Chapter 17

I Don't Love You Anymore

It hurt when he called your name. Would you have to be on the brink of heartbreak for him to call you with such concern? You lost track of time and continued to pour your heart out. Eventually he stopped calling for you or knocking on the door. After what felt like hours the crying died down. You where physically exhausted and emotionally drained from crying so much.

After gathering what little strength you had left, you got up and opened the door. GiKwang was sitting down in the hallway right outside the door. He looked up at you but didn't get up, he was afraid he would set you off again. You stepped over him and went to kitchen. You sat at one end of the table, he walked in but stood at the edge of the room.

"Sit down", it was barely a whisper but he heard you.

Your words were slurred and soft. "Will you answer my questions GiKwang? No yelling, no fighting, no walking away, just one question and one answer."  You saw him nod his head.

"Where did you say you were last night?"

"There was a meeting with the writers from a show I'm going to host. After we went to dinner." His voice was also soft but all around was dead quiet making it loud enough to hear.

"Who was here last night?"

"I sent DooJoon to check up on you."

"Why did you send him?" Neither of you were looking at each other.

"I thought you would be...upset so I asked him to come explain why I had to leave." His voice was still a whisper.

"Why did it take all night?"

"They wanted an answer on the spot. I said yes and we went over the entire script right then. The dinner started late so it ended late."

"You could've called. You had enough time to call DooJoon." Your voice didn't change. You weren't accusing him you just wanted to know.

"...I'm sorry." You didn't go on to your next question. You wanted to understand his thoughts. What was so important that he would leave you by yourself and not look back?

" you still love me?" Your voice cracked a bit.

"I know you don't want me to touch you but I love you just as much as when I met you, when we started dating, and when we got married." He looked up and into your eyes. You didn't doubt it but you just wanted to hear it.

"You know you smell bad right?"

He looked at your face change. It went from defeated and exhausted to the MiNah he recognized.

You pinched your nose, "You smell like cheap perfume!" Seeing you be somewhat playful lifted the mood. Even when you first smelled it, him cheating never crossed your mind. No matter how little you saw him or he saw you, you believed with all your heart he could never cheat on you.

He flashed a look of genuine shock, "Me?!" He bent over a bit and sniffed his sweater. "Most of the writers are women and I sat next to one of the other hosts. Her perfume was really strong. Plus everyone's sweaters were put into one pile. But there are other guys there."

"When does this job start?", your voice went back to a whisper. A new gig meant more time away and you didn't know how much of this you could take.

"Immediately." That feeling in the pit of your stomach started coming up and you let out a sigh.

"MiNah I'm also going to take an offer for a drama. I'm going to be even busier and to be honest I can't say for sure when the next time I see you will be. Give me a couple months and I promise I'll keep my schedule clean so it'll be just me and you."

"How many months?"

"3, 4, 5 at most." 5 months? You hardly felt you could stand another day let alone 5 months. That's another half year practically and it was too much to ask.

"You can't keep asking for extensions GiKwang. That's time your taking away from our marriage and from my LIFE. Do you think it's easy waiting that long?"

"I'm sorry MiNah just wait a little while longer. I'll make it better, I promise."

"Your promises got us to today." You looked him straight in the face, the look in your eyes said that you were tired of promises.

He took off his jacket, walked up to you and pulled you up from the chair, because you had no heels on he looked down to talk to you, "This is the last time I'll ask you. When I get the full schedule I'll mark the calendar. On that day you and me will lock ourselves up in some closet and spend every second together."

You chuckled. Not just because of the pabo thing he just said but because he expected it to be that easy. Either way, what choice did you have? You couldn't let yourself give up on your marriage even if you were tired of working at it. Besides he just gave you something specific not just 'wait a little while longer', an actual time frame.

"If it doesn't happen there'll be hell to pay GiKwang", you took a step forward and wrapped your arms around him. There was nothing more to discuss. He knew how you felt and he told you what he would do for you. The next five months seemed an eternity away but it was one you had to go through, this was your life and there was no changing it, you only had to cope and make the best of it.

The two of you cleaned up and went to bed despite it being sometime around noon. He pulled you close to him so your bodies were touching. One of his arms was your pillow the back of your head while the other held you close by the waist. You fell asleep hearing him whisper loving words in your ear.

But just like he said he would, when you woke up he was gone.



Awwww my cat is sleeping by my feet right now >.<

Anyway, DooJoon is going to be a love interest, by popular demand, but don't worry I won't make it sloppy or make him out to be a home wrecker (for you DooJoon lovers). If you don't like it...sour grapes i guess >.<

P.S. If you REALLY don't like it please don't try anything funny! I know a ninja lol (you know who you are *wink wink*)

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michellemich #1
please update agaaiinnnn soon :( love this story so much!
Good job, I really like this fic. Please update soon! ^^
new reader and found it really interesting! update soon and it's time for doojoon, he suffered a lot
OH HO HO HO!!! I love Gi Kwang, but seriously, it's time to switch over to DooJoon... The girl needs someone to actually be there for her unlike what Gi Kwang is making her go through.
I love it. It's time that she ends the road with Gikwang and go to DooJoon who is always there for her. :) 39
I love how he just waits for her to get up. But now, OMG she is going to be heartbroken again T_T what is this she is way.. 38
O.M.G gikwang is a total jerk asdfghjk,;
Gaahhh! Such a short chapter! I miss you're long chapters lol..
I wasn't expecting Gikwang to be cheating on her! :( wae Gikwang?! Can't wait for the next chapterrrrr!
-kpop_bunny- #9