Don't You Get It

Dance Sarang

Mark's POV:

I looked through the rearview mirror to confirm what I saw. Rhyth was hugging a guy. Who is he? I wasn't going to let this just pass by. I made a U-turn and stopped in front of Rhyth's house. They were still hugging so I honked on my horn. Both jumped at the sudden honk of a horn.

I studied the guy more closely now that I could see him more clearly. He was tall. He looked to be about my age. His brown hair was slicked back handsomely. I had to admit, he was pretty good looking. So what's he doing here with Rhyth? My Rhyth?

"Do you know this guy Na Hyun?" he asked Rhyth. Wait, did he just call Rhyth by her real name? Shouldn't Rhyth be scolding him right now? Or at least hitting him? I thought she hated being called by her real name.

"Oh oppa, this is Mark. I told you about him right?" Rhyth said. She smiled and ruffled his hair. 

She called him oppa too? I knew this guy wasn't her brother. She honestly told me one time that she only had one sibling. And that was her little brother. She even told me once about how she always dreamed of having an older sibling.

"Oh so this is your current boyfriend huh?" he said. "Hi, I'm Oh Sehun." He outstretched his hand for me to shake. I took it, but I was boiling inside. 

He said, "Current boyfriend." So does this mean that Rhyth and him used to date? She never really told me about her past relationships. 

I couldn't help feeling entirely confused. Why is he here? Who is he? What's his story with Rhyth?

"So what are you doing here Mark?" Rhyth asked. I almost forgot she was there. For a minute or two, all I did was send him death glares.

"Um nothing," I said. "I just saw you as I drove past and decided to stop by and say hi. Well, gotta go now." 

I all of a sudden had the urge to leave them alone. To escape this awkward situation entirely. I knew my jealous boyfriend instincts were kicking in again, but I just couldn't help it. I couldn't control whether or not to be jealous during situations like these. 

"Ok?" Rhyth said, clearly confused. "Bye Mark." She reached over and pinched my cheeks.

"Nice meeting you." Sehun said. He waved me goodbye.

"You too." I said. I drove off feeling as many feelings as ever.

Rhyth's POV:

I didn't know why Mark was acting so strange. I decided to let it slide from my mind for a while.

Wow, I haven't seen Sehun in a really long time. He's been really busy lately. I envy him so much because he's a trainee at one of the biggest companies in the country.

Every time he'd call and tell me all about it, I would always whine and say that I hated him. I never meant it of course, that I hated him. I'm just jealous, that's all. But of course, I was extremely happy for him and his success. I still supported him either way.

I hugged him so tight when he payed a surprise visit. I missed him so much. He was one of my most favorite people in the world. He would always make me smile. He's always there for me when I'm bored. I really missed my Sehunnie.


I woke up feeling frustrated as I heard my phone ringing. I checked the time. Sure it was a little past the afternoon, but I wanted more sleep. More rest. I immediately thought it was Mark, so I answered it without checking the caller ID.

"Mark," I whined. "I'm sleeping. I can't go out with you today."

"Who's Mark?" the caller asked. I then shot up from bed when I realized it wasn't Mark that called. I took my phone off my ear for a moment to check the caller ID.


"Hello? Na Hyun are you there?" he asked through the phone. I forgot he was still there. I was too busy feeling extremely happy inside.

"Yes yes oppa! Why haven't you called in a while?" I asked. I don't even remember clearly the last time he called. Let alone the last time he visited. All I could see of him are his selcas that he posts on various social media networks. But they were never the same. I wanted to see him in reality. Up close. Not through a computer or phone screen.

"Sorry Na Hyun, you know I'm busy." he said. "But I have a surprise package waiting for you on your doorstep."

"Mwonde?" I asked excitedly. He sighed.

"It's a surprise pabo," he said. "Just go see it for yourself."

I jumped out of bed and put on my robe. I stomped noisily down the stairs to get to the front door. My parents watched me from the living room with confused looks on their face. 

I threw open the door to see nothing on the welcome mat. Maybe it wasn't here yet? Or maybe it was placed somewhere else? I walked around until I spotted a car parked on our driveway. Someone was leaning on the car. He was checking the time on his phone. He sighed in frustration. He was always impatient. He hasn't changed. At least I hope he didn't change. Entirely.

