Chapter 53 - Another Silent Disappointment

The In Between




Woohyun yelled as soon as he found you sitting in the police office room, face full of bruises and clothes changed into Sungyeol’s jacket.


He almost crashed everything he passed in Dongwoo’s restaurant as soon as he hung up the call from Sungyeol. He just got there after went past your house, checking whether you were home or not. As soon as he took a seat next to Dongwoo, his phone rang.


A call from an unknown number.


He picked it up, and his mouth gaped widely as he froze at his place, listening to whoever talking on the other line. His face grew red in anger, fist balled and hardened.


If Dongwoo didn’t calm him down, Dongwoo would have gone bankrupt since his properties were destroyed by Woohyun’s panic state. Woohyun quickly got into his car and almost left Dongwoo, if Dongwoo didn’t stop the car by standing right in front of it before it could run.


Woohyun drove hastily on the way to pick you up. Dongwoo kept slapping his arm to slow the car’s speed down, but he didn’t care. He was way too panicked about you. His eyes were focused on the road but his mind went on you. ‘She’s fine, right? Please don’t let anything bad happened’


As soon as he arrived at the police station, he hastily parked the car and quickly got off from the car, almost locking Dongwoo inside if Dongwoo didn’t get off fast enough. Woohyun ran quickly into the police station and went directly to the office room. There, he found you sitting with a cup of hot chocolate, with bandages and cuts all over your face. That was when he finally let out his panic turned into screaming.


You looked at him and quickly stood up, shocked to see how fast Woohyun could be here. Woohyun abruptly went up to you and grabbed you in the shoulder.


“Who did this to you?! Tell me! I’ll kill him for sure!”, he said, before pulling you into a hug. You could feel his back was trembling in anger, so you hugged him back and patted his back.


“I’m… fine Oppa, don’t worry”. He pulled off from the hug and stared at you deeply.


“Where’s Hoya? Where’s Sungyeol? How could you be like this? Did-“


“I’m here”, Sungyeol spoke up. Woohyun turned around, to find Sungyeol standing there, with Dongwoo breathing heavily leaning on him. He loosened his grip on your shoulder and went to Sungyeol, eyes as cold as ice.


“How could you leave her alone? HUH?! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO TAKE CARE OF HER, NOT TO LEAVE HER TO A !”, he yelled to Sungyeol’s face and pushed him, making Sungyeol almost stumbled on his feet. Woohyun was fuming in anger, and no one could do a thing about it.


“WHERE WERE YOU AT THAT TIME?! HUH?! HOW COULD YOU LET HER WANDERING AROUND THIS LATE OF NIGHT?! ANSWER ME!”, he yelled once again, gripping Sungyeol on his collar. Sungyeol just eyed him apologetically, feeling guilty. You pulled Woohyun off from Sungyeol and spun him around to face you.


“Oppa, I’m fine. And don’t blame Sungyeol, he was the one who helped me”, you said sternly. ‘Although I wished it were Hoya’


Woohyun’s stiffed shoulder relaxed under your touch as his hand went smoothly to your face, tracing the bruises carefully. You winced in pain once, making Woohyun’s heart squeezed in guilt.


“I’m sorry ___-ah, I should have been there with you”, Woohyun murmured , brushing your hair softly. He felt way too uneasy. Angry, guilty, and useless. He cursed everything inside his head, especially himself.


And Hoya.


‘How could that bastard not show himself in this situation? Where is he?’


“___-ah, where’s Hoya?”, he asked you, as he took your hand and pulled you to the nearest chair to sit. You just followed, but your eyes were glued to the floor and mind was off somewhere.


‘Yeah, where is he? He should be on his way to pick me up right? But… why hasn’t he contacted me? Or looking for me?’, you thought to yourself. You fiddled your own fingers, not bothering to answer. Woohyun got the clue and pulled your shoulder into his embrace, hugging you tight as he ruffled your hair.


“He… maybe he’s still busy ___-ah”, he said, out of nowhere.


You just nodded, and slowly buried your head into his shoulder, silently crying inside.


‘Yeah, he’s probably busy now’, you thought. You shuffled closer to Woohyun and closed your eyes. Woohyun’s arms were wrapping your shoulder tight, as his chin was on top of your head.


‘Busy….right. Too busy to even care about his girlfriend’, you thought, as a ball of tear rolling out from your eyes. You cried, silently. But Woohyun knew you better than everyone.


“___-ah, just let it out. I’m here, don’t worry”, Woohyun said as he brushed your hair once again. That was when your silent cry turned into a loud sobbing. Tears were now flowing like a big river. Your hands flew to Woohyun’s clothes and clutched it tightly. Your tears were drenching his shirt, but he didn’t mind. He patted your back and wrapped you tighter, as tight as he could to make you feel safe.


“___-ah, I’m sorry”, Woohyun muttered. He hugged you tighter than ever. You cried in his embrace, with Sungyeol staring at you in guilt. He wanted to hug you just like Woohyun, but hey, who was he to you? He tried to pull himself not to do anything just under his ego’s control.


‘___-ah, please don’t cry…’, Woohyun thought.


‘Hoya…don’t make me disappointed on you….’, you thought.





OH em gee so sorry for not updating for such a long period. Hectic sched in university sure........takes my time, so sorry *bow*

So yeah, thanks for being patient 

And happy reading :D

Love you guys the most :D

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And happy birthday to our lovely choding Lee Sungyeol! Best wishes for you and INFINITE! We love you


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Chapter 55: I hope you update soon enough...:D I want team woohyun... hihi!
Chapter 1: I'm blushing just by reading this

- Inspirit fan....
Chapter 36: omg. i dont know if i can continue reading...AHH! i'll cry if she deosnt end up with hoya. >.< Update soon Author-nim! :) love the story!
Cute-Inspirit #4
Chapter 54: Finally you update!
I love this story very much <3
Update soon
1069inspirit #5
Chapter 54: OMG thanks for updating!! I'm looking forward. Nice story author-nim *bows* :')
Chapter 52: when will you update? i'm so in love with this story X(
Chapter 53: OMG !!! Update soon author-nim !!! <3