Backstage Princess

Jieun rushed to the hospital room, it’s 3 in the morning. She was having her sleep, mixed with a nightmare when her phone suddenly rings. It’s Mrs. Jung. And when she saw the woman name appearing on her phone screen, she knew something bad must have happened to Pil Suk.

Cold sweats are drenching her body; she keeps on fidgeting her fingers, twirling her hair. She is very much nervous and anxious. Her rushing steps create a knocking sound, as she run along the hallway. Her eyes are wandering around, searching for the room number.  

“Ms. Lee.” Mrs. Jung called her, anxiety filled her voice.

“Mrs. Jung. Where is she?” Jieun’s eyes spotted the empty bed.

“The surgery room, dear. I’m so sorry.” Mrs. Jung was about to cry.

“No, it’s okay Mrs. Jung. What happen?”

“I don’t really know, Ms. Lee. She suddenly couldn’t breathe and her heartbeat dropped down. The doctor suddenly rush, checking on her condition. They seem… seems hopeless, they just rushed her to the surgery room.”

Jieun falls on her knee. How could this happen? A few days ago, approximately 2 days ago, the doctor said she is fine. Jieun has been keeping an eye on Pil Suk’s condition, her treatments, and her health. Jieun has been the one making sure everything is alright and fine. Jieun was just here a few hours ago, before she head home to get some rest.

“How long has it been?” Jieun voice cracked, barely audible.

“Half an hour, Ms. Lee. I called you 15 minutes ago, when they rushed her to the surgery room.”

“Has the doctor released a statement?”

“Not yet, Ms. Lee. I have asked her. They seem to be having a hard time handling the situation. He asked us to be patient, they will try their best.”

Jieun eyes wander around the room. The tense atmosphere, the smell of alcohol and medicine, the visible blood drops on the ground. It’s empty now, and it’s feels gloomy and dark. It’s scary just to stay here alone for a few hours. Has she become lonely again?

Jieun spotted fresh roses at the corner of the room, laying next to the bed. Jieun stood up, walking toward the beautiful red roses. It seems like someone has just visited her, maybe it’s Jiyeon or Woohyun. Roses, especially the red are something Pil Suk like the most. Jieun would prefer something a lot more calm and aromatic. Something like Lavender or Amaryllis, Jasmine too wouldn’t be so bad.

“Did someone just come?” Jieun asked.

“Oh, yes. Someone did come. They brought her red roses, her favorite flowers. And also four-leaf-clover, as a good luck charm. They hope she would get well soon.”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Jung. Did you just say they?”

“Oh, it’s a group of boy, Ms. Lee. Handsome one, about 7 to 8 people I guess. Hoya-ssi was there too. I think you two have built a quite good relationship, Ms.Lee.”

Kim Myungsoo. The INFINITE.

His name suddenly pass through her mind, anger rush inside her. She was about to explode. It must be Kim Myungsoo’s fault again. He must have done something. How could I fall into another of his trap? Of course, he wouldn’t let me free that way. Of course, he has planned something else.

“They seem so kind, Ms. Lee. They talk to her, treated her nicely.”

“Mrs. Jung, do you know what they are talking about?”

“I was there, however I don’t think eavesdropping is a good thing to do. I let them talk, while I wait here, behind the glass.”

“Did they bring something else?”  

“They brought strawberries! How kind of them. It’s a pity she can’t eat them. It’s inside the refrigerator Ms. Lee, you could eat them.”

“Mrs. Jung, I would be taking them. I will visit you later in the afternoon.”

Kim Myungsoo’s fault. What in the world has he done to her? Hasn’t he had enough of everything?

“Jieun! Are you okay? I heard what happen.” Jiyeon yelled.

“I’m okay, Jiyeon. However, she isn’t.” Jieun voice was cracking, her soothing voice has become inaudible.

“Jieun, it’s going to be okay.”

“It’s his fault, again Jiyeon. Now, I have something to do. I will meet you again later.” Jieun said, walking away.

“What has he done this time, Jieun?”

“I don’t really know, Jiyeon.”

Her body was shaking so badly, trembling in fear. Jiyeon know that Jieun was about to face Kim Myungsoo alone. Jieun never fears Kim Myungsoo but his game is what she fears the most. He is playing around, not only with her feelings but also with her life. He was playing a dangerous game and she has challenge herself to win it. If she fails to do so, something much more worse will happen.

Kim Myungsoo was having much fun. He has been smiling and grinning like an idiot. His killer mood has long disappeared, and it might never show up again. It was not only him, who was very much happy, so does the rest of the INFINITE. Seeing one of their member happy, makes them happy too.

The usually gloomy atmosphere has turn brighter; the mysterious aura too has changed into a better one. There is no tension in the air. The bad boys have turn into a good puppy, a lovable and cute one. Not cold and arrogant like usual. A change for the better.

“He’s unexpectedly in a good mood,” Hoya said.

“Well, let’s try not to ruin his cheerful day.” Sungyeol add.