"Oppa!" I yelled at him. I ran up to him and practically threw myself at him. He caught me and spun me around in a huge embrace.

~End of Flashback~

I looked up at Sehun. Wow, he's surely grown taller since the last time I saw him. Also thinner. No worries, I'll make him eat. Muahahahha...

I reached over and punched his arm. That's what you get for not talking to me in so long.

"Ow, what was that for?" he asked as he rubbed his arm.

"You and I have a lot to discuss Sehun." I said. "But first we should go inside. My parents thought I was a pabo when I ran downstairs earlier." We laughed.

"You missed me that much?" he asked as we walked to the front door.

"What about you? You practically picked me up and spun me around when I hugged you." I said. He threw his arm around my neck.

"I missed my Na Hyun too." he said.

It felt nice hearing him say my name. I only allowed him to say my real name. When we met, I told him my real name. During that time, I wasn't known as Rhyth yet. When I told him about my nickname, he didn't want to call me that. He argued that he wanted to call me Na Hyun and Na Hyun only. I finally gave up and let him have his way. I still hated him calling me that, but I got pretty used to it. 

Mark's POV:

I felt a little hesitant about whether or not I should still go on with this. With this plan. I know it's a little extreme to drop this plan entirely, but it seems like Rhyth's week is already reserved by someone.

I felt like talking to her right then and there, but I knew I couldn't do it with him standing right there.

But something inside me told me that I should carry on with this plan. I should continue my tasks for next week. It's as if something's telling me not to give up. Not to back down on this plan. Who knows, all this jealousy could all be for nothing. I'm still hurting inside from what I just witnessed, but I knew that I still had to fight. Fight for Rhyth. Fight for us.

I continued on with my tasks. Some things I didn't have to worry about. They'll be taken care of on the date and time Rhyth and I actually do them. I got started with one of my favorite parts about next week. The Missions.

For each day next week, I'll be giving Rhyth a mission. She has to solve the mission within the hours we spend with each other. I'll try to make them as challenging as I can. This is surely gonna be fun.

Rhyth's POV:

Sehun chatted with my parents for a while before I dragged him to my room. He plopped down on my bed. I couldn't help noticing how tired he looked. His training was probably more intense than mine. I really hoped he still got a ton of rest.

"Yah talk!" I said. I lied down next to him and pushed him a little to get him to talk. 

"What about?" he said. He smiled teasingly. I rolled my eyes. I wanted him to talk as much as he can before he left.

"First of all, why can't you stay longer?" Sehun could only stay for a few hours then he was off to his company again. 

"I told you already," he said. "I'm getting ready to debut soon, so I need to work as hard as ever to make sure my debut goes smoothly. You don't want me to embarrass myself in front of the whole world, wouldn't you?"

"Eh it's fine with me," I said. "I'll just say that I don't even know you." We laughed. Sehun and I launched ourselves into a lengthy conversation. Sehun finally brought up Mark during our conversation.

"So your boyfriend Mark," he said. "Tell me about him."

"Well Mark is my trainer at the company. That's how we met. Mark is actually a lot like me. He shares the same passion I have for dancing. Our dancing styles are so alike in many ways. He really gets me when it comes to dancing. Whether it's the choice of song or the choreography, he really knows how I feel, what I'm thinking." I said.

"Do you think he's the one?" he asked me. "From what you've been telling me about him so far, it seems like you two are perfect for each other. Like nothing could ever break you two apart." 

"I honestly don't know," I said. "Mark and I aren't the perfect couple. Mark easily gets jealous when he sees me with another guy. Like seriously, even if he sees me talking to another guy, he would get jealous. Sometimes it's cute, but sometimes it gets pretty annoying." Sehun laughed at me.

"What's so funny?" I asked in defense. I didn't say anything funny. At least I think I didn't.

"Oh, Na Hyun," he said. "That's just how guys are. They easily get jealous even for the simplest things. That also shows how much Mark likes you. He sounds pretty protecting over you. Am I right? That's just how guys are to the girl they love. You can't blame him for being jealous. Just remember that he loves you and he should think the same. That you love him too."

"Wow Sehun," I said. "Seriously, how did you get so experienced in relationships and such?" We laughed. I knew I wasn't being serious at the moment, but I couldn't help feeling curious.

"I know what you mean now Sehun," I said. "You're right."

"You bet I am." he said.

