Mission Two

This is Love

''I want cheesecake!'' You mumbled as you lied down on the couch.

''Yah! You just threw up, ____.'' Junsu said sitting close to you. ''Are you alright now?''

You nodded. ''I want cheesecake!''

''Okay, okay!'' Junsu said putting his hands up. ''I'll go see if we have some.''

Minho smiled and shook his head as he saw Junsu walk out of the living room. He then when to sit down where Junsu was before. ''Hey, you okay?'' He asked as he leaned down, his elbows on his knees.

You nodded. ''Yeah, that was nothing.'' You said. ''Can you believe that some of my skinny jeans don't fit me anymore? I can't be that pregnant, I think I'm getting fat.''

Minho rolled his eyes. ''It is because you're pregnant, sweetie. You have a child who's growing inside you every day.''

''That sounds creepy.'' You said randomly. ''A child growing inside me!''

Minho chuckled, but then he shut up and looked at you concerned. ''You don't look well, ____. You okay?''

You nodded. ''I'm just feeling tired. Actually, I'm really tired! I read in Internet that this is one of the symptoms of being pregnant, nothing to worry about then.'' You shook your head and then chuckled humorlessly. ''I can't wait for the future constant visits to the bathroom!'' You said sarcastically, referring to another symptom.

''I don't get how you can act so calm about it.'' Minho shook his head. ''Nothing to worry about?'' He repeated. ''What if it is not a sympton but you're actually sick? Being tired is not something good.''

''Minho, I'm the one who's pregnant, but you're the one who's acting like one!'' You said. ''JUNSU! MY CHEESECAKE!''

Minho let out a laugh. ''Talking about acting like one. I guess you're just going to tell me that this is another symptom.''

''What?'' You shrugged. ''You know it is! Food craving is a symptom! Everyone knows that. Also swollen or tender s.'' You commented.

''Okay...'' Minho said losing interested in the topic.

While the two of you were talking about pregnancy symptoms, both Yunho and Taemin were spying at the two of you from the kitchen.

''WAIT A MINUTE!'' Junsu shouted back after he heard your shout. ''Where the hell is the cheesecake?''

''We don't have any.'' Changmin pouted. ''I want cheesecake too!''

''How can we have none!? There's a pregnant woman who wants to eat it! How are we going to calm her down if we don't give her what she wants?'' Junsu asked.

''Whoa ~ I can't imagine how you'll act when your future wife gets to be pregnant.'' Key shook his head.

''Taemin! C'mon, mission two now!'' Yunho said.

''Okay. Mission two: let the two of them talk to each other.'' Taemin said nonchalantly.

''What?'' Yunho raised an eyebrow. ''You're kidding me, aren't you?''

''Nope. Look, those two are talking with each other and Minho seems to understand her. Besides, Minho knows that Jaejoong will always mean something and be part of her. She's pregnant with his child.'' Taemin tried to explain.

Yunho heaved a sigh. ''These 'missions' of yours better work, Taemin...''

''Or what?'' Taemin asked.

Yunho just turned to glare at him. ''You'll regret it if ____ and Jaejoong don't get married!''

''KIM JUNSU!'' You shouted from the living room.

''IN A MINUTE!'' Junsu shouted back from the kitchen.

Key turned to look at Junsu and laughed. ''Oh Junsu...''

''Do you have a name for the child already?'' Minho asked, interested in the topic of pregnancy again.

You shook your head. ''Nope, nope, nope! What do you think the baby will be?''

''I hope it's a baby girl.'' Minho said with a smile.

''Wae?'' You asked curious, and smiled too.

''Because...I don't know.'' Minho shrugged. ''I'm sure if it's a girl, she would be really cute.''

You smiled and nodded. ''Ne, I agree.''

The story won't be over yet, it still has more chapters to come. But, question:

Do you want the baby to be born before the story ends?

Leave some comments, ne? ^^

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Chapter 40: I totally loved this story,eventhough it's been(I don't know when you finished it) much later than when this ended I just decided to look for your stories (since I LOVED "Right in front if you") well I love Jaejoong,I guess that's why too haha but hell yeah your stories (the plot and the way you write) is just so awsome and makes me feels like I'm living it,I guess because of the way you write it :) anyway thanks for the story (I know it's late lol) I'll upvote anyway ; ) ♡♡♡
redblossom07 #2
Chapter 39: omfg! i burst out of laughing when Yuna wants to play cars than dolls bwuahahahahahahahahaha!

nice story btw ^^
shinsookyo #3
daebak <3
koreankendi #4
Waaaah!!! Great fic!!! :D <br />
Yey for the really nice ending!!!
KPOPlover05 #5
It’s done already? T.T Why I haven’t seen this such a great fanfic? <br />
OH Hell Yeah~ My problem really is when I’m reading done/complete fanfic, I’ve got so many predictions and most of them indeed happened. Like Minho to be with SuYeon,. <br />
Jae and ______ son (HyunSu) and Minho and SuYeon’s child. HAHA! That was epic, They’re so young to have kissed.<br />
Happy Ending **Confetti** <br />
Btw, could you make Minho and SuYeon fic? PLEASE ! *Am I asking or demanding? XDD* <br />
SaffyMaffy #6
Aww sad that it end :( your story is awesome and i like it! :D I love happy ending! ^^
awww its done allready >.< but i want more!
heechulgirl4ever #8
yeay, she still eneded with Jae hihi great story :)
akuhaya #9
thanks for the happy ending<br />
You're a good writter,,i'll wait for your other story :)
Xcassie4lifeX #10
i reaally liked the ending! it was cute n funny, im happy for minho, and ofcourse Jaee~ :D great job with the story (Y) i will definitly read ur other stories ;)