Chapter 19

I Don't Love You Anymore

DooJoon walked up and stood between you and JunHyung, blocking you from him. You hadn't seen him when you searched the place a couple seconds ago.

"Hey DooJoon I found us some pretty girls to talk to", his voice changed from when he was talking to you, he was trying to act innocent.

"That's okay I don't want to bother them. We'll just go back to our table", he sounded rushed. Knowing DooJoon he was probably trying to get JunHyung away from you. He motioned for JunHyung to get up.

"Wait don't go, why don't you join us? There's still an empty seat", you reached for his sleeve and tugged at it, you smiled at him and gestured him to sit in the seat across from JunHyung. He turned to you and looked a little confused. You mouthed to him, "It's fine." He walked around the table and sat down, you didn't take your eyes off him and your smile never faded. The other two noticed how unusually sweet you were acting. JunHyung started drinking out of the cup he brought over to you. And Ji Eun was looking around.

"What brings you two here?'', you asked but only looked at DooJoon.

"I'm here as a chaperone really. Just making sure no one gets into any trouble", he took a quick look at JunHyung.

You nodded your head, "I see. Are you having fun?" He was obviously confused by your question, "Umm....I'm okay. But what are YOU doing here?"

"Girls night." You kept smiling. To anyone else it might seem like you and him are flirting but to the two of you it was just a friendly conversation, although he was wondering what you were really doing here. He stayed quiet for a second, " know..there's a little patch of garden right outside."

"Oh is there really? I'd like to see it", you looked over at Ji Eun, she gave you a shoulder shrug and then a nod. DooJoon got up and pulled your chair out so you could stand up. You followed him out to a small patio with potted plants and flowers all around. Before you could even sit down on a little bench that only fit two people, "What are you doing here, seriously?", his voice was serious.

"For a girls night, seriously", you patted the empty spot next to you. He sighed and sat down. "You shouldn't come to places like this MiNah, it's not safe."

"I just didn't want to be home alone."

"You could've gone somewhere other than a bar though. Guys don't expect a girl to come to a bar to just drink, if you get what I'm saying", you could see the genuine concern in his eyes as he warned you.

"Okay DooJoon I'll keep that in mind."

"Good. GiKwang wouldn't be okay with you coming out to bars."

"He wouldn't even notice. He took two more jobs."

 He was a surprised at how blunt you put it, "Yeah I know."

"He even told me he doesn't know when he'll see me again", your stared at a little plant by your feet. He didn't say anything, leaving a long silence.

"MiNah, why do you do it?"

"Do what?", you looked back up at him.

"Stay. I've seen people leave each other for a lot less. You don't have any kids that need a father and you're young enough to start over if you wanted to." What he was saying made sense. You had no kids, you were only 20, and you would have a chance at a normal relationship.

"DooJoon, if you found a girl that you loved with everything your heart was capable of, a girl that you would give up everything for, a girl that you would spend the rest of your life with, would you give up so easily? If you were in my place would you say 'it's too hard' and leave just like that?", even if what he had said made sense, it never crossed your mind. You loved GiKwang too much to leave him.

He stood up, pulling you up with him. He stepped forward and gave you a hug, "You're a good girl. Don't worry about it too much, everything will turn out just fine." His hand the back of your head.

"Ah! I never got to thank you for looking after me. It was just what I needed", you backed up just enough for him to see your smiling face. You didn't tell him what happened after though.

"Don't worry about you usually drink like that? I mean you were drinkning right now too."

"..not really, just sometimes."

"When you get bad news, sometimes?" Right when you about to answer him JiEun walked out.

"MiNah, let's go." It had gotten pretty late and she had to go to work in the morning. You nodded to her and she walked back in.

"Sorry DooJoon but I have to go. I really do feel a lot better than when I came out though hahaha." You were a little sad that you couldn't stay and keep talking with DooJoon but you felt okay with going home now. Talking to him about your feelings for GiKwang gave you the determination to wait, now it didn't seem like such a big deal anymore. He smiled and walked you back the table where JiEun was waiting for you, she was talking to some guy you didn't recognize. You looked at the bill and took out your wallet.

DooJoon pushed your hands back down and paid the bill for you. "You don't have to do that. It was my way of thanking Ji Eun for taking me out." He walked you and Ji Eun out to the car. "I wanted to so don't worry about it." He smiled and opened the door for you, while you were getting in he turned to Ji Eun and said goodbye to her. Right before he closed the door he said one last thing, "I'll call you tomorrow."

When you left he let out a sigh. How could GiKwang ignore you like that? He thought everything was fine with your marriage, seeing as how GiKwang was pretty much his usual cheerful, pabo self. He couldn't stand a girl suffering like that, especially one he knew.

"If I had known sooner maybe I could've done something to help you...", he whispered to himself.





I know I usually update once a day but I've been having writer's block :/  Anyway we're close to the begining of the end (this time for real lol) and I'll be dropping hints! Take a guess at what's gonna happen next >.< Feel free to comment about it but I won't spill the beans no matter how much you ask! XP Luv ya <33

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michellemich #1
please update agaaiinnnn soon :( love this story so much!
Good job, I really like this fic. Please update soon! ^^
new reader and found it really interesting! update soon and it's time for doojoon, he suffered a lot
OH HO HO HO!!! I love Gi Kwang, but seriously, it's time to switch over to DooJoon... The girl needs someone to actually be there for her unlike what Gi Kwang is making her go through.
I love it. It's time that she ends the road with Gikwang and go to DooJoon who is always there for her. :) 39
I love how he just waits for her to get up. But now, OMG she is going to be heartbroken again T_T what is this she is way.. 38
O.M.G gikwang is a total jerk asdfghjk,;
Gaahhh! Such a short chapter! I miss you're long chapters lol..
I wasn't expecting Gikwang to be cheating on her! :( wae Gikwang?! Can't wait for the next chapterrrrr!
-kpop_bunny- #9