More Drama

This is Love

''Move out of my house right now!'' Jaejoong shouted.

Even though you were in the bathroom you could still hear that. You were about to step out of the bathroom and scold Jaejoong for treating your friend that way, but as soon as you heard Minho speaking, you stopped and stayed in there -listening to their conversation.

Minho gave him a half-smile and raised an eyebrow. ''You know, I won't ever leave this place until ____ tells me to do so.''

''Everything about your apartment was a freaking lie, wasn't it?'' Jaejoong was still glaring at him. ''I just can't understand how can you be such an idiot. Ho ____ is getting married in less than a month. You don't have any chances for her to go back with you.''

''I'm not so sure about that, Jaejoong. Besides, if you think that I don't have any chances, why are you so nervous about me staying here?'' Minho dared.

Could Jaejoong be more mad with Minho?

''Because the idea of you being here simply bothers the hell out of me.'' Jaejoong answered. ''And your attitude--''

''Let's not talk about us.'' Minho interrupted him. ''Look, do you want to know the reason why I keep bothering your life? Because I know I can make ____ happier than you could ever make her. And in my opinion --''

''No one here cares about your freaking opinion!''

''In my opinion,'' Minho continued. ''____ is making a big mistake in marrying you.''

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Did Minho really wanted to start a relationship with you? Wae? You two have known each other for so long and, the time when you're engaged then he decides to pop out and fight for you?

Jaejoong was quiet. He knew that what Minho said was a lie, he didn't have to ask anyone about it. You weren't making a mistake by marrying him, and neither was he.

''Minho, do you know why you really want ____?'' Jaejoong asked. Minho raised an eyebrow, actually curious about what Jaejoong wanted to say. ''Because you know you can't have her. Let me ask you something, Minho...let's say that ____ leaves me...''

When you heard that you shook your head. You weren't going to leave Jaejoong. Why was he even saying those things?

''...and she goes with you. What will you do with her? You're going to start a relationship with her just after her break-up?'' Jaejoong asked.

Minho shook his head. ''That's a big mistake, Jaejoong. Let me tell you what's going to happen. When ____ leaves you for me, then I'll be there for her, always, no matter what, and then, the two of us will start our own relationship.'' He said reassuringly. ''And you'll be nothing to her...''

You quickly walked out of the bathroom before things got worse and acted as though you didn't hear their conversation.

''____,'' Minho smiled and turned to look at you.

You smiled back. ''I'll go cook dinner.'' You said. ''Jaejoong, why don't you rest while Minho helps me in the kitchen?''

~ That Night ~

It was already late and still Jaejoong hasn't come to bed. You turned to look at your alarm clock, it was already 12 p.m. You grabbed your jacket and put on your slippers as you walked out of the bedroom. You saw the living room's lights on and walked towards there.

''Jaejoong?'' You asked and stepped into the living room.

Jaejoong was asleep. His head was resting on his paperwork that was on the table. You leaned against the doorway and just stayed there looking at Jaejoong. A few seconds later you stood behind him and ran your hand through his hair. That woke him up.

''Hmm? What?'' Jaejoong asked as he straightened up on his chair.

''I was starting to feel lonely back in our bedroom.'' You whispered and leaned down to hug him.

Jaejoong yawned and nodded. ''Sure, I'll get this done and go to bed.'' He said and grabbed a pen.

''Anniyo, Jae, you're tired. It's already mid-night.'' You said and took away his paperwork. ''Come to bed with me.''

''I can't. I need to finish those papers. Give them back to me, ____.'' Jaejoong ordered.

''Jaejoong...'' You said kind of mad. Why didn't he want to go to bed with you?

[Jaejoong's POV]

''____, I don't have time for this. This isn't going to help me finish earlier.'' I said kind of stressed. What I needed now was just some time for myself and not to worry about anything.

How I wished Minho would have never come back from wherever he was!

I couldn't read ____'s expression. Was she mad or sad or what? I really wanted for things to go back to normal when we were the 'perfect' couple, but things have changed now.

