Lights Club

Falling in love with a fool

You really hate Jaemin haha Don't worry, hope you enjoy this chapter.


-Chunji's P.O.V.-

I arrived to you's house, i walked to the door and knock it.-" Annyeonghaseyo Ahjussi"- I bowed and her dad smiled.

" There's no need to bow, we are family"- His dad said and i nodded.-"'s your mother?"- He asked me and i smiled.

"She's pretty the way she says hi"- I told him and he chuckled.

" Oh really? Say hi to her too, well where are you going tonight?"- He asked me.

"To a club, to celebrate our graduation"- I said to him and he put his arm around my shoulder.

" That's sounds fun, i hope you have fun"- He said to me and i nodded.-" Chunji, i have to talk to you, since you and my little daugther are gonna live together, i want to talk know...having..."- He was about to say it and i was about to die in that moment.* Please don't ...don't*

"DAD!"-you shouted and i sighed *Gosh...thanks*-" Why are you saying that? God...this is so embarrasing"- She put her hands in her face and shook.

"Bwha? I'm just telling him that i don't wanna grandchildren this year...i mean you have to get married first and then i wanna 5 grandchildren"-He hapily said and She hit his arm.*5...?*

"Eish dad...I'm going now, bye!"-She angrily said.

"Bye ahjussi"- I waved and smiled. you glared him and closed the door.

She sighed-"I'm so sorry about my dad...he's a kinda weird"- She said to me and i shook my head.

"Actually i think he's funny, and i think he likes my mom..."- I said to her and she smiled.

"Really? woow that flirty boy"- She said and then smirked.-"and...your mom likes my dad too?"

" I think so, because today she asked me about him and she was like to excited hahaha they like each other, should we make a date for them?"- I told her and she hapily nodded.

"Yes!! My dad needs a girlfriend, sometimes i think he's so lonely"- She said to me.-"but it's gonna be kinda weird...i mean because you are gonna be like my brother and boyfriend at the same time"- She bit her lip * she's so cute...and y when she bit her lip...WAIT GO AWAY BAD THOUGHS*

I grinned-"Yes...but i think they are gonna look so cute, they are so...weird and lovely at the same time"- I said and she nodded.

" I know hahaha"- She told me, we were still in her door.-"Chunji-goon where's your motorcycle?"

" I didn't bring it, i bring my mom's car..."- I said and poited to the car.-" And you are wearing a dress so you can't go on a motorcycle"- She chuckled and i smiled.-" By the look so..."- *HOT HOT HOT*-" beautiful in that dress"- I rubbed my head and smiled.

She blushed-" Really? You look nice too sumbae"- we walked to the car, I opened the door for her and then i got in the car, and i started drive to the Lights club.

" Sumbae, is really far that club?"- She asked me and i shook my head.

"No, actually we are gonna arrive in 3 minutes"- I told her and she nodded.We arrived to the club and opened the door again for her to come down.

"Thanks"- you said to me and i smiled, i grabbed her hand and started walk to the gate of the club.

"HYUNG! WE ARE HERE"- I heard someone shouted and i turned around to see who was it, it was Changjo who was waving to us.*Changjo...?*

"Yah! What are you doing here? You are too young"- I almost shouted to him and he chuckled.

"eish...well i'm here...get over it!"- Changjo said and you laughed.

" I'm here too Hyung"-Ricky said, He was with Niel and Hye ri.

"Unnie annyeong"- Hye ri said to you.

" DAMN HYE RI! YOU LOOK HOT!"-you said to Hye ri and she chuckled.

"Me hot? girl you are burning! "-Hye ri said and they laughed *I'm with you Hye ri, she's burning"

"haha Hye ri where's Jung?"- you asked and she poited a car.

"She's right there, with L.joe oppa and Cap oppa"-Hye ri said and  you waved to Jung.

"Unnie! You look great"- Jung min said to her and she smiled.

"You look great too, should we go inside now?"- you asked and Jung min nodded.

"Yes, let's go inside because im freezing here"-Jung said and you nodded.

"Tomato are you cold?"- I asked her and she nodded, I was about to gave her my jacket but she shook her head.

"There's no need, we are going inside now, Inside must be warm"-She said to me and i hugged her.

"But i'm gonna be your jacket until we get inside arasseo?"- I told her and she laugh and gave me a peak.

"Well you are the cutest jacket ever!"-She told me and i nodded. We walked to the gate and got inside, that was my first time in that club and it was pretty cool, there was alots of people and Cap hopely found a empty table.