However, seems like today is not going to be his day. In a flash, Lee Ji Eun appears in front of them. In front of the 7 boys, a fierce painful look painted her face. She looks terrible and angry- no she never been angry before, she is disappointed. A huge disappointment could be found clearly.

“Jieun.” A soft whisper escape his lip.

She looks very much terrible. Her eyes have turn puffy-red, with a huge bags underneath it, not to mention her black circles. Her body was shaking, more likely trembling. Her face turn pale, her pink lovable lips turn blue. She was fidgeting her fingers, biting her lips until it bleeds. She wanted to shout so badly yet her voice has become inaudible. It’s surprising, knowing how calm she behaves, her self-control. Although her appearance shows the otherwise.

“Myungsoo-ssi.” Her tone change into a calm one, when it was supposed to be cold.

“Jieun-ah, you came.” He said excitedly, trying to change her mood.

“Myungsoo-ssi, stop being so kind. Stop pretending.” She pleaded, her eyes has become teary.

“What happen, Jieun?”

“Why can’t you stop bothering me?! Why can’t you leave me alone?!” She was shouting, actually. But it sounded more like a whisper.

“Jieun, calm down. Tell me what happen.”

“I don’t need your sympathy! Your pity! Your roses, your strawberries! I don’t need them all! I just need my sister back!” Jieun throws his roses, his strawberries, everything he has bought for Pil Suk. She let them all shattered on the ground.

“I thought she has recover, Jieun. It’s not wrong to visit her.” Myungsoo said.

“Why? So you could kill her with your words? You have killed her, Myungsoo. You killed her.”

She hated him. It’s all clear now. She hated him, very much.

“What happen, Jieun?”

“You visit her, you talk to her. You killed her with your words! She is in the surgery room now, the doctor won’t even tell me her chance of survival!”

“What do you mean, Jieun?”

“How could I be so stupid to trust you?!” Her voice cracked so badly. Myungsoo could barely hear her voice.

“Jieun, stop it! I didn’t do anything to her! I was just visiting her!”

Myungsoo walk toward her, gently. He needs to calm her down. He wants to pull her to his embrace, letting the fragile woman cried inside his embrace. Letting the lady snuggle to his chest, letting all her pain out. He won’t blame her, if his clothes was about to be drenched by her tears. He badly wants to comfort her.

“Don’t get close to me!” Jieun stopped him, but Myungsoo insisted.

“Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me! I’m begging you don’t touch me!”

Myungsoo could never forget the pain he feels. She was trembling so badly, with her eyes tearing. Inside her, was unbearable pain that no one could ever feel. Jieun was struggling, to be able to break free from his grip. Seeing her that way, Myungsoo decided to let he free.

“Jieun, I did nothing to her! Why can’t you trust me?”

“How could I, Kim Myungsoo? After all you had done to me. I could never trusted you.”

It was a long silence. Kim Myungsoo was hurt by her words, something that shouldn’t have happened on his happy-go-lucky day. His game has not only brought him advantages and popularity but also has brought him a pain.

“And you, Hoya. I can’t believe you, not anymore.”

Lee Ji Eun left.

“Why can’t you trust me, Jieun? For once. You must have hated me, so much.” Myungsoo said, and she disappeared from his sight.

Why can’t she trust him? She must have hated him very much by now. It’s his fault after all. All of this, is actually his own fault.

She has become restless again. All day long, all she has done was gazing out through the window. The surgery must have been done by now, she wants to called Mrs. Jung so badly. But at the same time, she is scared. She doesn’t know what bad news she had to hear next.

“Jieun, I have brought you some lunch.” Woohyun said.

Jieun just grab it, after giving the boy a faint smile or rather a sad and painful smile. She has to force her lips, to curve upward, just to make a simple smile. It was not a sincere smile but also not a cold one. She has tried her best to give Woohyun her sincere smile.

“You are not going to eat?” Woohyun asked.

“I have to, Woohyun. She won’t like it if she ever sees me becoming like this.”

That is what she had said, but not what she had done. All she had done was mixing her food, twirling her hair, without swallowing one single spoon of her lunch.

“It’s his doing again, isn’t it?” Woohyun anger finally rose.

“I’m not even sure. I can’t trust him after all.” Jieun replied. 

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My 2 weeks long writer block finally have ended! Thank you for all your supports, advices, and encouragement. I will update asap, please look forward to it!


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Melonchopz #1
Melonchopz #2
daragonnim #3
Before reading, I want to know if Myungsoo and Pilsuk are siblings..? I would've thought that Jieun and Pilsuk are sisters since it fits the description. But they have different surnames.
Human246 #4
Chapter 97: I hate the ending....huhu
Human246 #5
Chapter 77: Your story so much complicated. I cannot wait to finish up your story. Just want to see IU and myungsoo be happy.
Human246 #6
Chapter 18: This chapter make me cry T.T
Your poster has a typo mistake :0 it says atoryline with an A instead of a S for storyline
fanaticnamu #8
Chapter 97: Author nim, i'm new reader here. Thanks for such a beautiful story.
I love woohyun caracter here *cus hes my ultimate bias kekeke~~~
L was annoying but cute till i want to pinch his cheeks.
Fighting for you. :)