
This is Love

Minho and Su Jeon have been seeing each other for a week now. Su Jeon helped him remember some of the things he forgot about High School, and one of them was that they once had a date together. Of course, Minho felt embarrassed because he didn't remember...

''Oppa...'' As soon as Minho heard Su Jeon calling for him, he turned around to face her, but was blinded with a camera flash. ''Smile!'' Su Jeon chuckled and then pulled down the camera to see the picture.

Minho went to stand behind her and pulled the camera out of her hands grip. ''I look...Delete!'' He said without hesitation.

Su Jeon shook her head and quickly took the camera far away from Minho. ''Ani! This picture is awesome!'' She said with a smile.

''Yah! You wouldn't like if someone took a bad picture of you, right? Delete it now, Su Jeon, or else...''

''Or else what, oppa?'' She asked, challenging him.

''Or else I chase you around the Mall.'' He said without thinking.

''You wouldn't do that - at least not when its full of people watching.'' Su Jeon shrugged.

Minho raised an eyebrow.

''But...I wouldn't mind running away with the camera, the problem is that you wouldn't chase.'' She laughed.

''Oh, really?''

''Yup.'' She smiled. ''Not in a Mall.''

Minho took a few steps closer to her, but she was right - Minho wouldn't like to run around a mall like a child, he would feel embarrassed. Su Jeon took a step back.

''If you get any closer, I'll take another random picture from you.'' She smiled.

''You wouldn't dare - '' before he could even finish speaking, the flash came out again.

''Haha! You look so funny!'' Su Jeon laughed while seeing the picture.

''YAH!'' Minho shouted and took a step closer, but Su Jeon ran away. '' Su - Su Jeon!'' Minho shouted.

She was right, Minho wouldn't chase behind her...



''Good morning, Ms. Kim,'' Jaejoong said and then kissed your neck. He's been calling you like that for your whole honeymoon, he didn't seem to get tired of it. ''Aren't you hungry?''

You turned around in bed and pulled Jaejoong's head down to give him a peck on the lips. ''A little bit. Is my hubby going to cook?'' You asked and then stretched your arms and legs.

He smiled. ''What would you like?''

You smiled back. ''My favorite!''

''Of course,'' Jaejoong laughed. He stood up from the bed and covered his waist and down from there with another blanket. Seeing Jaejoong , made you remember about yesterday night. You sat up on the bed as soon as Jaejoong was out of the room, and wore his shirt.

You ran a hand through your hair and then looked around the room. It was beautiful. This place was beautiful. (Imagine where you would like to go for your honeymoon).

''Let's do something today before we go back home, ne?'' Jaejoong said while walking back into the bedroom.

You smiled and nodded. ''Araseo... I don't want to leave!'' You pouted.

''Then we can stay longer,'' Jaejoong said and came to sit next to you on the bed. ''Would you like that?''

''Ani. We've got to go see the doctor, Jae.'' You said and then put your hand on your belly. ''I want to know if its a girl or a boy.''

''I know its a boy.'' Jaejoong said with a nod.

''How come? What if its a girl?'' You asked.

''It doesn't matter if its a boy or girl, I'll still love our baby. But...I have a feeling that its a boy.'' He smiled.

''Nu-huh, I think its a girl.''


You shrugged.

''You just want to argue with me.'' Jaejoong shook his head. ''Okay, wanna bet?''

''Yah! You want to bet about our child?'' You asked. Jaejoong shrugged. ''Okay, I say the baby's a girl.''

''And I say its a boy.''



''Su Jeon! Stop!'' Minho said while panting. After a couple of seconds later, Minho decided to chase after her. He didn't care about what people would think about him.

''Omo! You did chase me?'' Su Jeon asked surprised.

''And you said I wouldn't.'' Minho said with a smile, but he was still panting.

Su Jeon laughed and nodded. ''I guess I was wrong.''

''Su Jeon, would you like to have lunch with me?''

Su Jeon smiled and nodded. ''That would be great, oppa.''

@NinjaLunara123: Yeah! ^^ Haha, he did. OFFICIALLY MS. KIM!

@lalalalala: Haha, she will! ^^ I'm glad, thanks.

@ivylicious18: MINHO <3 keke ~

Leave some comments, ne? ^^

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Chapter 40: I totally loved this story,eventhough it's been(I don't know when you finished it) much later than when this ended I just decided to look for your stories (since I LOVED "Right in front if you") well I love Jaejoong,I guess that's why too haha but hell yeah your stories (the plot and the way you write) is just so awsome and makes me feels like I'm living it,I guess because of the way you write it :) anyway thanks for the story (I know it's late lol) I'll upvote anyway ; ) ♡♡♡
redblossom07 #2
Chapter 39: omfg! i burst out of laughing when Yuna wants to play cars than dolls bwuahahahahahahahahaha!

nice story btw ^^
shinsookyo #3
daebak <3
koreankendi #4
Waaaah!!! Great fic!!! :D <br />
Yey for the really nice ending!!!
KPOPlover05 #5
It’s done already? T.T Why I haven’t seen this such a great fanfic? <br />
OH Hell Yeah~ My problem really is when I’m reading done/complete fanfic, I’ve got so many predictions and most of them indeed happened. Like Minho to be with SuYeon,. <br />
Jae and ______ son (HyunSu) and Minho and SuYeon’s child. HAHA! That was epic, They’re so young to have kissed.<br />
Happy Ending **Confetti** <br />
Btw, could you make Minho and SuYeon fic? PLEASE ! *Am I asking or demanding? XDD* <br />
SaffyMaffy #6
Aww sad that it end :( your story is awesome and i like it! :D I love happy ending! ^^
awww its done allready >.< but i want more!
heechulgirl4ever #8
yeay, she still eneded with Jae hihi great story :)
akuhaya #9
thanks for the happy ending<br />
You're a good writter,,i'll wait for your other story :)
Xcassie4lifeX #10
i reaally liked the ending! it was cute n funny, im happy for minho, and ofcourse Jaee~ :D great job with the story (Y) i will definitly read ur other stories ;)