Chapter 32

I Don't Love You Anymore

"I can't just take his room..", you said to yourself.

You went back out  to take another look at the couch. There were food wrappers, old magazines and dirty clothes on and around it. It was just getting dark outside and you worried WooHyun would have nowhere to sleep when he came back so you started cleaning up. When all the trash was picked up you aired out the cushions the best you could. You searched the rooms and closets for the fluffiest pillows and blankets in the house. Everything was clean and as comfortable as it could be.

It  was past dinnertime and you were getting hungry but the only things in the fridge were leftover containers of delivery food, and you didn't know how long they had been there, and an empty carton of milk. It was too late to go walk around and look for places to eat so you decided to just go to bed. The jet lag was getting to you and you had spent any energy you had left to clean.

You didn't even bother changing out of your clothes, as soon as your head hit the pillow you knocked out. It was the last thing you remembered before waking up to the bright sunlight hitting you right in the face. You still felt tired but not as much as yesterday, and honestly, it was still the best night's sleep in a while.

The clock said it was already two in the afternoon, so with a sigh you rolled out of bed, JaeNi was going to be up already and you needed to talk to her. Before you went out you quickly pulled out a fresh shirt and shorts from one of your bags.

You walked up to the kitchen table, where WooHyun and JaeNi were sitting.

"Noona!", WooHyun pulled you down into one of the chairs. "I was waiting for you to get up." He had the most adorable smile.

"Thanks WooHyun but could I have a moment with JaeNi please?", she hadn't even looked at you, even though she was sitting across from you.

"Umm...okay", he got up and gave you two some space.


"For what?", she looked up and gave you a stare just as mean as the one you were giving her.

"Are you just pretending to be dumb or has all that partying finally messed up your head?", her eyebrow twitched.

"Sorry", she said in a sarcastic voice, "You're a big girl, you should be able to take care of yourself."

"You're a grown woman too JaeNi but you can't even support yourself without your daddie's help. I wasn't asking you to feed me or take care of me, all you had to do was go pick me up, but you're so irresponsible that you couldn't even do that."

"Don't talk to me about being responsible MiNah!", WooHyun's head snapped around when she yelled.

"What makes you think you can yell at me? Being a selfish brat isn't an excuse."

She put her hands flat on the table and leaned in close with a smirk on her face, "Selfish? Isn't that what they called you back when you left? Looks like those words stuck with you MiNah."

"Shut up! You and I are different, I don't care what anyone said, I didn't do anything wrong. You're the one that stumbled back home drunk every weekend, failed every class you took, and let's not forget all those things you did behind your dad's back."

"I was young and you were just jealous because no one wanted to hang out with a loser like you!"

"Just because I didn't hang out with ty girls doesn't mean I was a loser!"

"You're such a bi-"

"Chagiya!", WooHyun ran back in the kitchen yelling at JaeNi. "Remember I was going to make something for you today? Will you go to the market for me please. Here's the list." He practically pulled her away while you stayed at the table, very irritated, but you weren't going to chase after her just to argue some more.

She came back out with WooHyun a couple minutes later and walked right by without saying a word. WooHyun said a couple words to her and saw her off, you waited for him to come back inside but it was taking a while, when you looked up he was huddled up against the wall.

"What're you doing...?"

"...are you still mad Noona?"

"Sorry, did I scare you? I'm not mad WooHyun-ah so come here." He walked over with a smile on his face and sat across from you.

"You're really scary when you're mad Noona."

"I know, I tried to not let her get to me but... we probably won't talk again so don't worry."

"I know she's a little hard to get along with but she's a good person deep down."

"Really, reeeaaalllllyyyy deep down."

"Hahaha it's true though! Just get to know her a bit more, she is your cousin."

"You said you were waiting for me?", you quickly wanted to change the subject.

"Oh! I wanted to thank you Noona for cleaning up the couch for me so I was going to make you breakfast but you got up really late."

"It's the least I can do since you gave me your room", you looked around the kitchen, "but what did you make?"

He got  up and pulled some batter out of the fridge, "I'm going to make blueberry pancakes! I already made the batter but since I didn't know what time you were getting up I didn't want them to get cold. So all I have to do is cook them up."

You stuck your finger in the batter and it, "That's so gross Noona!"

"It's good! You made it, it's not out of a box?!"

"You don't have to sound so surprised.... just because I'm a guy doesn't' t mean I can't cook."

"Hahaha I'm not saying that. Let me help."

"You're just gonna end up making a mess Noona."

"That's not true, I can cook too." By the time all the pancakes where cooked both of you were covered in batter from playing around.

"Thanks WooHyun I feel a lot better." He smiled that adorable smile of his.


"Hmm?", you were concentrating on eating your pancakes. It had been more than a day since you last ate and you were really feeling the hunger now.

"Can I take you out tomorrow?"



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michellemich #1
please update agaaiinnnn soon :( love this story so much!
Good job, I really like this fic. Please update soon! ^^
new reader and found it really interesting! update soon and it's time for doojoon, he suffered a lot
OH HO HO HO!!! I love Gi Kwang, but seriously, it's time to switch over to DooJoon... The girl needs someone to actually be there for her unlike what Gi Kwang is making her go through.
I love it. It's time that she ends the road with Gikwang and go to DooJoon who is always there for her. :) 39
I love how he just waits for her to get up. But now, OMG she is going to be heartbroken again T_T what is this she is way.. 38
O.M.G gikwang is a total jerk asdfghjk,;
Gaahhh! Such a short chapter! I miss you're long chapters lol..
I wasn't expecting Gikwang to be cheating on her! :( wae Gikwang?! Can't wait for the next chapterrrrr!
-kpop_bunny- #9