Chapter 16

I Don't Love You Anymore

The buzz calmed you down enough to think back to the beginning of your relationship. At the beginning you were unsure and this is why. Here you were with no one by your side and no way out. You've been with him two and a half years, the last one constantly changing yourself to suit him. How many times was this that he promised to be with you more? How many times has he asked you to trust him? Every time he promised you something it would get better for a while but become worse in the end.

You finished the bottle and went to bed despite it being way too early. Sometime that night you felt someone check up on you. He felt your forehead, brushed your hair to the side, and pulled the covers up. All the alcohol you drank made you too drowsy to open your eyes. The only person it could be was GiKwang but he smelled different. His hand was warmer too. He sat down next to you and started running his fingers through your hair, it felt so good you grabbed his hand and put your cheek on it.

It was big and comforting. A tear made its way down your face. GiKwang never did this for you anymore but at this moment you felt loved. He slipped his hand out of yours and wiped your tear away. When he got up you expected him to get into bed with you but instead he walked out. You wanted to call him back but your body felt very heavy from drinking so much. Almost immediately you drifted off to sleep.

The next morning you got up expecting to see GiKwang there but he wasn't. It was often now he wouldn't come back home all night because he had some schedule but he was here last night wasn't he? Getting up was tiring, your body felt really sore and you still smelled of alcohol. You heard the door open and ran to go see if GiKwang was leaving.

To your surprise he was actually coming back, he was in the clothes he wore yesterday. He looked up at you but didn't even smile he just walked past you and went in the kitchen. You followed him already slightly annoyed. Did he already forget he was the one that ditched you on your anniversary?

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm just tired. I was up all night with writers. I took the hosting job." He went to the fridge and took out a water bottle. You could see that tired was an understatement to what he was. He had taken such good care of you last night you wanted to do the same. You grabbed a glass out of the cabinet and poured the water into it for him.

"Thanks MiNah. I'm sorry I know I'm being a jerk right now. "

"It's okay. We'll get through this. We always do." You walked behind him and sat him down at a chair. You rubbed his shoulders and back for a while giving him some relief. After a few minutes he got up pulled you into for a big hug.

You smiled expecting the same warmth you felt last night but you couldn't be more wrong. You felt your stomach drop. He smelled like a mix of booze, meat, and perfume. Nothing like last night. You immediately pulled away and looked at him in complete shock.

" were with me last night right?" The color drained from your face.

""Huh? No I had a meeting and dinner with the writers from the show. What's wrong MiNah you look sick!" He grabbed your shoulders and shook you a little.

"Weren't you here with me?! Tell me you were here!"

""MiNah calm down! Last night I sent DooJoon over to check up on you. I already told you were I was. What's wrong?!" This was too much, you felt so overwhelmed you could hardly breath. You didn't deal with your emotions yesterday you just drank them away and they were coming back, on top of that now he tells you he didn't even come home last night.

Something inside you snapped. Your mind went blank and you lost all strength. You hit the floor and started sobbing. Nothing was important anymore, there was a crack straight down the middle of your heart and a knot in your stomach. You crying was filled with all the sadness, desperation, loneliness and frustration you kept inside for the last year.

GiKwang was frozen in shock. He thought you would be a little angry that's why he was ignoring you at first but he wasn't expecting this. The way you were crying was making his heart squeeze in pain. He admitted it was his fault whenever you two had a fight but he didn't know it hurt you this much.

"MiNah please stop crying. I'm sorry", he squatted down and brushed the hair in your face behind your ear. Your face was buried in your hands muffling your sobs a bit. He tried to pull you into a hug but the stench coming off his shirt made you sick. It made your stomach turn and twist.

You pushed him away. You grabbed a chair next to you and pulled yourself up while keeping the other hand over your mouth. You wanted to stop crying but you just couldn't. You made your way into the bedroom and locked the door behind you. The pain in your chest was almost unbearable but crying made it better. You knelt by the bed and cried into the sheets, balling up your hands above your head.

"MiNah please open the door! MiNah! Open up!" GiKwang jiggled the doorknob but it wouldn't open.

"MiNah open the door damn it! It's my fault I'm sorry just open the door!", he slammed his fist against the door. You jumped a little but it only made you cry louder. Your sobs filled the entire apartment.

He kept pleading for you to open the door for him but you didn't want to see him. Not right now.



Sad right? T.T

Ok guys I want to start adding DooJoon into the story more but a few of you don't want him as a love interest. So this is your chance to tell me what you want or I'll just run with it lol.

Should DooJoon be a love interest or just a loving big brother type?

P.S. I'll be really sad if you ignore me like last time D; I'm the needy type. JK (but not really) lol

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michellemich #1
please update agaaiinnnn soon :( love this story so much!
Good job, I really like this fic. Please update soon! ^^
new reader and found it really interesting! update soon and it's time for doojoon, he suffered a lot
OH HO HO HO!!! I love Gi Kwang, but seriously, it's time to switch over to DooJoon... The girl needs someone to actually be there for her unlike what Gi Kwang is making her go through.
I love it. It's time that she ends the road with Gikwang and go to DooJoon who is always there for her. :) 39
I love how he just waits for her to get up. But now, OMG she is going to be heartbroken again T_T what is this she is way.. 38
O.M.G gikwang is a total jerk asdfghjk,;
Gaahhh! Such a short chapter! I miss you're long chapters lol..
I wasn't expecting Gikwang to be cheating on her! :( wae Gikwang?! Can't wait for the next chapterrrrr!
-kpop_bunny- #9