Myungsoo. Thank to you, she would never talk to me again.” She left, coldly.

“Jieun-ah, what do I need to do to make you believe in me?!” Myungsoo shouted, as she quickly disappeared.

But she wasn’t far enough; she could hear it, his voice. It was a question without an answer; even Jieun too couldn’t answer it.

“Nothing, Myungsoo. Nothing could ever make me believe in you. I’m sorry.” She whispers to herself.


“Hey, are you okay?” Woohyun asked, seeing Jieun being upset and tired.

Jieun simply shook her head; having an argument with Myungsoo has drained all of her strength. She hasn’t recovered yet, she can’t, not with a day. She lean forward, stretches her body, before finally collapse to her desk. She is tired, her head won’t stop spinning.

“You have seen him, haven’t you?”

Jieun nod her head, burying her face. She know Woohyun wouldn’t like her answer. The two is enemies, Jieun was actually curious about their past. Someday, she needs to know. But right now, it’s not the best choice. Just let them do what they think is right, she will just leave them alone.

“You should rest, Jieun-ah. Pil Suk won’t be happy when she sees you.”

“I know, Woohyun. I am trying to rest. It’s just I can’t.”

“Let’s go somewhere, shall we? Before the little dino arrived and ruined everything.”

Jieun giggled at his statement, she stood up and smile. With a little strength of hers, she walks towards him. She a little, her playful attitude that rarely appear.

“Where?” she asked.

“Somewhere.” Woohyun dragged her away.

Woohyun took a seat below the tree and Jieun was gazing at him in confusion. She just stands there, blinking her eyes multiple times. She looks around before finally stares at him, once again in confusion. Woohyun stretches his body and yawns; he looks at her and smile.

“You like it?”

“Woohyun, I can come here all by myself.”

“I know, it’s your favorite place. It’s mine too.”

“Come on! Don’t just stand there, sit here.” Woohyun grin.

Jieun took a seat right next to him carefully. She stares at him in confusion, questions fills her brain. She couldn’t even ask him, since the question was too much.

“Let’s sleep!” Woohyun patted his shoulder, asking her to lean forward, leaning her head against his broad shoulder.

“Nam Woohyun, are you skipping class again?”

“Jieun-ah, could you just do it? It’s been a while since I skip classes.”

“No, you can’t skip classes, Woohyun.”

“You are going to skip them with me.”

“No, Woohyun. I’m going back.”

“We have fifteen minutes, Jieun. Let’s rest for a while. It’s very nice here.”

Jieun shook her head, unable to believe Woohyun. Actually, Woohyun used to be a troublemaker, he never attends class. But she was the one to changes him, forcing him to attend every class. In return, she would gladly tutor him.

“Lean, Jieun.” He patted his shoulder again.

Jieun hesitated, but after a while she finally leans to him. She closes her eyes and inhales deeply. The fresh air was very nice, it was refreshing. It’s been a while since the last time she went out to get some air. Today, it feels nostalgic. The wind blew gently, it was nice and refreshing. The weather was warm, not too cold or too hot.

“Jieun-ah, is it nice?”

Jieun nod, without answering. She likes it, very much. Finally, she could be resting, without people who would annoy her. Maybe Jiyeon would, after noticing her skipping class for the very first time. But its okay, Woohyun would be the one handling her. She needs to fix herself. Just rest, Jieun. You need to get well soon.

Woohyun suddenly lean to her, his head was on top of her. He too wanted to sleep, he truly is a sleepy head.

“Then, I will also sleep.”

“Good night, Woohyun.”

“Good night, Jieun-ah. Rest well.”

“Jieun-ah, do you want to go back?” Woohyun asked.

She didn’t answer, seems like she is already fall asleep. She seems so peaceful. Woohyun didn’t dare to wake her up. She has been lacking of rest lately, she would get sick easily if this continues. Woohyun caresses her cheek gently and patted her head, before he too fall into a deep slumber.

The way he looks at her was different. The way he treated her was different. The way he touch her was different. 



An extra updated chapter for all of you readers! Thank you so much for reading. Comments and subscribe! See you guys again next week! :D 

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My 2 weeks long writer block finally have ended! Thank you for all your supports, advices, and encouragement. I will update asap, please look forward to it!


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Melonchopz #1
Melonchopz #2
daragonnim #3
Before reading, I want to know if Myungsoo and Pilsuk are siblings..? I would've thought that Jieun and Pilsuk are sisters since it fits the description. But they have different surnames.
Human246 #4
Chapter 97: I hate the ending....huhu
Human246 #5
Chapter 77: Your story so much complicated. I cannot wait to finish up your story. Just want to see IU and myungsoo be happy.
Human246 #6
Chapter 18: This chapter make me cry T.T
Your poster has a typo mistake :0 it says atoryline with an A instead of a S for storyline
fanaticnamu #8
Chapter 97: Author nim, i'm new reader here. Thanks for such a beautiful story.
I love woohyun caracter here *cus hes my ultimate bias kekeke~~~
L was annoying but cute till i want to pinch his cheeks.
Fighting for you. :)