Backstage Princess


Jieun was devastated. She looks worse than ever. She forgot the last time she touched her meal, the last time she closes her eye. She forgot the last time she lives normally, like a human being. She looks horrible these days. She doesn’t even talk, not to Woohyun, not to Jiyeon. Kim Myungsoo didn’t even bother checking on her. At least, he didn’t disturb her.

Jieun has turn lifeless, she barely lives after hearing her sister condition. Pil Suk might be stable, but the doctor couldn’t promise anything to her. Jieun never talks, she hide herself behind the shade. She never sleeps at night; she spent those nights crying over her sister. Her dark circles has become visible, her red-puffy eyes is even more frustrating. The fact that she never eats is even more worrying.

“Jieun-ah, you have to eat.” Woohyun tried to persuade her, for the hundreds time.

Jieun only shook her head, giving a simple answer to the man. Even Jiyeon has given up on her, she lets her do whatever she wants. Jieun continued gazing through the window, her hands are busy counting. Kim Myungsoo was looking at her from the opposite, but she didn’t even bother noticing it.

“Jieun-ah, I will leave the food here. Eat it when you feel like it.” Woohyun said.

Jieun pushes the food away, shaking her head again and again. She is devastated, desperate, and frustrated. She has done a good job hiding it all, all behind her calm behavior. She badly needs to spill all of it out. She has been hiding it all alone and it has been too much for her to handle. Woohyun could understand her, but he could do nothing.

“Jieun-ah, you could cry if you wanted to.”

Jieun didn’t answer, it’s been too long since the last time he heard her voice. This time, again she didn’t answer. She stares at him, with that devastated stare. She looks horrible, what she has been through is even more terrible. She gave him a look, a look that contains pain and sadness. She can’t cry because she didn’t want to.

“Woohyun, has she….” It was Jiyeon.

“No, Jiyeon. She doesn’t even want to talk.” Woohyun shook his head, letting a sighed escape his mouth.

“Jieun-ah. How long are you going to stay like this? Pil Suk won’t like it, not the slightest bit.”

Jieun has actually turned hopeless. She has turned rational, leaving her naïve self. She leaves her expectations behind, living pessimistically. She stops hoping a long time ago, weeks after Pil Suk condition got worse. She stops believing. Jieun doesn’t even know if Pil Suk would ever wake up again.

Jieun glances to Jiyeon, seeing her best friend trying to persuade her for the thousandth time. She tried to give her a sincere smile but failed to do so. She has lost hope after all. She could hope nothing more, but for Pil Suk to wakes up. When she wakes up, Jieun’s life would be much better.

It’s all Kim Myungsoo’s fault.

“Jieun-ah. Are you okay?” Jiyeon panic voice rose.

“What happen to her?” Woohyun asked, worried.

“Jieun-ah, you look so pale. Your face is red, are you okay?”

Jieun touches her head, she is fine. To her, this is something usual, but not to her two best friend.

“Jieun, you have a temperature!” Jiyeon shouted.

Woohyun suddenly lift her up, rushing to the infirmary. One question passed through her mind, is it really that bad? She has been feeling unwell lately, but her heart feels a lot worse. Her emotion was mixing inside her, so badly that she feels like exploding. She has been weak lately, but she doesn’t mind getting sick as long as Pil Suk would wake up.

These days, she has been spending lots of time in the hospital. Every day, she would talk to Pil Suk, pleading and begging for her to wake up soon. No, at the least to be healthy and fine. Waking up is something Jieun couldn’t bear to expect. If she ever got her expectation rose high again, it would be much more hurting to fall down.

Again, it’s all Kim Myungsoo’s fault.

Nam Woohyun has actually tried to confront Kim Myungsoo but failed to do so. Every time he tried, her figure would pass through him. He knew she wouldn’t like the idea of him, punching and fighting with Kim Myungsoo. It’s her actually, the reason why the two haven’t tense up yet.

Woohyun was actually questioning about Myungsoo’s true intention. Generally, it’s simply for popularity, Woohyun knew that. But he also knew, this guy is into something else. He won’t be planning a game- this much complicated, just to gain popularity. His true intention might be to hurt her, to hurt her in front of him.

As an old friend of his, who has turned distant, Nam Woohyun knew his true nature. He could feel his presence from time to time. Kim Myungsoo has been keeping an eye on Jieun. Nam Woohyun too has been keeping an eye on Kim Myungsoo to make sure he has plan nothing to hurt Lee JiEun to another extent beyond repairable.

