
Dance Sarang

A week of training with Mark has already passed. I have to admit, training was actually very wonderful. What kind of word was that? What I mean was, this week was freaking awesome. Should I tell you? Ok, I'll tell you about my freaking awesome week with Mark. It's just, being around him makes you feel a few things....

The first day of training was mostly rules, expectations, blah blah blah. Honestly I didn't think that Mark had any rules or was in any way strict. "I don't have any strict rules or anything," he said. "I guess for today we'll focus mostly on each other instead of dancing." He flashed a deadly smile. "I don't want to be know as just your dance trainer. I want us to be friends because then we'll both be able to express or dancing with each other ok?" I nodded yes. "Swag," he said. He's been saying that ever since we started talking. I think it's his word for "cool" or "awesome". Well whatever it's for it's soooo cute! 

So for the rest of that day we just sat down and talked mainly about ourselves. You know, just to let us have some info on each other. I've learned many things about Mark that day...

Mark is in many ways very similar to me. He's been taking classes since he was little. He wanted to dance for a living so he had a friend that had an uncle from that company. He got him to recommend him after an audition to see if he was worthy. He went through all the steps it took to be a teacher and here he was now. "Who was your trainer?" I asked. "Jay," he said. "He's also my friend's uncle." Then I told him how Jay and I were really close too.

"Can we ask each other questions?" he asked. "Nae," I said. "What do you wanna know?" He thought about what he wanted to ask me. "Well... Are you dating anyone?" He was staring at me waiting for my answer. WHAT THE HECK?!?!

Why was he asking me such a question? Was this guy a player? Or did he fall for me just now? I honestly haven't done anything to make him want to ask me out. Aish! How about I just answer him and see what happens then, ok good, let's go with that. "Well, no...um...why do you ask?" I said. Now it was my turn to stare at him waiting for an answer and I so needed an answer. "I'm sorry. I know it was a private question, but I was just wondering because I don't really want anything to happen to your relationship because of me." He looked away with a distant look in his face. "What are you talking about?" I asked. I didn't get it. Why would he ruin my relationship, even though I wasn't in one, but still. "Well... it's a long story. But, I was just checking because I don't want to answer to any dude's fist because I was spending a lot of time with his girl." I laughed at this for some reason. "Also I wanted to check because, you and I are gonna spend as much time together as we can, because you my friend are gonna archive your dream. Just like I achieved mine." With that note he smiled.

Training is every week day from 1:00 to 4:00. That means three hours of fun, dancing, training, and... Mark. Mark is really fun to hang around with, because he makes you feel that you're not alone and that you've always got someone near you when you need them. He also likes to play around. So this is how a regular training day would start off: "Ok, random dance to get loose, for two songs! And go!" He would play two of some of the most random songs that he can think of. It's funny cause he has a playlist full of random songs on his phone. We would both dance some of the most random moves to get loose for the day. Songs like Harlem Shake, Teach Me How to Dougie, and Gangnam Style. It was so hilarious. By the time the two songs were over we would both be rolling on the floor laughing out loud. Jay was in the next room and he would always come in to check if we were sane or not. 

After getting loose, we would start off with doing some choreography that we've done in the past. Mark was learning a new choreography on his own and show me a few of the moves. I would always do some of my past favorites or some that he could pick up really quick and dance along with me. After doing about two or three of those we would talk about what song and what kind of choreography we should do in the Show What You Got night. Did I mention Mark and I are gonna do it together? Anyways, everyone has to perform with their trainer. I can't wait for that night.

My favorite day of the week was Friday. I could sense that Mark was hiding something from me thoughout my training because he couldn't stop smiling. What was this dude planning? It was nearing the end of training and I think he looked like he was about to blow up. When it was over he finally did. He grabbed my hand without any warning whatsoever and ran until he reached a staircase. "Ya! What's wrong with you!?" I was both angry and shocked from having to run with his hand tightly holding mine. "Just follow me and close your eyes too." I just obeyed and he led me up the stairs. "Ok you can open them now." I opened my eyes and I saw something utterly amazing. We were on the roof, but it wasn't just the roof. It was the roof, transformed. There were lights and ribbons and streamers and a banner that read "Congrats on your first week Rhyth!!!". I was so happy and amazed at that moment. It wasn't a party with food and other people. I saw a huge speaker and I already new what Mark had planned. It was a dance party, for just the two of us. "You did this all for me!?" I asked Mark, still a little stunned. "Of course! We need to celebrate this!" I couldn't help myself and I think Mark was expecting it too. I gave him a huge hug. "Kamsamnida!!!" I yelled. "Yeah yeah," he said. "Now let's party!"

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Justmaili #1
Chapter 55: Awww cute! Mark trying to be all brave and whatnot ^^ cant wait to see the couple tee!
edu_love #2
Chapter 55: Is there more? I really like this story!!!
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 54: I love this story!!! It has a lot of fluff which I like! Hope you can update ASAP!
Justmaili #4
Chapter 54: Yes Madtown feature!!! I was really hoping u were using them when i saw Jaeho then it was confirmed with Jota! Haha woohoo!
Thx for the awesome update authornim!
Justmaili #5
Chapter 53: Haha cute!! Mark being all cheesy n whatnot >.< haha cant wait to see their reactions when they skydive!
kawaiimacaron #6
Chapter 53: love the update!
Justmaili #7
Chapter 52: Gahhh authornim! Thx for this update! mark being all cheesy >_< omo hes sooo cute tho…
Thx again! Cant wait for ur next one!
Aireko #8
Chapter 52: Great sadness, much tears! Yes my English is fantastic!
Aireko #9
Chapter 52: How can u say that the end is Almost near!!! U hav to write on the chapters of marks dares for the week they don't have training! And u have to write about the show they have for becoming a dance teacher! And u hav to write about their life afterwards! There's so much how could u say it's almost finished! ;(
Aireko #10
Chapter 51: It's so cringe-worthy from all the cheesy-ness I can't stahp reading it!!!