Ch. 26

This is Love

You guys spent all morning in the yacht, and finally playing volleyball in the beach during the evening.

''____!'' Changmin shouted when the volleyball hit you on your head. He was the first one who immediately ran to you and pulled you into his arms. ''Are you okay? Dongsaeng-ah, say something!''

''Yah! Look what you've done Onew!'' Junsu shouted and then ran towards you.

Now, all of them were standing around you. You opened your eyes and saw eight heads around you, and all of their eyes on you.

''Angels ~ '' You smiled and touched one of their faces, which was Taemin's.

''Ah ~ Noona!'' Taemin said and took your hand into his as he pulled his face away from your hand. He was now blushing.

''You hit your head really hard.'' Key said with a laugh. Taemin turned to glare at him.

''You okay?'' Minho asked as he helped you stand up. You slowly stood up with his help and also Changmin's.

''Ne, nothing to worry about.'' You said and went to sit down under the beach umbrella.

''I'm kinda tired. I'll go sit down.'' Minho said as he followed you.

Yunho turned to look at Taemin and once again gestured for him to come closer. Taemin heaved a sigh and went to stand in front of him.

''I know, I know.'' Taemin said tiredly. He crossed his arms and started to think about another plan.

''Yah! I thought you said you knew what to do!''

''What? I thought mission one would be enough.'' Taemin shrugged. ''Maybe you know something about her past? I mean, when she used to hang out with Minho...''

''Why would I need to know about her past?''

''Because maybe there used to be a girl who Minho really liked.''

''I don't think so. What if that girl was ____?''

''Then I don't think she would be marrying Jaejoong now.''

''Yah! What is that supposed to mean?''

Taemin shook his head and rolled his eyes. ''Give me a few minutes to think about a plan, arasso?'' He said and then left.

l a t e r

''What are we going to eat?'' Changmin asked as he sat down on the couch. Everyone was tired after a long day.

''Too bad Jaejoong didn't come with us, he could be cooking right now.'' Junsu said as he lied down on another couch.

''I could cook.'' You shrugged. ''Besides, Jae taught me how to.''

All of them turned to look at you. ''You would?''

You nodded. ''Why not?''

''Want me to help you out?'' Key asked as he closed the magazine he was reading.

You nodded. ''Sure!''

An hour and a half later

''Whoa, it smells goooooooooood!'' Changmin said as he took a seat between Yunho and Junsu.

''Bon appetit!'' Key said as he sat down and started to serve the food.

All of you talked about whatever that came to your mind during dinner. At last Jonghyun and you stayed in the kitchen to wash the dishes. Yunho wanted to help, but you insisted that you didn't have a problem doing it.

''How did you and Minho met?'' Jonghyun asked as he helped you out.

''He was the first kid who talked to me when I was the new girl.'' You said with a smile.

''Oh! I see...'' Jjong said and nodded.

Suddenly, you bent forward with your hand pressed against your belly. Sure it wasn't a contraction, how could it be if you were not even close to nine months pregnant?

''____?'' Jjong asked as he bent down in front of you. ''You okay?''

You shook your head and ran towards the bathroom, closing the door behind you as you started to throw up.

''Yunho! Something's wrong with ____.'' Jonghyun shouted as he ran to the living room. All eight of them ran towards the bathroom and waited for you outside.

''Dongsaeng-ah, want me to check on you?'' Yunho asked as he slightly knocked the door.

''Ani! I'm fine. It's normal for a pregnant woman to throw up after eating, right?''

''Eh...I'm not sure...'' Taemin said.

Minho shook his head. ''This wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for Jaejoong.''

''I wonder if the baby is a boy or a girl.'' Onew said randomly.

''Yeah, ____ is pregnant!'' Taemin said stating the obvious. But, he couldn't help but to wonder what does Minho think about it...

Mission Two will be next chappie! ^^

@Xcassie4lifeX: Haha! Thanks! ^^ I'll try to update asap with mission 2

Leave some comments, ne? ^^

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Chapter 40: I totally loved this story,eventhough it's been(I don't know when you finished it) much later than when this ended I just decided to look for your stories (since I LOVED "Right in front if you") well I love Jaejoong,I guess that's why too haha but hell yeah your stories (the plot and the way you write) is just so awsome and makes me feels like I'm living it,I guess because of the way you write it :) anyway thanks for the story (I know it's late lol) I'll upvote anyway ; ) ♡♡♡
redblossom07 #2
Chapter 39: omfg! i burst out of laughing when Yuna wants to play cars than dolls bwuahahahahahahahahaha!

nice story btw ^^
shinsookyo #3
daebak <3
koreankendi #4
Waaaah!!! Great fic!!! :D <br />
Yey for the really nice ending!!!
KPOPlover05 #5
It’s done already? T.T Why I haven’t seen this such a great fanfic? <br />
OH Hell Yeah~ My problem really is when I’m reading done/complete fanfic, I’ve got so many predictions and most of them indeed happened. Like Minho to be with SuYeon,. <br />
Jae and ______ son (HyunSu) and Minho and SuYeon’s child. HAHA! That was epic, They’re so young to have kissed.<br />
Happy Ending **Confetti** <br />
Btw, could you make Minho and SuYeon fic? PLEASE ! *Am I asking or demanding? XDD* <br />
SaffyMaffy #6
Aww sad that it end :( your story is awesome and i like it! :D I love happy ending! ^^
awww its done allready >.< but i want more!
heechulgirl4ever #8
yeay, she still eneded with Jae hihi great story :)
akuhaya #9
thanks for the happy ending<br />
You're a good writter,,i'll wait for your other story :)
Xcassie4lifeX #10
i reaally liked the ending! it was cute n funny, im happy for minho, and ofcourse Jaee~ :D great job with the story (Y) i will definitly read ur other stories ;)