" Guys are you gonna drink tonight?"-Cap asked and I shook my head.

"No, i cant stand with alcohol..."- you said and i grabbed her hand.

"I'm not gonna drink either"- I said and Niel laughed.-"Why you laughed?"

"For nothing for nothing"-Niel said, laughing.

"No, im serious i cant drink, i have to drive"- I said and they nodded.

"But i know how to drive..."-you said and i glared her.-"Bwha?..."

"So you can drink"-L.joe said.

“Tomato, let’s go dance”- I grabbed her hand and went to the dance.

-Ends Chunji’s P.O.V-

We kept dancing dancing and dancing, the guys were drinking and dancing too, it was already 3:30 am.

"Girls...i need to go to the restroom"- I said to Jung and Hye ri and they sighed.

"Go with Jung, my feets are killing me"-Hye ri told me and i stared at Jung.

"I'm in the same pain"- She pouted and i sighed.

"Eish..."- I stoop up and started to walk to the restroom.*Where's the restroom? eish...i don't know this place...Oh i think is there* I walked to a door, and open.No ones was there so i just entered, i was washing my hands when...

"HOLY S****"- I hear a shout, i turned around to see who was it.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"- I shouted to a tall boy and he was like W-T-F.

"Me? What are YOU doing here?"- He said to me and i raised a brow.

"This is girls restroom"- I told him and he smirked.

" didn't see the urinals?"- He told me and i turned around to see them...*Gosh...i'm so silly*

" Ou...gosh...i'm so sorry"- I put my hands in my eyes and bowed.

"haha you don't have to cover your eyes, i'm not using them..."- He told me and i chuckled.

"You right, hahaha, i'm so silly"- I told him and he shook his head.

"No, i think you are cute "- He laughed and i shyly smiled.

"Oh...thanks...well i should go now"- I said and he nodded.-"I guess you need do your...thing so bye"- I bowed and started to walk to the door.

"Wait!"- He stopped me and i turned around.

"Yes?"- I say and he approached me.

"Choi Minho"- He said and i raised a brow.*ah?*

"Bwha?..."- I said and he smiled.

"I'm Choi Minho"- He said and i bowed.

"Oh, I'm Kim you"- I said and he bowed.

"It was nice met you in the restroom"- he said and i chuckled.

"haha bye Minho"- I waved and came back to the party.

-L.Joe's P.O.V-

"I'm going to the bar, i need a bottle of water"- I said and Changjo stoop up.

"Me too Hyung, let's go"- He said and i nodded. We walked to the bar and order two bottles of water.-"So hyung Have you decided what are you gonna study?"- I nodded.

"Yes, i wanna be a photographer"- I told him and he smiled.

"Really? that's cool, you are so lucky you already end the school i have to study 1 more year"- He sighed and i  ruffled his hair.

"haha"- i laughed, i turned aroud to walk to the table where the others were but i bumped into someone.-" Oh i'm so..."- I was in shock when i saw who was it-"Ji-ji Eun..."

"Ji Eun? What are yo...Nonna?"-Changjo turned too and saw her.

"L.joe? Changjo?"- Ji Eun said to us and then she smiled.-" GUYS!!"- She shouted and hugged us. We were both in shock.

"N-nonna what are you doing here?"-Changjo said and Ji Eun pouted.

"That sounds like you didn't miss me"- Ji Eun said.

"No, is not that, is just that you moved years ago so i though i will never see you again"- Changjo said and Ji Eun hugged him.

"I though that too, but i came back"- She said and then she stared at me.-"L.joe now you are mute?"-I shook my head.

"Sorry...em...Hi Ji Eun"-I waved and she hugged me.

"Wow guys you change alot, i remember when we were kids playing in the park"- She said and i tried to smile.*Chunji can't see her, why she came back? why when Chunji is finally happy she came back?"-"So you are here alone?"

"N...""Yes"- I interrupted Changjo and he stared at me.-"We came alone to look for a girl...Changjo's crush"- I lied and he raised a brow, i elbowed him.

"Ah! yes yes"-Changjo nodded and Ji Eun smirked.

"Oww, my sweet dongsaeng has a girl now"- She said and we nodded.

"Well...we have to go Ji Eun, it was great seeing you again"- I grabbed Changjo's arm and tried to walked.

"Wait! Give me your numbers, so we can hang out"- She said.

" are living here?"- I said and she nodded.