My work is not more important than ____, but I really need to finish those paper right now...

____ nodded. ''Okay, if that's what you want. If you prefer working instead of going to bed with your fiancée...'' She turned around, and I spoke again before she could leave.

''I'm leaving to Japan for a few days.'' I said looking down at my paperwork.

I noticed that ____ had stopped walking away, she remained still.



I don't get what's going on right now. Jaejoong's been acting really cold after the conversation he had with Minho. Does he really think that I am going to leave him?

''When? How long have you known about it?'' I asked as I turned around and went to stand across from him. ''Jaejoong, our wedding is two weeks from now!''

Jaejoong nodded. ''I'll tell my boss that I need to come back ealier because of my wedding.''

He talks as though he doesn't have any feelings at all! For God's sake, does he really think I'm going to leave him?


''Because I can't refuse to this. I've already talked with my boss, he needs me for this.''

''And I need you too! I'm your 'yeobo'!''

''I'm sure that while Minho's here you'll be happy...'' Jaejoong murmured really low, but I still heard him.

''What!?'' I asked annoyed.

Jaejoong shook his head. I'll just try to make myself believe that he's really tired and doesn't know what he's talking about!

''You know what? I don't really get why the two of you hate each other so much!'' I complained. ''You two don't even know each other!''

''Well ____, why don't you go ask him then?'' Jaejoong said standing up and raising his voice. ''You think I'll just get along with him when I know that he wants you to leave me!? When he desires you so much!? How the hell do you want me to act when he's around and I know all that stuff!?''

Wah, Jaejoong's really stressed right now and he has decided to go to Japan, but what's the real reason behind it?

I'm thinking about writing a few more chappies and then the end... What do you think?

@Sameaknaaa: Haha, is it because of the things going on between Jaejoong and Minho or Jaejoong and ____?

What did you think about this chappie?

[Comment  Hope you enjoyed]

NOTE : I think I'm not going to update next week at all because of the exams. I really have to study. Please be patient, araso? As soon as my exams are over, I'll update more quick ^^

Please wish me good luck for my exams!

If I pass this exams then I'll have more chances to not do the last bimester exams and update more since I won't need to study for those last exams if I get exempt!

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Chapter 40: I totally loved this story,eventhough it's been(I don't know when you finished it) much later than when this ended I just decided to look for your stories (since I LOVED "Right in front if you") well I love Jaejoong,I guess that's why too haha but hell yeah your stories (the plot and the way you write) is just so awsome and makes me feels like I'm living it,I guess because of the way you write it :) anyway thanks for the story (I know it's late lol) I'll upvote anyway ; ) ♡♡♡
redblossom07 #2
Chapter 39: omfg! i burst out of laughing when Yuna wants to play cars than dolls bwuahahahahahahahahaha!

nice story btw ^^
shinsookyo #3
daebak <3
koreankendi #4
Waaaah!!! Great fic!!! :D <br />
Yey for the really nice ending!!!
KPOPlover05 #5
It’s done already? T.T Why I haven’t seen this such a great fanfic? <br />
OH Hell Yeah~ My problem really is when I’m reading done/complete fanfic, I’ve got so many predictions and most of them indeed happened. Like Minho to be with SuYeon,. <br />
Jae and ______ son (HyunSu) and Minho and SuYeon’s child. HAHA! That was epic, They’re so young to have kissed.<br />
Happy Ending **Confetti** <br />
Btw, could you make Minho and SuYeon fic? PLEASE ! *Am I asking or demanding? XDD* <br />
SaffyMaffy #6
Aww sad that it end :( your story is awesome and i like it! :D I love happy ending! ^^
awww its done allready >.< but i want more!
heechulgirl4ever #8
yeay, she still eneded with Jae hihi great story :)
akuhaya #9
thanks for the happy ending<br />
You're a good writter,,i'll wait for your other story :)
Xcassie4lifeX #10
i reaally liked the ending! it was cute n funny, im happy for minho, and ofcourse Jaee~ :D great job with the story (Y) i will definitly read ur other stories ;)