Chapter 8

I Don't Love You Anymore

Part 2



"So you're the one that they let in after only six months", he said

"Yeah, that means you're..."

"Nice to meet you I'm BEAST's leader Yoon DooJoon."

"Ah I'm Lee GiKwang I'll be a dancer for BEAST. Nice to meet you DooJoon."

"I came here to see what was so good about you. Show me what you can do GiKwang." said DooJoon while pointing to a spot in the middle of the room.

GiKwang took off his jacket went to the spot DooJoon pointed to and started to dance. The frustration he felt bottled up inside of him from the conversation you just had turned into pure passion. His turns were clean, his moves were y and his performance was perfect. When he was done DooJoon had no option but to give an approving nod, GiKwang was just really talented.


You, on the other hand, had no idea what to do. You went back to your apartment but just stood there. What were you supposed to think? Sure you were mature for your age but you were still only 19 years old. You dropped your things at the entrance and sat at the kitchen table. For the next hour and a half you went through all your options.

You DID love him, you knew he LOVED YOU, you knew that sometime in the future you WANTED to marry him so the only thing in the way was your hesitance. Then there was those stupid "terms". The more you thought about it, that would still happen if you didn't marry him. You supported him when he was recruited by the company but you expected him to be a trainee longer. If he did debut he would still have to complete schedules and would only be able to see you on free days.

The circumstances were all so it was better to say yes but you still had a feeling in your gut that said you should wait. You finally gave up on trying to figure it out yourself. Half of you wanted to say yes, the other half no, you needed a tie breaker. The tie breaker was your last resort.

You got up and called your mom. Like you mentioned before you and your family weren't close but you weren't on bad terms either. You went to her for the big things you couldn't figure out yourself, she always seemed to know what to do. But if it wasn't for those instances you would never talk to each other.


"Oh hi sweetie what's up?"

"Nothing much I just need some help...I don't know whether I should get married or not."

"You can't get married to a guy you just met! Period!"

" you have it wrong mom. I've been together with him for a year and a half and I've known him for almost two."

"Oh well that's different. He asked you to marry him?"

"Yes but I don't know if I should. Don't you think we're too young?"

"When two people marry age isn't what's most important. If it was only young people would divorce. If you've been dating him this long then you should know his faults and his personality both good and bad right?"

"Well yeah."

"And he knows yours, accepting and dealing with them?"

"Yes mom."

"If you both know each others' faults and can live with them than that's more than what other people have when they jump into marriage. If you have that and love you'll be alright."

"I see. Well....then I'm getting married."

"Oh sweetie that's great! E-mail me when its going to be okay? I have to go now but your father says hi! Love you~"

"Okay thanks mom. Love you too, say hi to everyone for me. Bye."


It was Wednesday when you and GiKwang talked and now it was Sunday and you had made up your mind. You called GiKwang over to your apartment and let him in. You two had small talk as you headed toward the living room.

"So how was your last couple days GiKwang?", you asked.

"Fine, I met a couple guys from the group."

"Oh really? What are their names?"

"I met DooJoon first. He's the leader. Then JunHyung, YoSeob, and HyunSeung. There's still another guy I haven't met."

"Are they good looking?", you asked making yourself look overly eager for the answer.

"Yah! What does that have to do with anything?!", his eyes were slightly bugged out. You laughed out loud finally making the atmosphere more normal.

"MiNah...have you thought about...", he said slightly reaching for your hand.

"...yes. That's why I called you over. I'm honestly still a little uneasy about it but I trust you GiKwang and if you think it's for the best then I won't doubt you." You closed the gap between you two not even waiting for an answer. You hugged him tightly hoping that the feeling in your gut would go away, and it did. He hugged you back running his fingers through your hair and telling you how much he loved you.


The next day he went back to the CEO to ask when you two would be married. You were so nervous waiting for the call from GiKwang about your wedding that you could hardly concentrate on your work. When your phone rang you took a break and ran outside.



"Are you ready MiNah?"

"Yes tell me!"

"Hahaha calm down. He wants to debut BEAST sometime at the end of next month, two months away, but preparation takes about a month which leaves us one month. I want to spend as much time with you as my wife as I can so if we get married next week we can spend three week together."

" week...isn't that too sudden GiKwang?"

"Maybe but it's the only way we can spend time together. I promise you won't regret it so trust me."

"Okay I trust you." From what he told you the company would take care of everything you just had to pick your wedding dress. You were okay that it would be a very small wedding. Just your family and close friends. They didn't want to take a chance that someone would spill that GiKwang was married, your family wasn't that interested in your life but they would be there and as for friends you had reconnected with them but you never talked about your relationship so they didn't even know and explaining everything would be too much trouble so you decided on not telling them.


Finally the day came.

You fell in love with the dress you chose at first sight.


The small wedding ballroom had white walls with accents of gold. There were four huge bouquets of white roses at each corner, white rose petals were scattered on the aisle your father walked you down, and the two tables, one for your family and one for his, were draped with navy blue tablecloths and had a centerpiece of white roses.


Everything went by so fast but that was okay, it was the happiest day you've had in your life so far.



Okay I know this was a long chapter so I kinda cut the end a bit but I hope it didn't turn out too bad. More importantly, you and GiKwang are married!! Okay from now on the drama really starts >.< I was building up your happiness just to crush it (I still love you though <3).

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michellemich #1
please update agaaiinnnn soon :( love this story so much!
Good job, I really like this fic. Please update soon! ^^
new reader and found it really interesting! update soon and it's time for doojoon, he suffered a lot
OH HO HO HO!!! I love Gi Kwang, but seriously, it's time to switch over to DooJoon... The girl needs someone to actually be there for her unlike what Gi Kwang is making her go through.
I love it. It's time that she ends the road with Gikwang and go to DooJoon who is always there for her. :) 39
I love how he just waits for her to get up. But now, OMG she is going to be heartbroken again T_T what is this she is way.. 38
O.M.G gikwang is a total jerk asdfghjk,;
Gaahhh! Such a short chapter! I miss you're long chapters lol..
I wasn't expecting Gikwang to be cheating on her! :( wae Gikwang?! Can't wait for the next chapterrrrr!
-kpop_bunny- #9