"Yes, a month ago"- She said and i remember that the night when i confessed to Jung min, i saw a girl alike to Ji Eun so...she was really Ji Eun.-"i actually gonna study here, i'm working already, in a cafeteria"- *she was the waitress...*

"Oh...that's cool Ji Eun-ah, my number is ######### "- I said and she saved it in ehr celphone.

"Mine is ########"- Changjo said and she saved it too, we waved and started to walk. Before we arrived to the table, i stopped and stared at Changjo.

"Changjo we can't say a word about Ji Eun"- I said.

"Wae hyung?"- He said.

"Because she's gonna try to find Chunji and now he's happy with you, so please don't say anything about it ok?"- I said and he nodded.

"Arasseo"- He said and we walked to the table.

"Jung-ah i wanna go now"- I said to Jung and she nodded.

"Me too oppa, let's go"- She said and stoop up.

"Hyungs let's go it's pretty late"- Changjo said and Niel nodded.

"Hye ri you want go home?"- Niel said and Hye ri nodded.

"Chunji-goon i wanna go too"-you said to Chunji and he nodded, he stoop up and grabbed her hand. *Good, now go before he sees Ji Eun*

"Cap, Ricky let's go"- Chunji said and they nodded, we went out the club. Everybody wents to their cars or grabbed a cab. I sighed and rubbed my head.

"Oppa what's wrong?"-Jung asked me and i shook my head, i grinned.

"Nothing bunny, i'm just tired"- I lied, i didn't want to lie her but she can't know about Ji Eun.  I gave her a kiss and rest my head in her shoulder.

-Ends L.joe's P.O.V-

I was driving Chunji's car because he was a little drunk, *i wanna have a car, this feel so nice* I chuckled and Chunji stared at me.-"why are you laughing?"

"Nothing"- I said and he smirked.

"you~~ you are so cute..."-He said and i smiled.-"Woow! And when you smile, you kill me"- i laughed.

"haha Chunji you are so drunk"- I said and he shook his head.

"No, i'm not. I'm just in love with you.."- He said and i smiled-" Saranghae"

"I love you too sumbae"- I said and he sighed.

"Sumbae sumbae! I hate that word"- He glared me *So cute* and made a frown.

" Ok i'm sorry Chunji-goon"- I said and he sighed again, he stared at me.

"Wae?"- He said and i raised a brow.

"Wae what?"- I said and he grabbed my hand, the hand that was in the gearbox.

"Why you can't call me oppa?"- He said and i sighed *here we go again-" Look is easy, they are just 4 letters, O-P-P-A, you can do it"

"Chunji not this again..."- I said and he made a grin.

"You are gonna say it, you'll see"- He said with a angrily/cute voice, i smiled-"tomato when are you gonna move to my place?"- He asked me.

"Dunno, you are already living there?"- I asked him and he shook his head.

"No, what about if we move tomorrow?"- He asked me and i smirked.

"Tomorrow you are gonna be with a hangover"- I said- "And you are not gonna wake up"- He shook his head.

"I'm gonna wake up, i'm gonna be in your home at 10 am"- He said and i smiled.

" arasseo"- I said, *He's not gonna wake up so, i'm just gonna say yes haha*

We arrived to his house and then i took a cab to my house, * can i be so in love with him? haha i fell in love with a fool* I arrived to my house and i went to my softy bed and fell asleep.

 So............JI EUN IS BACKKKKKKKKKKKK!! ¬¬ AND YOU FINALLY MEET MINHO <3 <3 hohoho this is getting interesting :O


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kissmelover123 #1
kissmelover123 #2
Chapter 35: Yay forever together
Chapter 35: Omg omg omg FINALLY I WAS WAITING FOR THIS ING SINCE I KNOW THAT THEY LIKE EACH OTHER >O< omg it's so cute I'm gonna die! (Hihi agnes ^^) oh maii gooshhhhh~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I love it soooooooooooooooo~~~ (3hours later) much!!!!!
Teentopluver2584 #4
Chapter 55: I thought the ending would be a good ending but it wasn't
Chapter 56: yaaah~ i didn't expect that the end will be like this O_O good story authornim!!! seriously this is my first time read a story like this!
i have finish reading this a long time ago, but i can't help but to read it again!
author-ssi is so jjang!
Omg, i really love this story. Did you know i cried??? You're so good!
JiYoon #10
OH Gaaaawd this story is awesome !!!! You did really great :D
off to the sequel ((: