Chapter 36

I Don't Love You Anymore

As Gikwang leaned in, his arms coiling around your small waist like snakes, for a split second he looked like a different person. His smile turned into a smirk with none of the innocence that it showed before, his touch felt rougher, his chest like a trap that wouldn't let you go once it had you, and of course his kiss was more passionate.

"We're not the same people we were", you thought. Still, being with GiKwang again made you happier than you could ever feel without him, he continued to crush his lips on yours.

His hands dug into your waist, making sure you couldn't get away, not that you were planning to, but it was leaving a sore feeling and you knew you would bruise if he continued so you slithered your hands up his chest onto his shoulders and around his neck, up into his burgundy-colored hair.

Grabbing a chunk of his red hair you pulled back on it, hard, he grunted in pain but he let out a chuckle.

"Nappeun yeoja", he said with a playful voice while you smiled.

"I didn't mean to pull that hard", you said between giggles. GiKwang slid his hands up from your waist tracing your back up to your arms around his neck until he had your hands in his.

"Oh!", he pulled your hand off his shoulder and looked at it with a smile. The diamond ring sparkled on your finger, then you lifted the other hand, the gold ring was just as beautiful.

"You didn't have to get me all these things GiKwang."

He kissed you on the forehead, "You deserve it", his face became very serious, "I've hurt you so bad and you don't have to forgive me if you don't want to but I promise if you do I'll make it all better."

"I never doubt you GiKwang. I'm a woman and sometimes I get emotional but it's not because you did something wrong, I just get lonely sometimes."

He squeezed your hands, "Tell me you forgive me...for everything."

"I forgive you." He let out a dramatic sigh of relief.

"There are more surprises!"

"Ok now it's too much GiKwang. This apartment is too big and I don't need a car."

"They all have a purpose MiNah. Turn around", GiKwang covered your eyes with his hands and gently pushed you forward," walk straight ahead. I'm not staying at the dorm anymore I'll be with you but I still need to be close, it also has security, if anyone finds out you're my wife I don't want you by yourself if I'm not with you. Now turn left. The car is so you can come meet me whenever you want, turn right and open the door. The jewelry is because I love you", he let go patiently waiting until you could focus your eyes on the countless boxes of clothes, shoes, bags, dresses, "and these are so you can look pretty when we go out."

His words made you smile like a child. For the first time since your troubles started he was finally understanding what it is that you want. He wasn't replacing himself with the gifts instead he was using them to make himself closer to you.

"I'm really happy."

"I'm happy too MiNah."

"GiKwang...", you leaned on his shoulder.


"I'm tired. You wouldn't mind if I took a shower and went to sleep?"

He chuckled, "It's long as I can help", he tugged at the edge of your shirt.



Alrighty, here you go~

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michellemich #1
please update agaaiinnnn soon :( love this story so much!
Good job, I really like this fic. Please update soon! ^^
new reader and found it really interesting! update soon and it's time for doojoon, he suffered a lot
OH HO HO HO!!! I love Gi Kwang, but seriously, it's time to switch over to DooJoon... The girl needs someone to actually be there for her unlike what Gi Kwang is making her go through.
I love it. It's time that she ends the road with Gikwang and go to DooJoon who is always there for her. :) 39
I love how he just waits for her to get up. But now, OMG she is going to be heartbroken again T_T what is this she is way.. 38
O.M.G gikwang is a total jerk asdfghjk,;
Gaahhh! Such a short chapter! I miss you're long chapters lol..
I wasn't expecting Gikwang to be cheating on her! :( wae Gikwang?! Can't wait for the next chapterrrrr!
-kpop_bunny- #9