
Dance Sarang

I love horror movies.

Especially when they're actually scary. I hope MAMA was actually scary.

Well...scary enough to scare me anyway. It's really hard to scare me. Not much things scare me actually. I'm cool with bugs. Clowns are eh. Monsters and ghosts are psh. Yeah, I'm pretty much fearless.

*Sings that Taylor Swift song*

But, Mark and I have never even talked about horror movies before. And I think I know why...

Mark thinks that since I'm a girl, I'm scared of almost anything. He knows that I won't object when he says we're gonna watch a horror movie. 

He wants to watch the movie with me and then whenever I get scared he would comfort me. Making him seem fearless and amazing.

I hate to spoil his plan before it even starts. So, I think I'll just give him a break today. I'll act scared for him.

The movie started. As it progressed, I started to get into the story. It was actually a pretty cool story. 

The movie finally ended. Oh man, I didn't even act scared. Well, it's really hard to act scared of this movie anyway. It was a lame excuse of a horror movie.

It wasn't even scary. I started to laugh. This was my usual reaction every time I got done watching a horror movie. 

"Is it over yet?" Mark said.

Wow Mark. Really? I turned to see Mark and I saw him curled up on the side of the couch with a blanket near his face. Aww...

I laughed some more. This is too cute a moment to stay quiet. I couldn't help myself. Was that even his plan? I thought he was supposed to comfort me? 

I didn't even noticed that he was in that position. I think I was too into the movie to notice. I should've been the one doing the comforting after all.

"Shut up," he said.

"Sorry, hahaha," I said. "Wow, I didn't know you got scared easily, hahahaha!"

"That wasn't actually my plan," he mumbled.


"Nothing," he said. It's ok, I heard him anyway. See? I was right after all. 

"Sorry Mark. I should've told you. I'm pretty much fearless," I said.

"Whatever... So, fearless you say?" he said.

"Yeah, there's nothing really that scares me," I said. 

"Ok then, how about we play something?" he said.

"Sure, what should we play?" 

"Truth or Dare."

"Sure, let's do it," I said. I was actually pretty excited. What could go wrong?

"Ladies first."

"Truth or Dare."


"I dare you to call my parents and tell them that I'm at your house right now."

Mark started to worry. Haha, he can't do it huh? Am I gonna win that easily?

"Ok fine, I'll do it." 


He took out his phone and dialed the number I recited to him. Wow, he's really gonna do it? Let's see how this is gonna play out...

"Put it on speaker phone." I said. He did. My dad answered. Aish, not good. Not good at all. You better have a plan up your sleeve Mark because I'm not gonna save you from this one. 

"Yeoboseo," my dad said.

"Hello, your daughter sir, is at my house right now." 

Really? That's it? Mark.... My dad's gonna think some guy abducted me or something. Can you be more specific?

"What? Oh are you calling from BamBam's house? If you are, then yes, I already know that. Her mother told me right after they got off the phone," my dad said.

Count yourself lucky Mark. Good thing there's an excuse for this situation. I thought my dad was gonna get a heart attack or something.

"Uh yes!! I mean, yes... I am calling from BamBam's house. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of her whereabouts sir. Thank you," Mark said then he hang up. He let out a sigh of relief. I did too.

"Hey, what are you so nervous about?" Mark said. "This was your plan anyway."

"I honestly didn't know that you were gonna do it," I said. "Also next time, be more specific Mark. You made it seem like you kidnapped me or something."

"Ok moving on... Oh it's my turn," he said.

"Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to prank call Jay."

"Psh, no problem."

I didn't want to tell him, but I actually did it before. Jay and I used to prank call each other all the time. I called Jay using Mark's home phone. He said that he didn't give Jay his home phone number.

"Yeoboseo," Jay answered. Hmm, what voice should I do this time? Ooh! Got it!

"You think you're a good dancer?" I said. But I said it in a voice that was similar to Mark's. It's actually pretty similar. I looked at his reaction. He was surprised, but I can see a hint of amusement in his face.

"Mark? And yes, I do think I'm a good dancer." Jay said. He actually believes it's Mark!?

"Well, just so you know..." I thought about what to say next. "I'm a better dancer than you!" I quickly hung up before he got to say anything else. I bursted out laughing.

"Haha I can't believe he thought it was you!" I said.

"I can't believe you told him that! I could probably get fired you know!" he said. He looked worried.

"It's ok Mark. Jay's not like that," I reassured him.

"Ok then, your turn Rhyth." 

"Ok, Truth or Dare."


"Tell me about your first kiss." Oh yeah. I was actually pretty curious as to how his first kiss was like.

"Well, it went like this:"

"So I followed this girl around because I wanted to tell her I was sorry for doing something she didn't like. Then she walked to a dark alley. She shouldn't have went there because a guy came out and grabbed her. So I acted like a super hero and saved her. After saving her, she acted really strange when she saw me. I didn't know what was up. So I kept bugging her until she finally told me. Then it ended up being a confession as well. And we talked more then I finally had the guts to kiss her. Her lips were so soft and smooth. They were perfect. She was perfect. Overall, my first kiss was absolutely perfect."

Wait.... Huh? So I was his first kiss?!

"Me? I was your first kiss?!" I said in astonishment. I couldn't believe it. But secretly, I felt happy. 

"Yup!" he said happily. I started to smile. Then the smile grew wider and wider and wider until I thought it was gonna stay like that forever.

"Ok! It's my turn now!" Mark said. Someone's impatient...

"Truth or Dare."

Hmm, I wasn't in the mood to tell about my first kiss... So Dare it is then!


He smiled like he knew I was gonna pick that. What are you up to this time?...

"So I kissed you first on the lips. Now I want you to kiss me first on the lips." he said.

Oh Mark...

~ Hi! So I watched the movie and I included my reaction of it. So what Rhyth thought about it was what I thought about it. I didn't include any descriptive scenes for those of you who don't like horror movies.

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Justmaili #1
Chapter 55: Awww cute! Mark trying to be all brave and whatnot ^^ cant wait to see the couple tee!
edu_love #2
Chapter 55: Is there more? I really like this story!!!
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 54: I love this story!!! It has a lot of fluff which I like! Hope you can update ASAP!
Justmaili #4
Chapter 54: Yes Madtown feature!!! I was really hoping u were using them when i saw Jaeho then it was confirmed with Jota! Haha woohoo!
Thx for the awesome update authornim!
Justmaili #5
Chapter 53: Haha cute!! Mark being all cheesy n whatnot >.< haha cant wait to see their reactions when they skydive!
kawaiimacaron #6
Chapter 53: love the update!
Justmaili #7
Chapter 52: Gahhh authornim! Thx for this update! mark being all cheesy >_< omo hes sooo cute tho…
Thx again! Cant wait for ur next one!
Aireko #8
Chapter 52: Great sadness, much tears! Yes my English is fantastic!
Aireko #9
Chapter 52: How can u say that the end is Almost near!!! U hav to write on the chapters of marks dares for the week they don't have training! And u have to write about the show they have for becoming a dance teacher! And u hav to write about their life afterwards! There's so much how could u say it's almost finished! ;(
Aireko #10
Chapter 51: It's so cringe-worthy from all the cheesy-ness I can't stahp reading it!!!