Another thing has been bothering his mind lately. They have gone on a date, something unnecessary to do.  Not to forget, the fact the he let her called her by his name. Woohyun knew he doesn’t like being called directly by his real name. He prefers to be called ‘L’. Only those who are close and special enough to him could call him ‘Myungsoo’.

Jieun must have acknowledged that. Woohyun has told her before. Although he never told her their history, before being such an enemy. The door suddenly slides open, and to his surprise, it was Kim Myungsoo.

Jieun wakes up, feeling dizzy. Her head was heavy, it spins around. Not to forget she feels sick, barely feeling alive. She must have fainted just now, when Woohyun carries her to the infirmary. She touches her head, feeling something cold on top of it.

“What are you doing here, Kim Myungsoo?” Woohyun words surprised her. He’s here, that man is here.

They are about to fight. The cold tone fills Woohyun voice while Myungsoo keep his mouth shut. Woohyun hands are clenched tightly, forming a fist. It’s only the matter of time before he threw a punch to Myungsoo’s face. Actually, Kim Myungsoo deserves it.

“Get out!” Woohyun yelled, grabbing his collar.

“Jieun-ah, are you okay?” It was Jiyeon voice that stops them, preventing them from fighting.

“Jieun-ah, are you okay?”

Jieun stood up, trying to get a hold of herself. She feels dizzy and sick, she feels like throwing up anytime soon.

“Jieun-ah, what happen?” Myungsoo voice startled her.

Jieun glare at Kim Myungsoo, giving her a fierce mischievous glare. But no, Lee JiEun could never be that way. She only stares at him, her brown orbs reflect her pain and sadness. She wants to disappear so badly. She wants to stop.

Myungsoo approaches her carefully. Jieun stares at him in fear, unable to speculate what he would have done next. She grips the pillow tightly, wanting to throw it at him, but her hands are too weak to do anything else. She took a glance at Woohyun and Jiyeon, who were exiting the room, leaving her alone with Kim Myungsoo.

Myungsoo sit right next to her bed, staring back at her eyes. He looks honest and kind, sweet and caring, but he has betrayed Jieun too many times for her to believe him. She can’t trust him. She can’t stand being betrayed again. She has had enough.

“Jieun-ah, are you okay?” Myungsoo hold her hand gently.

Jieun didn’t say anything. She wants to shrugs off his hand, but she found no strength left inside her. Leaving her weak, neglected, and hopeless.

“I don’t do anything. Could you believe me?”

His eyes are something she couldn’t resist to. Those honest and careful eyes, those gentle and sweet eyes that gaze through her, she couldn’t resist them. But no, she won’t fall for his trap ever again. He has lied to her, countless time. He has hurt her, deeply.

Kim Myungsoo, you promise me, yet why did you betrayed me?

“Woohyun, what exactly happen between the two of you?” Jiyeon asked, as soon as they get out from the infirmary.

“What do you mean, Jiyeon?”

“You know what I mean, Woohyun. You never tell me what happen.”

“Don’t even asked, Jiyeon. I don’t want to talk about it.”

“I don’t really know what happen between you two, but she played an important role, doesn’t she?”

“So you do know, Jiyeon.”

“And this game is… more likely a bet.”

“No, Jiyeon. I don’t think so. This game is not about winning or losing, it’s about the player.

“What should we do then? Their dates, it has happen. It’s when the game will get to the next stage, yes?”

“When did you get so smart?” Woohyun asked.

What is the truth behind the game?



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My 2 weeks long writer block finally have ended! Thank you for all your supports, advices, and encouragement. I will update asap, please look forward to it!


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Melonchopz #1
Melonchopz #2
daragonnim #3
Before reading, I want to know if Myungsoo and Pilsuk are siblings..? I would've thought that Jieun and Pilsuk are sisters since it fits the description. But they have different surnames.
Human246 #4
Chapter 97: I hate the ending....huhu
Human246 #5
Chapter 77: Your story so much complicated. I cannot wait to finish up your story. Just want to see IU and myungsoo be happy.
Human246 #6
Chapter 18: This chapter make me cry T.T
Your poster has a typo mistake :0 it says atoryline with an A instead of a S for storyline
fanaticnamu #8
Chapter 97: Author nim, i'm new reader here. Thanks for such a beautiful story.
I love woohyun caracter here *cus hes my ultimate bias kekeke~~~
L was annoying but cute till i want to pinch his cheeks.
Fighting for you. :)