Chapter 10

I Don't Love You Anymore

Obviously disappointed that he had to go, you decided on making the best dinner you possibly could. You weren't the overly romantic or mushy type but you'd be damned if you didn't get any romantic time with your husband.

You got up about 10 o'clock took a shower and straightened your hair. It was almost waist length now and looked like black silk. You wore a simple white tee, dark wash jeans, and 5 inch grey suede heels. Your clothes hugged your body accentuating your small waist, looking in the mirror you gave a satisfied look. It looked effortless but chic.

You went to the market and picked out ingredients for Fettuccine Alfredo with chicken and broccoli. One of the hobbies you picked up was cooking and you were really good at making pasta now. It took you a while picking out the ingredients since you were going to make the entire thing from scratch. None of that canned crap.

A/N- Take a guess at what I feel like eating right now >.<

By the time you took a cab back home it was lunch time so you put the bags in the fridge and had a light lunch. You set about cleaning the entire apartment making it look pretty for tonight. Everything looked so nice you decided to wear something pretty for tonight too even if it was only dinner at home. You searched the entire closet but found nothing to wear.

"I wanna look pretty too! I'll go to the mall and pick out a nice little dress," you called a cab, put your 5 inch heels back on and went back outside.



Meanwhile at CUBE all the members of BEAST were rounded up and were sent on location to a mall where they would take some pictures. The image they were going for was casual, approachable (but very hot) guys. GiKwang was getting along well with all the other members and staff. He was an easygoing guy that just made the mood better wherever he went.

You had bought a fitted, navy blue, knee length dress with cute little caps sleeves. It was a good deal and looked really y on you, now you were just walking around looking in the shop windows.


"Hey look at that girl. She's really y", JunHyung said tapping DooJoon on the shoulder. The guys were standing in front of a store that sold fashionable shoes and hats, it was opposite of the stores you were looking into so they had a good view of you.

"Hahaha you're not the only one who thinks so", DooJoon replied pointing to the line of guys that turned their heads to watch you walk by. By this point all the other guys, except GiKwang who was busy looking at a hat with NY stitched on the front, turned and were checking her out too.

"Hey GiKwang you'd hit that right?", JunHyung turned GiKwang's head to look at you. His eyes bugged out when he saw you were the one they were talking. What were you doing here?! Why was everyone checking you out?!

"Look she's a freaky one!", said JunHyung, again, when you walked in a lingerie shop.

"Hyung!", yelled GiKwang. JunHyung was surprised,"What?"


GiKwang's POV

What the hell what is she doing?!

"You shouldn't talk like that about people! Especially not girls", that's all I can think of right now. I sure can't tell them to stop fantasizing about my wife! If she went out she should be at the market not here. Since when have guys checked her out so much, damn.

"Chill GiKwang, I'm not going to just talk about her behind her back. I'll tell her to her face", I want to punch that smirk right off your face hyung.

"Look she's coming out! I'll go talk to her now," JunHyung was already walking towards her when I pulled him back. "What the hell?!"

"Oh sorry hyung but the shoot is starting now!". Good thing it did I didn't have anything to say.



You went back home and started preparing dinner at 7. It would take about an hour and a half so it was going to be a late dinner but that was okay you expected him to be a little late. Dinner was ready and you were all made up with your new dress and pretty makeup. It was getting kind of late and he wasn't home yet, you were getting worried. 9 o'clock passed, then 10, then 11 when you finally decided to call him.

It went straight to voicemail like it was turned off. It was too late to eat dinner even if he came home now so you wrapped the plates up and put them in the fridge. You waited in the living room now. It was midnight and he still wasn't home. You had a mix of disappointment, anger, and worried feelings in the pit of your stomach.

Finally the anger became stronger than everything else and you went to bed at 1 in the morning. You woke up at sound of a door slamming. You looked over at the clock and saw it was 3 in the morning. He made no effort to keep quiet so you expected he was going to come and apologize to you but when he got to the bedroom he stomped his way to the bed and layed down. You could smell the stench of alcohol, meat, and cologne off him. 

It was too late to start a fight and you had a feeling he was drunk so you let it go just until tomorrow.

The next day he didn't get up until noon.

"Babe why weren't you in bed?", he says as he walks into the living room where you're watching TV.

"It's too late to be in bed. It's already noon GiKwang."

"But I wanna hold you!", he walked over and threw himself next to you.

"GiKwang go take a shower, you smell."

He was surprised at how cold you were being. "Is there something wrong MiNah?"


" this about last night? I'm sorry I was caught up with work and then I couldn't refuse a dinner with the president. Please understand me MiNah-yah." He grabbed your hand and started caressing it.

"I understand you, I really do but I still feel hurt. I waited for you until 1 in the morning and you didn't even call me. I'm trying to forget it about because it'll continue being like this huh?". He looked down and nodded.

"I'll make it up to you right now!". He went and took a quick shower and took you to a cute little shop that sold waffles shaped like hearts.

The rest of your vacation was like this. Whatever few moments you had with GiKwang were interrupted by his work and next time you saw him he was trying to make up for it. You were happy whenever you were with him but lonely again when you weren't. You were looking forward to going back to work, it gave you a distraction.



Yay I got another subscriber XD You guys make me so happy! I'm sorry I know this chapter D: Next chapter is really good promise! About JunHyung, to any die hard fans, I'm sure he's not like this in real life but I needed a ert and he was the first to come to mind hahaha. Nothing against him you see?

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michellemich #1
please update agaaiinnnn soon :( love this story so much!
Good job, I really like this fic. Please update soon! ^^
new reader and found it really interesting! update soon and it's time for doojoon, he suffered a lot
OH HO HO HO!!! I love Gi Kwang, but seriously, it's time to switch over to DooJoon... The girl needs someone to actually be there for her unlike what Gi Kwang is making her go through.
I love it. It's time that she ends the road with Gikwang and go to DooJoon who is always there for her. :) 39
I love how he just waits for her to get up. But now, OMG she is going to be heartbroken again T_T what is this she is way.. 38
O.M.G gikwang is a total jerk asdfghjk,;
Gaahhh! Such a short chapter! I miss you're long chapters lol..
I wasn't expecting Gikwang to be cheating on her! :( wae Gikwang?! Can't wait for the next chapterrrrr!
-kpop_bunny- #9