I shut the front door after I said goodbye to Sehun. He stayed for a good eight hours or so. It felt great to see him again. I missed talking with him again. Especially really long conversations. I'm glad we had the chance to have one again. 

He promised me that he would come see me on Show What You Got night. I made him promise about ten times before he left. We wished each other the best of luck. I wished him luck on his career as an idol. He wished me luck on my career as a dance teacher. I explained that I wouldn't become a dance teacher unless I won on Show What You Got night.

"I know that," he said. "But I know you too Na Hyun and I know that you'll surely win. I just know it."

I went upstairs and got ready for bed after bidding my family goodnight. I climbed in bed after I finished my nightly routine. I checked my phone for any missed calls. There were none. I thought that was strange. I usually expected at least one missed call from Mark. Or at least A call from Mark, but he didn't call me at all today.

I wasn't that tired so I decided to call Mark. Plus talking to him before I went to sleep, helped me rest peacefully. I guess hearing his voice brings happy thoughts to my mind. He didn't answer on the first call. I tried again and he didn't answer again. Is he avoiding me right now? Did I do something to get him mad? I tried one more time and this time, on the fourth ring, he answered.

"Yeoboseo." he said.

"Hey Mark," I said. "What's up? What have you been up to today?"

"Nothing really," he said. "Sounds like you had a lot of fun today."

I noticed a tinge of hurt and jealousy in his voice. Is this about what happened earlier today? When he saw me and Sehun? Is Mark jealous?

"Mark," I said. "I know you're upset. I know when you're upset. What's bothering you?"

"I don't know," he said. "I felt like someone stole my Rhyth today." I could tell he was trying to lighten up the mood by saying that. It actually worked on me. I thought it was cute how he made our relationship seem like he owned me. And when someone else spends time with me, he'd say that I was stolen from him. Mark was such a dork sometimes. He was my dork.

"Mark is this about Sehun?" I asked. "Were you jealous when you saw us hugging earlier today?" I remembered what Sehun told me. I remembered to be understanding of Mark and his utmost jealousy.

"Will you be mad if I told you I was?" he said. I laughed.

"Nope I find it highly amusing Mark." I said.

"You think it's funny that I'm jealous?" he said in confusion and disbelief.

"Yup," I said. "Very."

"Why?" he asked, clearly confused.

"Mark don't you know? I thought you would've figured it out by now." I said.

"What do you mean?" he asked, clearly still confused. I sighed. I really have to explain it to him, don't I?

"Mark my name is Oh Na Hyun. His name is Oh Sehun. Don't you get it? Mark he's my cousin." I explained to him.

"Ooooooooooh," he said. I laughed at his sudden revelation. 

~ Ooh long one today right? Hehe, did any of u see that coming? XD Sorry if any of u aren't fans of Sehun. I just thought of a kpop idol that had Oh in their name and I thought of him. Hehe XD. Please continue to read my story. And please don't unsubscribe my story. ^^

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Justmaili #1
Chapter 55: Awww cute! Mark trying to be all brave and whatnot ^^ cant wait to see the couple tee!
edu_love #2
Chapter 55: Is there more? I really like this story!!!
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 54: I love this story!!! It has a lot of fluff which I like! Hope you can update ASAP!
Justmaili #4
Chapter 54: Yes Madtown feature!!! I was really hoping u were using them when i saw Jaeho then it was confirmed with Jota! Haha woohoo!
Thx for the awesome update authornim!
Justmaili #5
Chapter 53: Haha cute!! Mark being all cheesy n whatnot >.< haha cant wait to see their reactions when they skydive!
kawaiimacaron #6
Chapter 53: love the update!
Justmaili #7
Chapter 52: Gahhh authornim! Thx for this update! mark being all cheesy >_< omo hes sooo cute tho…
Thx again! Cant wait for ur next one!
Aireko #8
Chapter 52: Great sadness, much tears! Yes my English is fantastic!
Aireko #9
Chapter 52: How can u say that the end is Almost near!!! U hav to write on the chapters of marks dares for the week they don't have training! And u have to write about the show they have for becoming a dance teacher! And u hav to write about their life afterwards! There's so much how could u say it's almost finished! ;(
Aireko #10
Chapter 51: It's so cringe-worthy from all the cheesy-ness I can't stahp reading it!!!